Chapter 4

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Ann woke up to the sound of birds twittering and the morning sunlight kissing her face, but she rolled over, facing the opposite way.

Did she really have to get out of bed? Perhaps she'd just stay there.

She made no notion to move and stared at the wall, without any fleeting thoughts.

Her eyes blinked when she heard a muffled bang, then blinked again when there was a louder bang. She could hear people yelling some.

She rolled back over and looked at her clock.

The same clock that was there when...

She pushed the thought out of her mind. It was about ten thirty.

Another bang.

Her father couldn't be making that much of a ruckus in the kitchen. 

Now louder yelling.

She sat up and slid her legs out from the bed. The noises moved from the front part of the house, along the side, towards the back. She could hear screaming, but... not human screaming. 

She approached the window and looked outside.

The sun glistened on each blade of dew-heavy grass. The fog had already rolled in with the morning sun, and dulled its brightness some, sending some of the light fragments reflecting into other parts of the landscape. 

Her eyes cascaded downwards, and she saw two men she didn't know, their hands on a trailer. Her father appeared from the side of the house, and she saw him yell something.

Ann's brows furrowed some, and despite her confusion, she turned away to go to bed. 

Her feet moved silently to her bed, and she lifted up the comforter and was about halfway inside her bed when she heard it again. The scream. Then a shrill whinny after.

She turned back and walked to the window, with a bit of hurry in her step. Her hands rested upon the frame of the window like she was bracing herself for a mighty gust of wind.

The men, including her father, had backed away from the trailer. One brave soul walked up to the side towards the back, and swiftly unlatched the back door. 

In a whirl of wind, a golden flash had backed out and bolted across their back lawn. He stopped on the swell of the hill, confused, unsure, and noticeably upset. 

Ann stood, amazed, some life finally breathing into her, and after too long, she took a breath, like a long-lost guardian coming back to life swallows air like its all he has.

The gelding was truly stunning. A stunning golden yellow covered most of his body, his croup was massive and heavy set, his flank healthily rounded. His knees and hocks were black, and white feathers started not far after the black and draped long past his large powerful hooves. This horses' ambiance was sheer power. He had a lighter, more tan section on his broad chest, that moved downwards to the underside of his belly. His protruding and large withers rippled underneath his skin as he pawed at the unfamiliar earth. 

Ann's green eyes glinted against the sun that shined behind this mysterious horse, but regardless of the bright light, her eyes followed from the horses' flank and chest, up his strong and girthy neck, to his head. A large head for a large horse. His mane was almost black, with a matching tail, his ears were proud and forward as he studied his new place, and a white blaze traveled from his forehead to his pink whiskered muzzle with darkened nostrils. Lastly, his eyes. They were dark, unfeeling, overbearing, and despite the distance between them, the geldings eyes moved from the group up men, up the foreign building, and to a window, where a girl stood, and he looked deep into her eyes. 

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