Chapter 26

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Ann stood, gazing into the mirror; she almost felt like she was in a dream, but when a smile broke across her face and she saw herself move, she was gently reminded it was not.

And she was happy she wasn't.

Her long blonde hair was swept in curls on the backside of her head

She stood in an off the shoulder ivory mermaid gown with an illusion neckline, a brilliant sweetheart neckline beneath, its semi-cathedral train extending behind her as the lace overlay on the gown wove delicate patters throughout the dress. Her outfit continued with full lace sleeves, a matching pair of ivory pin heels, both her finger and toenails complemented by a basic French mani-pedi, and

She sighed happily, picking up her skirt and twirling, watching the fabric lift and fall, and an elegant smile broke out onto her face.

Her bridesmaids had left her to prepare for the finalities of the ceremony and waited for her at the point of her entrance.

Ann struggled to not squeal with giddiness and so she picked up her bouquet, a white rose themed bouquet littered with white irises, lilac peonies, soft blue tweedier, and baby blue hydrangeas, and brought the fragrant flowers to her nose to let their calming and beautiful scent envelop her, and she let out another contented exhale.

The door to her dressing room opened and a familiar individual walked in, black suit and a dashing baby blue die.

He stood, their eyes meeting, and then tears rolled down his cheeks, his hand going to cover his mouth.

Ann smiled lovingly and approached the male, wrapping her arms around his stomach, and he clutched her to him, shaking with adoration as he showered her with fatherly affection.

When they pulled away, Ann hadn't noticed she was crying until herfathers hand had gone to her cheek to wipe away a stray tear.

"You look stunning Ann," He spoke softly, his voice cracking with emotion.

"Thank you father," and he pulled her in for another well-desired hug. 

When the pair pulled away from each other again, they smiled, each one dabbing at the tears that had escaped from their eyes, and then they departed the room, arm in arm.

Ann heard her heels clack against the marble floor, and then heard the music as it begin being played in the main room, where she knew her family, what little their was, and what the family she was to gain, and all of their adoring friends. 

The violins echoed in the magestic hall, and it was decorated with a variety of white and blues, and at the alter stood a tall proud man, his dark hair matching his dashingly dark suit, complete with blue accents. His groomsmen stood next to him, each one smiling excitedly; this had been a long time coming, and the groom felt tears threaten him and his appearance.

Ann's bridesmaids were dressed in long flowing dresses, each slightly different from another, but all in the baby blue that coincided with the wedding colors. They all giggled and hugged in happiness, and all the girls were present. 

Mia, Jade, Becky, Zoe, Susie, and Gabbie.

After lining up, Ann next to her father, they began the walk.

Marcus stood proud, watching each girl come in order, Becky first, then Zoe, Jade, Gaby, Susie, then Mia, and when she came into view, his hand went to cover his mouth in shock, and he couldn't help but let some of his emotion come forth in the shape of tears. 

Callum smiled from his daughters side, also having some stray tears fall from his eyes, and Ann smiled, almost crying herself while Pin watched adoringly, and rested his shoulder comfortingly on Marcus' left shoulder as the rest of his groomsmen, Alex, and some of his close friends watched happily from the side. 

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