Chapter 21

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"Fooooooood," Becky groaned, practically drooling as her eyes looked over the stalls before them.

Anns nose scrunched up, she was far too nervous to eat, and Jade looked like if anyone came up behind her she'd right jump out of her boots.

"If you guys eat something," Marcus came up behind us, my father not far behind him, "And you get sick during the competition, I will personally ship you in a box to the States myself," he jested. Zoe feigned a pained face, "Perhaps we should ship you there ourselves if you hold us back from a mid-competition snack!" 

Becky pouted as the teasing between Marcus and Zoe ensued, her better instinct telling her not to eat, and they wandered.

From the far line of stalls, Pin walked, greeting and shaking hands with a variety of people until he stepped away to approach the team.

"Hello everyone," he greeted, looking at Zoe and smiling, giving her a quick hug, "Zoe," he spoke to her, though his eyes drifted to Ann when Zoe wasn't looking and his face was unreadable. Then he cleared his throat and the couple moved apart.

"Enjoying everything so far?" He asked, looking at all the excited faces.

"Pin, this place looks amazing," Jade exclaimed.

"Horsesome," Becky squealed in agreement.

Ann nodded and Mia chimed in, "It does look quite nice Pin, you've done well," some spoke, her arms lightly crossed. 

"How long did this take?" Susie piped in, looking at the streamers and flags that hung, decorating the grounds.

"The competition has been setting up for over a week now, the grounds themselves for the courses were two weeks, most being done while I was sick." Pun exclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly and embarrassed.

"It looks great mate, just phenomenal," Marcus said with a smile and a hand in his direction. They shook, smiling proudly to each other, perhaps with a minor undertone of masculine competition, but such was only noticed between the boys, Anns father included. 

The group wandered around for another twenty minutes before calling it quits and heading to the competition area. Each rider went to their horses, checking in on them, and Ann took the time to check on his button braids that cascaded down his neck and brushed out his long beautiful dark tail.

"Alright, riders, lets move out!" Marcus called out, and the riders unhitched their horses and began walking them to the competition grounds. Bit by bit riders filed around until a size lay group stood, and everyone mounted their horses at varying times, all sporting black English saddles with matching tack and white saddle pads with their own Stables Logo patched on.

"Welcome everyone to the Intraregional Summer Show hosted by the island's most gracious Duke." The announcer rambled off, mentioning sponsors of the competition and listing the teams competing while representatives went to gather everyone into small groups for the Show Hack. Each group had a single member from each team, and half of the Bright Fields Stables Team looked nervous, and the other half confident. Ann was one of the nervous members, and her eyes drifted to the stands resting before the hack area and her eyes drifted to the crowd until they rested on her father speaking with Mia's father, both of which were sitting next to a few parents of individuals also from Bright Fields. Ann looked back around, glancing at the Bright fields Team members that were scattered throughout the ten or so groups and she felt her stomach flip. 

Marcus was at the front, closest to the entry of the course, and began walking through, checking in on his team members one by one until he got to Ann. She looked down at him, fear evident, her nerves besting her. He rested his hand on her thigh as she slipped on her black helmet subconsciously.

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