Chapter 18

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Despite her original reaction to being in the Competition Line-Up, all Ann could do was practice. She was far too excited, let alone nervous, to do much of anything else.

Ann wasn't sure if two weeks was enough time for everyone to get ready, in fact, everyone appeared a bit ragged and run down with the lessons that Marcus pushed for, and hopefully, with the week left, the group would recoup and find their spirit again.

No one had seen Pin since they had returned back to Bright Fields, and Zoe was on edge. 

Ann had heard rumors that she went to his, well, castle, but had denied entry, and she appeared frightened. She even took to snapping at Becky or Jade on the occasion, then profusely apologizing for it afterward. 

She felt bad, no, horrible. Had she so utterly destroyed their relationship that Pin up and left? The stable had wondered if he'd gone back to Italy as he'd done months ago, and abandoned the stables all together, leaving them in Marcus' care? That couldn't have been it because even Elvis was still present on the stables ground, and Marcus personally tended to him, along with his own horse Monty. Such behavior didn't seem like Pin at all, but then again, did she really know Pin?

The memory of their shared kiss on the cliffside, and their afternoon on the beach resurfaced in her mind and she blushed, her heart thumping in her chest. She gasped softly, grateful she was within Soleil's stall, hidden by the confines of the walls, Incredibly thankful for the privacy. She still felt so unsure about what had happened, and the decision she made.

Would she ever feel comfortable and like her decision was the right one?

Soleil is lipped at her shoulder, and her focus turned to the draft.

"I'm sorry," she cooed, "Why should I think about anyone other than this handsome boy right here?" She teased lovingly, and he neighed softly and butted his nose into her neck and chin, eliciting giggles from her. She glanced down at her watch; 3:13. She had about fifteen minutes before her lesson with Marcus.

"Come now," she ushered him, opening up the stall door grabbing a tumbler of liquid, slipping on his headgear, and hitching him up out in the fence line within the yard. She began to groom down, and took probably a bit too much time combing out his feathers, then, when she was finished, she tacked him up, unhitched him, and together they trekked to the practice paddock, the tumbler in her hand. 

Mia was just finishing, and the pair were talking in momentary conversation until he dismissed her. Things had been minimal between them. Ann figured Mia was more focused on preparing for the competition then preparing her little quips here and there, and besides the smug smile Mia gave her, there was nothing as the two passed each other.

Marcus sighed and rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn. God he was exhausted. With training, mucking out stalls, catching up on paperwork for the stables, and general maintenance work, Marcus felt like he could take a week-long nap. He shook his head, unaware Ann was coming up behind him until Soleil nudged him and he visibly jumped.

She held back a giggle, her hand going to cover her mouth and Ann smiled, greeting her warmly. 

His gray-blue eyes glittered in the afternoon sun and she watched as his eyes drifted down to her hand and the green tumbler encased in her fingers.

"You won't be riding with that now, will you? I assure you that Show Jumping book you've been studying over wont have the "No-Spill Training Method". Perhaps the American version?" He jested and she scrunched up her nose and poked his shoulder, causing him to laugh heartily.

"It's for you," she spoke, offering him the tumbler, and he took it. He slid up the mouth opener and took a small sip.

"Black tea, with milk," he announced, taking another sip. "It's perfect, thank you." He rested a hand on her thigh And relished the moment for a minute.

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