Chapter Three

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~Eren's POV~

My stomach sank into the grey comforters of my twin sized bed. Levi had already texted me where he lived, and it was surprisingly a half an hour walk. He seemed far from the high school as well, but that didn't bother me.

The time was 5:10 pm, which meant I should be at his house in fifty minutes. Pondering and thinking of the millions of possibilities tonight could result in, I quickly got up and slipped on a pair of flip flops.

Grabbing my phone, I decided it wouldn't hurt to arrive at his house a little earlier than six. The sky was slowly changing into the bright yellow and soft pink. My head rested back while my gaze was fixated on the natural scenery.

My hand lifted my phone up to see the directions I had placed in earlier. The city bus was fun at times, but walking to from place to place was even better.

The only sounds audible were the smacking of my flip flops as I took each step and the echo of driving cars in the far distance. The town wasn't a busy one, it was very local and small.

The numbers 5:44pm were shown across my screen as I closed in on distance of Levi's house. The route had ended when I stood in front of a small white, modern house. The grass wasn't cut and there didn't seem to be any cars in the drive way. The walk way was made of large stones as I made my way to his black front door. There didn't seem to be any door bell so I knocked lightly.

After thirty seconds of no answer, I knocked a second time with more force. I was around ten minutes early so maybe he wasn't ready. There were windows all across each side of the house so curiously and impatiently, I walked around. There were two windows on the right side of the house, both of them were closed, but you could still see inside.

Skipping to the closest one, I peered inside the dark house to find nothing except a sofa, large book shelf, and television. Shifting over to the second window, I peeked in to find a shirtless boy holding a small knife.

Out of embarrassment and fear, I let out a small yelp while falling backwards onto the ground.

Was he Levi...? And why does he have a knife?

I heard shuffling around in the house before the sound of front door opening caught my attention. There stood a shirtless Levi with grey sweatpants staring at my startled self on the grass.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked with his hand on his hip in disappointment.

Checking his hand to see if he still had that knife, I answered, "I knocked on the door, but no one answered. So...I looked through the windows."

He rolled his eyes and walked over to me holding out his hand for me to grab. Gladly accepting his help, he easily pulled up my light body onto my feet.

"Whatever, just come inside," he demanded after turning around and heading back into his house.

Following him, we wounded up inside a dimly lit living room. I took off my shoes and continued through the house, we ended up in his kitchen where the small knife was laid out on the counter next to a bowl of fruit.

"I made fruit salads for the both of us," he said as he handed me a white bowl filled with bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and grapes.

Nearly widemouthed, I sat myself down at the table and munched away. I'm not sure why I overreacted so much before. He was only holding a knife because he was cutting fruit.

"Wanna go upstairs to my room? My books and work are up there, the only thing we have to do tonight is create a hypothesis, right?" He asked while getting up from his seat.

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