Chapter 6

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The gentle lull of Bluebonnets echoed throughout Ann's rooms. She swayed to the tune of Aaron Watson's voice, her feet moving in a steady two-step rhythm. 

A week had passed since the storm, and Ann's temperament was getting better each day. The life in her that had dwindled to nearly nothing had grown great strides the past few days, and her father had contributed it to their recent addition, Soleil.

Ann had woken up about an hour ago and was getting ready, slowly, and unrushed, as there were no plans today, and she wanted to take her time. She had showered, blow dried her hair, and spent many minutes looking at her skin in the mirror. She whitened her teeth, and put on a face mask, then rubbed in an enriching facial serum. 

Her bed sunk as she sat on it, staring out the window. 

The doctor they had visited her after leaving... Bright windows... Brighton fellows... Bright Fields, yes! The doctor had her visit in a weeks time and had given her the all-clear late yesterday afternoon. 

She lotioned her extremities and swayed on her bed as the song changed to one of her favorites; Remember When by Alan Jackson.

Her father was downstairs, prepping breakfast for the two of them. His daughter still hadn't spoken much, words here and there, but when she was around that horse, He looked out one of the windows in the kitchen and saw him grazing beneath one of the trees near the house, she changed. He smiled and looked to the table, his daughter's new tack waiting for her when she came downstairs.

It was a Baroque brand bridle and reins, a cream white leather, with gold accent pieces with a matching Martingale. The seat was a dark tan with gold and white embellishments, white gold stirrups, and a white flap and leathers.

He heard his daughters' footsteps come down the wooden steps, and resumed his cooking, having moved his prep work to the stove top.

She entered the kitchen and was greeted by her father.

"Good morning Ann," he kissed the top of her head, as always.

She nodded in reply.

Her hair was down in a long back braid, and she was dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, and a three-quarter length blue top that was tucked in the front behind her belt to show off her large brown leather, silver accented belt and buckle, then lastly, a pair of black riding boots that came just below her knee.

He noticed she wore a bit of makeup, but not overbearing, most likely because to her, makeup was relaxing, rather than like her mother, who sometimes found it a chore. It was one of the reasons why he loved her mother, she was always so comfortable in her skin, felt no need to doll herself up, but rather, she did it because she enjoyed it, and Ann inherited the lesson her mother taught her.

Callum pulled himself from his thoughts and looked to his daughter. Ann had just discovered the new tack and held it up, looking at the gold as it shimmered in the morning light.

"Beautiful..." she heard him say.

"All for you honey, I hope it works well." He had finished cooking and placed a plate in front of her.

She nodded, sitting it down on top of the saddle and sat at the chair next to him.

"Now," Callum broke the silence that came between the two, "I have to get back to work today," Ann nodded. It had been some time since he had worked. His company had been immensely understanding and supportive of their shrinking family and had given him the time he needed.

"Are you going to be alright?" he asked.

She nodded, looking towards her father, then looked outside.

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