Chapter 14

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Things were definitely different.

Ann realized it the moment they walked in. They being her and... Marcus.

A light blush slithered across her face as she remembered the event the day prior, and her eyes drifted down to look at their entwined fingers.

The pair looked about the stable yard at Holloway, everyone's stares practically screaming at them, realizing the new situation that was at hand.

This was an awfully surprising way for Brightfields to finish their stay at Holloway as the new Brightfields stables had been fully repaired and moving the horses back was now a viable option.

A bit away, from Firefly's stable, Mia watched in pure shock. She was flabbergasted; how could this happen? Marcus must have hit his head, yes, that was it. Mia felt her brows furrow and Firefly fidgeted nervously.

Marcus was beaming and he felt his heart thumping in and out of his chest in both excitement, embarrassment, and glee. His eyes drifted back to look at Ann, who was looking rather sheepish, and he stopped and caressed her head gently and adoringly. 

"It's alright..." He spoke softly and tenderly. 

Ann nodded, her eyes not leaving his and then she broke contact first, only because Soleil could be heard from within his stall. 

He followed her, only because she tugged him into the stall and Soleil greeted her first, then him, though still a bit wary. He had most certainly warmed up to others, but Marcus didn't think he'd ever be as friendly with anyone else as much as he was with Ann.

Marcus watched as Ann's hand ran down his neck in a soothing pet and his eyes softened as he watched her; he felt himself falling, deeply and unbelievably, and he could express no ill will about how hard he tumbled down into this cosmic experience. 

"Shall we prep him for the move?" 

Ann looked to Marcus and nodded, then approached him and stopped. Her nose wiggled a smidge with nervousness then she hastily pecked a kiss on his cheek and slipped past him into the tack room. 

Ann heard her footsteps across the ground, soft scuffing cascading with each step and within a few strides, she was in the tack room, alone, the smell of leather hitting her and she inhaled deeply, the smell addicting and nostalgic like a favorite candy that existed only during your childhood.

She approached Soleils saddle, the tan leather glimmering in the tack room lighting. Her hand caressed the smooth surface, her fingers running over the embellishments and then she picked it up, carrying the saddle and bridle and as she stood in the doorway, attempting to leave, she stopped, looking back, and her mind flashed remembering events that had taken place within the small confines of this room. She blinked a few times, then turned away, strutting from the room and what it had entailed to her.

After saddling up both, Marcus on Monty and Ann on Soleil, and what few belongings they had in saddlebags resting on the rump of each horse, the pair looked at each other and smiled softly at each other. 

Marcus looked, unable to withhold his stare, his eyes drinking in the blonde's beauty, and he reached out, grasping Ann's hand gently, and then brought it to his lips to place an adoring and soft kiss to the back of her hand.

He could see her inhale abruptly, red spreading across her cheeks and he noticed her flutter in embarrassment, a variety of noises arousing from the blonde, and the large draft under her stepping lightly with minor agitation and he broke out into a hearty laugh, releasing her.

He took one more gander at the yard, noting a few Holloways staring them down, and the female trio, Zoe, Becky, and Jade watching as they brushed down their own horses. He gave an empathetic wave and small smile, the original duo smiling and waving profusely, and Zoe smiling almost curtly and giving a small wave back to him. He frowned but turned back to Ann as she readied to leave.

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