Chapter 22

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Zoe sat on top of Raven and Ann marveled at how gorgeous he was, with his jet black fur that shimmered in the sun like obsidian. Zoe was petting his neck, and everyone knew she was nervous, petting Raven like that had become a bit of a recent habit for her, but it seemed to ease both of them. Ann understood, having that mutual connection could be calming in exponential ways; the endorphin release when you're with something that understands your entire being was incredibly therapeutic.

"Alright Zoe, you'll be just fine, remember to watch your posture and move with him. Look ahead too," Marcus gave her tips from their own lessons and she nodded, taking in each reminder thoughtfully.

"Will the Working Hunter group gather at the gate?" The answer requested over the speakers and the rest of the riders gathered around, all already mounted on their horses.

Callum sat on top of his mount, a dappled gray horse with a charcoal gray mane. Ann hated to admit that the green of his blazer made the pair look very sharp particularly Callum with his stoic face. He glanced around, hardly acknowledging anyone's presence, but gave the occasional glance to Susie.

Anns eyes drifted between the two of them and she couldn't tell if it was one sided or not, but here attention went back to Zoe who was being moved in line by one of the representatives.

All the individuals around the course entrance parted and lined up around the fence, while some others headed to whatever empty seats remained in the stands. Jade, Becky and Ann all lined up at the fence and the announcer commenced the Working Hunter course was about to begin and the representatives took over, beginning to line up the riders and their mounts.

Upon its initiation the first few riders went and performed their course. Rather than the paddock that had been used for the previous two competition, the Working Hunter course had been opened up through usage of a far gate that looped around a good portion of castle grounds until it ended back at the main course. The judges were posted at a few spots around the course, each judging based on the riders performance of that particular jump and Ann gave Zoe a confident smile and thumbs up.

Zoe chuckled softly, and her eyes looked to Pin, they smiled at each other and she admired his handsome face, even giving a small flirty wave. She could tell he got embarrassed as he went to rub his nose, his long fingers drifting upward to comb through his hair all the while he was biting his cheek.

It wasn't long before it was Zoe's turn and she stood at the entrance, waiting for the signal.

"Go get them babe!" Jade encouraged and Becky performed a little fist bump.

Zoe nodded, recognized the signal, and trotted Raven out into the course, brushed off her nerves, and began performing the course.

She disappeared from view as she headed out into the castle grounds. The stands and peanut gallery next to the course entrance broke out in soft murmurs. Ann glanced, watching Marcus who stood next to Jade, and he was biting his lip nervously. She smiled, stifling a giggle and moved past Becky and Jade to stand next to him. He jumped when he realized she was next to him and smiled anxiously.

"Hi, Ann," he breathed lightly and his eyes looked back to the course, like Raven and Zoe were to appear any moment.

She watched as his fingers now drummed against the wood of the fence and her eyes blinked curiously; he hadn't been this nervous about anyone else riding, then her eyes drifted back as the observers became quiet.

Zoe was cantering Raven up the course towards the last jump, but out of no where a loud steamship blow horn screamed from somewhere off the coast of the island. Other horses noticeably jump, their riders struggling for control and Raven screamed, rearing up on his back legs in fright.

Riding On ~~:~~ A Free Rein Fanfiction || CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now