Chapter Nineteen

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~Eren's POV~

The walk and bus ride didn't seem that long when my mind was flooded with a million other things.

This entire scenery was just a repeat of what happened last month. Why did I think it would be any different at this school. Cross-dressing is already hard as it is, but at a school were you're boyfriend is looked down on, it's so difficult. I wish these things were more acceptable in everyday life. 

I'm definitely going to go home, lock myself in my room, and hide under the covers of my bed until I die of dehydration. 

That's totally a mood for right now.

Stumbling to the front door soaked in my tears and sweat, I realized my bag was left at the school in my homeroom classroom. Both my phone and keys were in there. This day has official been tagged as the worst day ever in my existence. 

Sliding my back down the front door, I sat on the front steps only to cry more. My entire body felt gross and I just wanted to run away. Run away from this feeling, this saddens, the doubt, everything.

Deep in my depressing state, my head popped up when a finger tapped my forehead. Glancing up, I saw a quite handsome fella with an undercut.

"Hi Levi," I mumbled while looking down at his shoes, "Why are you here?"

"Are you really asking that question? Did you forget what just happened back at school?"

"Of course I didn't! I never will in a thousand years...I'm disgusting. I'm not going back either..." 

Levi leaned down to meet at eye level, "Don't say that. You are beautiful, Eren. And you are going to school with me whether you like it or not."

Perking my head up out of distress, "No way in hell!" 

Levi chuckled before seating himself next to me, "Well you're going to have to because you left you're bag there. And it's you won't get it back until Monday." 

Now realizing it, Levi was right. Even if I am locked away in my room, I'll probably die of boredom before of anything else without my phone.

Getting up from the uncomfortable front step of my door, I wiped the dirt off of my attire before heading down the sidewalk leaving Levi. The sound of steps approaching was what I heard until Levi wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. 

His lips placed the tiniest kiss on my forehead. 

It's the these small things that people overlook in life that really count.

My smile returned now that I was in the well-being of the boy I loved. The walk to the bus stop was shorter than usual. As well as the bus ride and the walk to the school. 

Based on the timing, we were most likely in the middle of the last period of day. My head swelled up with worry as I entered the school grounds. All my conscious was focused on was that there's somewhere a large number of people in that building that know I have a fucking penis and most will most likely turn there heads away and discard me.

That feeling is something I cannot get used to yet. 

Levi pushed open the front doors and reveal the empty halls. Not even a sound echoed off the walls. Cautiously walking up the stairs, I held onto Levi tightly. It was as if this were a haunted house and every corner I turned I expected to see a swarm of disgusted faces. 

We finally reached class 3-A. The doors were closed which made my blood cold. I'm sure we had a full day today and I doubt we have an where is everyone?

Sliding opening the door, a large quantity of people were walking for me as if I were on some talk show. Their eyes turned towards me as I turned my body around to walk back into the hallway. Unfortunately, Levi pushed me back into the stage I called homeroom. 

Looking at the ground, I hurried over to my desk to grab my bag, but found a piece of paper with writing on it. In the middle it stated the words, "We Love You For Who You Are Eren!" And an enormous sum of people's signatures were printed all around the phrase. 

The cold anxiety running through my veins soon subsided as a smiled formed from cheek to cheek. Looking up from the small poster, the people in my homeroom also had smiles printed across their faces. 

"Eren!!!" A high voice yipped from behind me. Turning around, I found Armin sprinting towards me with his arms open. He wrapped them around me securely, "I'm sorry for spilling my mouth. Levi here changed everyone's perspective of you in a matter of should thank him right now!" 

Stepping away from Armin, I noticed a great measure of students in the hallway peeking in to see me. 

Not a single disgusted expression was faced towards me. Looking around the room, even Mikasa had an adorable look. Marco smiled and Jean too. Reiner and more were in the halls. 

"Thank you...Thank you so much!" I cried. Leaning my back against the desk, I placed my forearm over my eyes to wipe away the tears of joy, "Thank you Levi. Thank you all so much! You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. And...I'm sorry for lying to guys for all this time."

Armin spoke for everyone, "Oh hun, don't be sorry. It's okay that you hid it, it's completely fine, Eren! It was for your own mental protection, comfort, and safety . We know you were scared to say the truth, but either way, we all support you!"

Glancing up at Levi, we met eye contact. Walking closer to me, we slid his hand across my pink cheeks. His thumb whipped away the remaining tears off my face before leaning down. Our lips touched ever so softly with an audience of people watching.

At that very moment, I didn't care. I was happy. I was genuinely happy. These people are my home.

~The End~



[but there's more info in the next segment!! plz read]

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plz lol

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