Chapter 25

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It took a moment for the group to regain some amount of control over themselves.

It was safe to say that every single individual in the group was floored. 

What had just happened?

Susie, immediately, had turned and chased after Ann, and Callum, Anns father, had looked to the drenched boy, then to Marcus who was actually smirking.

"He's uh, he's a bit of a twat," Marcus spoke in response to Anns fathers face.

"Yeah, no kidding," The older man replied loosely, and then the group turned, heading in the direction of Ann, conversation switching to what had happened.

The parents soon learned of Callums behavior towards not only Ann, but towards everyone else.

Zoe's grandfather let out a hearty laugh when he'd realized the situation.

"It'd appear your daughter has some spitfire Mr. Baldwin!" He jested and then the parents began to converse, Callum delving some into their history. 

The young riders were left to their own defenses as they snuck away from their parents, eager to be away from their watching eyes for a bit.

"Let's go find Ann and Susie," Jade said, eager, and Mia verbally agreed.

Marcus was just as eager, and made it known by how much he was fidgeting when they stood still to converse for no more than a minute.

Pin and Marcus looked to one another and the look between the two young men was unreadable. They'd bee acquaintances in the past, and if girls hadn't muddled with it, they might have been friends, but right now, even though Ann assured Marcus that it wasn't so, the two were still in competition for her.

They searched the grounds until they saw Susie and Ann standing near one of the large ponds, looking at the water and watching the Somateria mollissima that we're scattered around the pond.

The large group ran to the pair, calling their name, and the two turned around, both smiling at their friends who had found them.

After an explanatory conversation of Anns reasonings and Susies feelings, the group settled, everyone being content that things were okay.

They departed from the lake and headed toward an area of the festivities where there were carnival type games, and they spent seemingly hours meandering their way around the ground, stopping at a booth to play whatever game was there and occasionally Pin would look back to Ann while similarly Marcus would wrap his arm around Anns shoulders or grab her hand, giving her the sweetest most adoring smile.

By the end of the day, Ann was yawning, using Marcus as a crutch as they hobbled back, eager to meet up with their parents. It'd been a long day, and despite the fun festivities, the high of the competition and events of the day was starting to diminish.

Marcus looked down at the top of Anns head as she curled into his chest, nearly stumbling him, and he smiled, curling her closer to him, and despite his mind protesting only slightly due to wanting to keep a professional image, he couldn't help it, and kissed the top of her head gently.

Within a few minutes and a few rounding corners, the group of riders had made it to their trailers, and there, in a group, were their families, talking and laughing. 

Marcus unfortunately had to hand Ann off to her father but bid her goodnight, and when he felt a pair of eyes on him, he turned to see Pin, who was nearly entirely dismissing the conversation that was being had between Pins father and someone else. 

The boys stared at one another, until Pin turned away, and Marcus smiled before leaving, the group disbanding, only for the night.


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