Chapter Thirteen

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"Do you want to tell him?" Luke asked raising an eyebrow at him. "Not particularly, but he’s bound to find out sooner or later and he’ll be upset if he hears it from someone other than me" I said standing up as the other boys did. “I don’t mind, whatever you want to do” Luke said pulling me into a side hug, kissing the top of my head. “Thanks” I said smiling faintly. ” We better get to this meeting” I said taking Luke’s hand but let it go as soon as as we were in public view. “That was a close one” Calum teased and I just rolled my eyes.

"Boys, take a seat" Daddy said as we walked into his office. The boys took their seats and I sat on the edge of Luke’s. “Now, I have some exciting news” Daddy said, a satisfying smile growing on his face. “Thanks to Kate here, you guys are going on The Tonight Show, tomorrow night” He announced and the boys erupted into cheers. “Go Kate” They said and I giggled in response. “Yeah so you’ll have to go to the studio tomorrow at 2pm to set up and go through the interview. The show starts at 11:35 so it’s going to be a long day so get some sleep tonight boys okay?" He asked and they all nodded. “Well that’s all I had to say, see you guys at 2pm sharp outside the studio” He said and all the boys stood up. “I’m going to tell him now” I whispered to Luke.

"Do you want me to stay?" He whispered back and I shook my head. "No it’s okay" I said going into kiss his cheek, but stopping myself when I realised where I was. The boys left and I paced back and forth in front of Daddys’ desk.“Everything okay Honey?" He said looking up at me. “Hmm mm” I said chirpily as I took a seat frantically. "Something you need to tell me?" He asked, smirking at me. “Actually now that you mention it” I said laughing anxiously. He looked up at me waiting for me to say something.

"So..these past few weeks, I’ve been..seeing someone.." I mumbled."Seeing someone? a shrink?" He said frowning at me. I rolled my eyes at him and his attempt at a joke. “I mean like seeing a boy” I said laughing. "Oh yeah?" He said still smirking at me. “And who is this boy?" He asked still writing. "Okay..don’t get mad, but it’’s em..Luke" I said winching in suspense. There was no response "Daddy?" I asked nervous as to why he wasn’t responding. "Yeah?" He said looking up. "Em..Luke?" I said waiting for his reaction. “Oh you and Luke? Yeah I knew about that” I said as he kept writing. 

"What?" I asked my eyes widening to the absolute limit. He laughed looking up from his page again. “Honey, this building has CCTV cameras everywhere, I see everything” He said laughing smugly. I didn’t know what to say, my cheeks went red hot from embarrassment. “Ohh..kay, great chat. I’m going to go..” I said getting up from the seat. Just as I was about to leave Daddy spoke again. “Oh and Kate, send Luke into me” He said with a sly smile. I sighed loudly. “Okay”I said nervously.

As soon as I closed the I ran right into the room where the boys were. I sighed deeply as I walked through. “How did it go?” Luke said standing up anxiously. “He knew” I said. “What?” Ashton said laughing smugly. “He saw us on the CCTV cameras” I said sinking into the chair, putting my face in my hands. I could hear the boys chuckling in the background. "Shut up it’s not funny" I said glaring at them. “It’s a little funny” Luke said trying to hold back his laughter.“I wouldn’t be laughing if I were you, he wants to talk to you” I said laughing smugly. “To me?” Luke said, his face going always completely pale.

"Yeah" I said laughing at his terrified expression. "Well aren’t you going to go?" I said smirking at him. He stood up sighing deeply. “Go on Luke!” They all teased as he walked out the door.

Luke was gone for at least 15 minutes, and I was starting to get a little worried. He finally walked in even paler than he was before. "How did it go?" I said taking his hand and leading him to the seat next to me. “It went surprising well” He said smiling at me. “What did he say?” I asked anticipating his answer. “Nothing much, just told me if I hurt you, he’s kick my ass but that was about it" He said letting out a sigh of relief. "Aw is little Luke scared of my Dad" I teased leaning into his chest. "Do you blame me?" He said chuckling. I laughed and yawned at the same time. “What time is it?” I asked no one in general. Luke took out his phone. “11pm” He said. "Oh God, I’m so tired. I have to go to bed" I said standing up. "Yeah boys we should go too, long day tomorrow" Ashton said standing up and the boys followed.

We all began walking towards the elevator. Michael, Calum and Ashton walked ahead of Luke and I. Luke wrapped his arms around me. "Since everyone knows about us, why don’t you sleep in mine tonight" I said biting my lip. Luke raised his eyebrow. “Really?”. “No I mean actually sleep, you perv” I said hitting him playfully. He chuckled. "Sounds good" He said interlocking our hands. When we got out of the elevator the boys walked off into the direction of their car."Luke you coming?" Ashton asked 

"No, I’m gonna stay with Kate tonight" He said gesturing to me. Ashton gasped dramatically. “Kate don’t take advantage of our baby, he’s not legal yet” He teased. "Night boys" I said waving them off.

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