Chapter 20

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Today was the day.

Ann stood in front of her mirror, her hair was cascading down to her waist in gentle blonde waves, and her eyes popped with the light make up she put on.

The competition, the day the entire stables had been looking forward too.

Her body physically shook with anticipation and she could feel her heart physically jump from her chest.

She wore a deep navy blazer Complete with the Bright Fields logo above a frocked over her left breast. It was smartly matched wwith white leggings and tall black riding boots. Using a boar-headed brush she brushed out her hair until it was smooth, shimmering, and straight, then swooped it back into a low bun, that would sit just below her riding helmet.

A sigh left her lips and her heart fluttered, for many reasons. She'd been thinking a lot, the competition and the new friends she'd made had been an instigator in driving her to reflect on herself and her life. 

Ann's hand reached down to grab the her mothers necklace that hung on with several others on a necklace stand. Resting the jewel on her palm, she looked down at it tenderly, her eyes soft, and beginning to glisten with tears. The pain would turn to fondness and reminiscence. In fact, it'd already begun to do so, and Ann felt her chest rise and fall as she caught her breath As she put the necklace around her neck and tucked it beneath her uniform.

"Ann?" Her father called downstairs and Ann turned to look in the direction of the door, expecting to hear him come thudding up the stairs and bursting into his room any moment, but she was only met with silence. She waited a moment, then a moment more, then resumed to look back at her reflection.

Thud, thud, thud — "ANN" her father crashed into his daughters room expecting her to be asleep, but he stopped suddenly, awe-struck and silent when he saw her. He stood tall and his hand went to the bridge of his nose And he pinched it.

"Y-You're awake," he spoke in disbelief and left the room promptly.

Anns face enveloped a look of confusion, and after taking one last look in the mirror and straightening an imaginary crease on her blazer, she grabbed her messenger bag and headed after her father.

"Dad, dad, are you alright?"

He was in the corner of the kitchen, mug in hand, facing away from his daughter, and he waved his hand, as if waving her off, but he remained silent.

She called to him again and her eyes noticed his shoulders began to quake. She stepped to him, her hand reaching out, and touched his back softly, calling him again.

He turned around rapidly, and embraced her, his body physically shaking, and she wrapped her arms around him.

After a minute he let go, and wiped away the moisture from his face.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "You just looked so much like your mother," he stared at her fondly and he watched a stray tear slip down his beautiful daughters face.

"I miss her...."

"I miss her too," he held her face and kissed her forehead, "but she's here, she's been watching, and she'll be watching today, as will I." He said and held his daughter to him again, then let her go.

"Now, you've a competition to get to, go, I'll be there before it begins." He said, dismissing her.

She nodded, and turned to leave, but stopped, and looked back at him.

"Thank you dad, I love you."

"Love you too ," he replied, smiling, taking a long drawl from his coffee.

Riding On ~~:~~ A Free Rein Fanfiction || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now