Chapter Nine

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~Levi's POV~

Eren was seen laying underneath my covers for a while now. After we had our little confession, I  insisted on him getting at least some rest as I worked on the project. The house was silent until I heard the front door open.

Annoyed, I hurried out downstairs to find my uncle drunker than ever. I'm surprised he can even afford this house with the state he's always in. Luckily, I've never been abused by the likes of him. 

"Hey...Levi! My son!" He burped out.

"I'm not your son and can you be a little quieter, Eren's sleeping upstairs!" I whispered while covering my uncles disgusting mouth. 

Without thinking or pulling back, I left something warm and wet touching my palm. When I removed my hand, nothing, but puke exited Kenny's mouth. It splattered all over the floor as well as getting on my hands.

I nearly threw up at the sight. Rushing to the kitchen sink to wash my hands, I scolded my uncle, "It's like I'm the only adult in this house. Clean that up, you scum!"

A large groan resented from him as he drunkenly walked in the kitchen and pointed his finger at me, "No! You cleeeeean it! *hiccup* You scum!" 

Kenny left with a laugh as he stumbled upstairs leaving me with the mess he had made moments ago. It took a while to clean, but I got the job done.

I heard loud thudding from upstairs. It disturbed me as the type of person my once sane uncle had become. 

However, the realization came to me when I realized a sleeping feminine-like Eren and an overly drunk grown man together don't end well. Sprinting upstairs, I found Kenny hovering over the sleeping boy. Eren only had a hoodie on which means if Kenny removes the covers, God knows how Kenny will react.

Before he could touch him, I leaped grabbing hold of his waist and pulled him back. 

In a struggling tone I screamed, "Get your hands off her! Leave my room now!" 

Kenny let out a loud laugh that was for sure going to wake up Eren, "Don't boss me around, boy. Isn't this your friend from school, you wouldn't care if I touched her now would you? I thought you cared for no one, but yourself!" 

Kenny then backed up smashing me against the hallway wall now creating a loud crashing noise as I fell to the ground. 

"Stop..." I attempted at getting up, but my body was in to much pain, "Stop! He's my boyfriend!" 

My uncle stopped and turned around in confusion. Before he could say anything, the smallest yawn interrupted our brawl. Eren laid upward to find a grimy old man inches away from him. 

"L-Levi...AHHH!" Eren screamed before hiding underneath the covers. 

The man just yanked the covers off of him and took long look at Eren.

"Yup. He's a boy," Kenny stated before calmly exiting the room.

"You...bastard..." I choked out while still on the floor. 

Kenny hadn't turned his head when I insulted him. The small cries as Eren was now the only thing that was brought to my attention. Now having the strength, I tripped over to my weeping boyfriend. 

"Eren, Eren! Eren please! It's me Levi! come out form under the covers! I'm sorry! Eren please! Eren!" I pleaded. 

Eren's head soon emerged from under the sheets to reveal a laughing face. He lunged out grabbing hold of me in a tight manner. 

I wrapped my arms around him as well. We stayed like this for quite a while. I was honestly fed up with being on the floor so I climbed into bed with him. He held tightly onto me as he snuggled his face into my stomach. 

He hadn't spoken a word. I didn't know what else to say, "Eren, you sure you're okay?" 


With those words, I could tell he was nearly about to fall asleep in my arms. Leaning over behind me, I grabbed Eren's phone to text his parents. He didn't seem to have a password on it so it was quite easy to text his mother that he was going to sleep over my house again. 

I had already finished the experiment for Hanji's class before Kenny got home, but I just wanted to spend more time with Eren. 

The next morning, Eren was sprawled out across the bed leaving me little space. I don't have an alarm clock only because my brain's mental clock knows what time to wake up. Looking over at my sleeping boyfriend, I could tell he has no subconscious awareness of when it comes to time. 

Shaking him lightly, it took a ew seconds until his eyes slowly opened to find me in the light of the morning sun. He smiled instantly before nodding back off to sleep.

This idiot.

"Hey Eren," I shook him again, "We have to get ready for school now." 

He groaned before turning away from me. His body language was saying  'I'm not getting up'. Rolling my eyes, I decided to have a little fun. I forcefully grabbed his light figure and picked him up out of bed. Once he realized what was happening, he began to squirm mid air as I dropped him. 

"Oops!" I sarcastically said, "Oh look! Now that we're up, we should get dressed! I'll be back downstairs!" 

With a mean yet adorable look, he nodded before crawling over to his uniform on the ground. 

Walking downstairs, I decided it would be best to have a subduable breakfast for the two of us. In a matter of five minutes, I made pancake batter and was already pouring it on the pan when Eren came downstairs.

"Morning love!" I chirped.

"You're oddly happy," Eren said in a concerned tone.

"Well I slept in the same bed with my now-boyfriend-Eren Jaeger!" I added. 

"Whatever," I could even hear him smile when he said that, "Whatcha making?" 

"Pancakes for us," I said while flipping it with a spatula.

I turned to face towards my loving boyfriend to see the cutest sight. He had already brushed his teeth and put makeup on as well. 

"Did you make your make up and toothbrush with you?" I asked while placing the ready pancakes on a plate in the middle of the table.

"I always bring this stuff with me," he said while siting down. 

We had finished our breakfast rather fast and I went straight to making our lunches for this afternoon. It only consisted of sandwiches and fruit, but it was better than stale bread from the school.

"What are you doing?" He asked while putting our plates in the dishwasher.

"Making us lunch for later," I resumed my cold-expression state yet again. 

"You don't have to! I have money to buy stuff from the school store!" He begged.

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

After that I left Eren downstairs so I could change in my room. It was quick since I already brushed my teeth before making breakfast and I didn't have to do makeup obviously. My uniform was fit and ready too. After grabbing my school bag and Eren's bag. I made my way to rejoin him. 

I handed him his stuff and we headed out to school. As we walked, our hands kept brushing each others. Consciously, it made me want to hold his it. Rather I was surprised when I felt a petite hand hold mine.

He made the first adorable.

While holding my hand, he pulled me closer to him. He was practically pressed up against my arm by the time we had reached school. 

At first I was nervous going onto school grounds. Eren hadn't let go of my hand either. I've never been stared at as much as this since I was in a fist fight. So many eyes were glued onto us as Eren continued to cling to my arm as we head into class.

Eren hadn't stopped to talk to anyone at all once we seated ourselves. With legs closed as always, Eren turned around in his desk to look at me. He didn't say a word, but just stared—which was the cutest thing ever.

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