Chapter 15

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As soon as the group of Bright Field Riders had appeared, they'd all disappeared, separating off into their own areas, and Marcus and Ann shared a concerned glance.

"Comes, let's go..." he spoke softly and they mounted, heading to the training area in mutual silence. 

After setting up, it was just past noon, and the lesson finally began.

Elbows and knees in, straight back, deep relaxed breaths. She continued to walk Soleil in a loop around the paddock, following the minor reminders from Marcus. 

"Your posture is great Ann," he called out, "Now, lets up the pace," he spoke, watching her urge the draft into a trot, her body moving rhythmically with the horse.

"Good, good," he responded, "Keep those ankles parallel," he stated, watching her immediately tuck her ankles in.

He smiled, and as she looked around back to him he stopped her.

"You're looking phenomenal," he stated, giving her mount a gentle pat on the neck, much to the draft's dismay. 

"Now," he directed, "Continue the trot around the bend and loop up to the trot poles."

Ann smiled and trotted away, feeling excitement gurgle up in her, and was unable to keep an ecstatic grin from appearing on her face.

Marcus nodded as she neared the trot poles, and as she rose to meet each pole, he nodded, noting what he needed to pick apart for her posture.

"Good, good, now, again, but look ahead, not at the jumps."

She rounded again, staring straight before her.

"Knees over your toes" he called out to her, and she immediately corrected and flexed her ankles before Marcus had even had the chance to tell her. He smiled and nodded when she looked at him after crossing the last trot pole and she laughed happily trotting Soleil to his side.

"You have the makings of a jumper," he spoke, smiling back at her all too happy face, "How would you feel about competing?" he questioned, no longer able to keep it back. Her face dropped some in shock until she spoke softly.

"Do you really think I could do it?" her clenched fist rested over her heart and she shrunk back some.

"Ann, I've seen you jump over logs and branches like they were nobody's business, all we need to do is get those ankles parallel" he jested shaking her foot teasingly, "And get you confident with the posture. You would do marvelously." 

She bit her lower lip, holding back a giggle, and nodded and Marcus cheered, pumping his fist into the air.

"Yes, good," he relaxed some, clearing his throat, embarrassed at his outbreak. The pair looked at each other, then erupted into laughter.

"Alright, alright, now, again, then we'll move onto the cross-rail" he dismissed her, walking to the fence to lean against it, watching as she rounded it again.

"Things seem to be going well," a voice called out to him.

Mia. He knew immediately and held back his sigh, turning to face her. Originally one of his closest friends, but he couldn't deal with her anymore, she was too much, too selfish. He was drained just being in the same space as her. She'd grow out of it, he hoped, but for now, it was just too much for him. 

"Yes," he spoke exasperated, "They are Mia. Your lessons are tomorrow morning, I'm with another student." He turned away from her, but she stopped him.

"I can't fathom why she'd be better than me Marcus, I cannot, we have history, you know me, and I know you, not some shut-in," her head gestured to the oblivious rider.

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