Chapter 7

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Ann listened as Soleil's hooves clopped against the road while they made their way to their destination while her father was driving their small call near them. 

"Are you excited, Ann?" He called out from the driver's seat

She turned to look at him, and smiled, giving her father a nod.

Marcus had reached out to her father yesterday, and explained the current situation with Bright Fields Stables, and invited them to stable Soleil at another place on the far side of the island called Holloway.

It turns out before they had arrived, Bright Fields had a fire in its stables. Everyone was alright, but the damage was tremendous, but then Pin... Ann smiled at the name, remembering her first meeting with him three days ago, Pin had purchased Bright Fields and was dedicated to raising it up from the ashes.

Using the directions Marcus had given them, they weaved down the twisted roads of the island, until they came up to a large brick building, that was almost citadel like in nature.

The building was surrounded by sprawling grass, with a scattering of trees. Soleil's colors stood out against the green as they approached the front of the building. 

Ann made no notion to dismount, waiting for her father to catch up to her. His small sedan came to a halt before the doors, and she watched as he parked and turned the vehicle off.

"It's very pretty out here, isn't it?" He asked as he stepped out of the car.

Ann looked around, observing the new place, and her eyes fell upon a group of riders. They were practicing.

Her green eyes followed them, from the girl, to the two boys. 

They're good... She thought, watching as they cleared jumps, making sure their posture was near perfect. 

Ann turned away though; She wasn't here to compete. 

"Ah, Callum," Ann heard an unfamiliar voice call out.

An older gentleman came there way. He had longer dirty blonde hair, a strong face, and blue eyes that reminded her of the tide she skipped around in a few days ago.

"Elliot!" Her father said, the two gentlemen coming together in a handshake.

"It's a pleasure to see you, under much better circumstances," Elliot said with a smile. He turned to face Ann, "Ann, you're looking wonderful," he said, looking up and down between her and Soleil.

Ann's green eyes went to her father, confusion etched into her face.

"Ah, Ann, this is Elliot. His daughter is one of the riders here, he also assisted me during the stormy night with doctors and all that. The stable manager recommended his assistance directly." Her father gave this man a pat on the back and Ann nodded.

There was a brief silence, but Elliot broke it, urging the new trio to make their way to the stables. 

Ann rode behind them, following Elliot and her fathers lead. She looked around a bit in awe of the greenery that encompassed the grounds.

Her father and Elliot entered the stables first, walking under an archway to get there, and Ann urged Soleil to follow, but her heart caught in her throat.

She didn't know what to expect and the unknown is whats fearful most of all. 

Soleil passed under the archway, his head held tall, almost as if he was attempting to intimidate the air around them. Ann smiled, her hand moving to his neck to pet it adoringly, then, she looked up.

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