Chapter 19

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Anns eyes opened immeaditely, the call of the Northern Wryneck waking her from her slumber, and she stood, giddy beyond what she'd ever imagined.

She rushed to her bathroom, ignoring her alarm which had begun to blare, favoring the warm water to turning off the drowning noise.

After rushing through her morning routine she dressed in a pair of dark blue riding breeches and a red jersey short-sleeved top. She looked in the mirror, looking delicately at her face, shrugged at the internal question of whether to make up or not and after deciding not, she made a messy bun at the base of her neck.

The girl rushed downstairs, nearly frightening her father who stood, groggy and half asleep with a mug of coffee, and after a quick conversation, she departed for the stables.

There was one more day. Tomorrow was the competition and everyone was on edge. Some retaliated but others were nervous with excitement. Anns training had gone splendidly and she almost found she was more comfortable on her horse than her own two feet.

Zoe however, seemed like a mess, and even her horse Raven had begun to notice, her riding taking a pitfall. No one had heard a single word from Pin. The thought made her frown as she ran to the stables, and when she arrived she was panting slightly.

"Ann," she heard a familiar masculine voice.

Marcus approached her, having just come out of his office and gave her a slight but romantic touch to her right hand.

"How are you doing?" he questioned with a charming smile. She smiled, flushing slightly at the cheeks.

"Better now," she said unusually bold, even causing Marcus to blush. With competition coming, they hadn't been able to be with each other as much, which both parties felt deeply saddened about, but once competition was over, then things would be much better.

"H-How's Zoe?" Ann asked, looking away.

Marcus sighed, "She's uh, she's not doing too great. I might pull her from the competition. I just don't know how she'll make it through this. And with Pin being sick—"

"Pin is sick?" Ann questioned immediately. She watched him recoil promptly and attempt to side-track, covering his mistake.

"And with the competition, the paperwork is a nightmare! Oh and the—" 

"Marcus," the interrupted, "Is Pin sick?" She asked, staring him down.

He was no match for those blue eyes and crumbled.

"Yes," he voice depletedly, "Since I announced the Competition." He stated.

Ann's eyes widened and she felt her heart beat increase, Adrenalin pumping through her system.

"Two weeks?! You've known for—"

He shushed her, some of the other riders looking over at the sudden outbursts.

"You've known for that long!?" She gasped, poking his on the chest.

"He told me not to tell anyone! He said it'd affect to competition! He made me!"

"How selfish!"

Marcus stood confused.

"It's quite obvious that Zoe isn't even aware of it." She elaborated, noticing his confused facial expression, and then it softened.

Ann was about to speak again until she felt his lips press to her forehead and she stopped dead in her tracks.

When he pulled away, Ann was staring wide eyed and pink in the cheeks. His hand went to her cheek and he moved her head gently so she was staring into his eyes and then he said softly.

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