Chapter 23

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Ann moved rhythmically with Soleil as he cantered into the course. Her eyes visualized the course line-up she'd seen and she began, heading towards the first jump. 

An oxer first, lead by two verticals, another oxer, and then a wall. Soleil cantered beautifully on the straightaways and scowled into a trot almost on his own. The pair rode in mutual comfort, both enjoying sailing over the jumps, and Ann felt Soleil's body quake with excitement when he flew over the Liverpool jump, clearing the water entirely.

A vertical was next and Anns eyes looked far ahead and she moved with him as he sailed over it perfectly. They headed to the left towards the next jump, another oxer. 

After that was a cross-rail that the pair took with no issue and they jumped over the next challenge, a wall.

He cantered around, heading to the last two jumps, a combination, that were spaced right after one another, a vertical then the last was another cross-rail. 

Ann had hardly realized that she'd finished the course until she'd reached the gate and the observers broke out into applause. 

She exhaled, her mind withdrawing from the zone she'd found herself in as the Bright Fields Team gathered around her, all congratulating at her.

She smiled, and felt a tear escape her eyes. She wiped it away quickly, knowing it was just because she felt so at home now, with these people that over the course of coming to this once dreadful island, they'd become what she needed to grow and come back to life.

Marcus rested a hand on her thigh and she looked down to him.

They hadn't needed to say anything, and so they stared into each other's eyes until the cue was given for the last competitor. 

Ann had performed a clear round and would be moving on to the jump-off where the course would change and it would be timed. The fastest cleanest ride would determine the winner. 

Ann hadn't even noticed that the last competitor was Callum, and he shot her a smug look as he headed onto the course. He performed well she noted, though his attitude was littered with negativity that caused everyone who watched a sort of discomfort. 

Her eyes drifted to the stands during Callum's performance to her father, whom upon realizing his daughter had finally turned to look at her, smiled and gave her two thumbs up. 

She giggled softly, and her eyes drifted downward to Pin, whose gaze was already on her.

She felt herself flush but couldn't look away. He smiled warmly, nodded his head in approval, and gave a small silent applause to her from his seat.

She smiled back, her heart swelling at all the encouragement her team members had given her, and transitioned her attention back to Callum.

Ann bit her lower lip when he'd completed the course — a clean round. He'd be moving on too.

A short break was announced prior to the jump off and people began to move, heading towards restrooms, food, or just to stretch their legs. 

Bright Fields didn't go very far as both Mia and Ann remained by the entrance of the course, accepting a piece of paper from the representatives that had with the next course line-up On it, giving them ample time to review It while they waited. 

The whole team was gathered, the riders in the middle of the group of the Bright Field Team and some extra familiar Holloway faces and each spoke as excitedly as the next.

Tensions were high and Ann stole a glance at Mia, noticing that even she was nervous. 

An inhaled and then exhaled. She hadn't really worked on timing, more just jumping. Put she'd made it this far, into a Jump Off, and felt incredibly proud of herself.

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