Chapter Two

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I woke up pretty late today, probably because I spent the whole of yesterday shopping until I could barely stand. I didn’t have anything to do today, not that I ever had to do anything. I walked into the kitchen of our penthouse to our chef leaving freshly made pancakes in front of me. “Thank you” I said smiling at him. I turned on the radio as I ate. “Next up is She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds Of Summer” The host announced. I rolled my eyes remembering yesterday. I can’t believe that Luke guy was such a jerk, who is he to make assumptions about me from what he hears. Yes I was known for being a party girl but that was all just exaggerated in the media.

I flicked through my phone, scrolling through Twitter. My curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on to Luke’s account. The first tweet that popped up was from yesterday. "Hate spoilt rick kids" was all he wrote. I shook my head in disbelief, was he actually that petty to sub tweet me? I locked my screen, having seen enough. It was around one and I lazily got dressed before getting into the elevator. I checked my outfit in the elevator mirror. It was almost summer so high waisted shorts were necessary. I was showing a lot of skin but I that was usual for me.

For some reason there was no one in the city, all my girlfriends had gone to Cancun for the weekend which left me here alone. After wandering aimlessly around Central Park for what felt like hours, I finally called my driver. I was bored and I thought a good way to relieve this would to stop by Daddy’s work and see if he needed help. And being able to annoy Luke is just a bonus. I walked up to the reception asking them where he was. “He’s in the studio with 5 Seconds Of Summer at the moment” she replied. “Perfect” I said with an evil smirk.

I waltzed into the recording studio, making as much noise as I could. “Daddy” I yelled. I noticed Luke in the booth, his face feel when he saw me. He ripped the headphones off his head in frustration as he began complaining about me to the other. All I could hear was the backing track to one of their songs. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face because I knew I had interrupted them. “Are you serious right now?” Luke said barging out of the booth. “Oh calm down..anyways this is important” I insisted. “Fine” Luke groaned making his way back to the booth.“So anyways I was thinking we could go out for dinner tonight?” I suggested to him. “Oh My God” Luke said pulling at the ends of his hair. "Don’t tell me you just interrupted the perfect recording to making dinner plans" He said biting his lip in anger.

"Luke, you seem to have some suppressed anger, you should probably work that out" I said trying my best not to smile. He groaned slamming the door of the booth. I chuckled to myself. "Kate, can you try not to annoy my clients" Daddy said giving me a disproving look. “Do you see the way he talks to me?” I pointed out. “Maybe he has a crush on you” He said winking at me. “Don’t be stupid this isn’t kindergarden, when a boy is mean to you it just means he doesn’t like you” I said. He said nothing in reply. "Anyways I should get going" I said getting up to leave. Just before I left Daddy called me back. “Kate I don’t want you going out clubbing tonight okay?” He said. “But Dadd-“ I began but he cut me off. "No buts" He said. I groaned rolling my eyes. "Fine" I said walking out. As soon as I left they boys starting singing again. Luke was a dick but he had talent, I couldn’t deny that.

Daddy would never find out if I went out tonight, so there was nothing stopping me. I called some of my friends and we all went out that night. It got really boring, always going out  but alcohol always helped. I woke up the next morning to a call from Daddy. “Hello” I growled clutching my throbbing head. "Katherine get down to my office now" He said and hung up before I could retaliate. Oh no he pulled the Katherine card, that can’t be good. I wasted no time making my way to his office. It was a glass office so I could see the 5SOS boys in there with him. Great. "Morning Daddy" I said quietly, gingerly picking my steps.

"What is this?" He said placing a magazine in front of me. I scanned it and there was a picture of me, walking out of a club with some guy. "Care to explain..I told you not to go out last night" He said blank faced. “It was peer pressure Daddy my friends made me go, I couldn’t say no” I insisted. “Boys can you excuse us for a minute” He requested and they accepted and got up. Luke shaking his head again, disapproving of me once again. After a heavy lecture from Daddy, he decided as my punishment I would have to hang around the office and help him and they boys out.

I walked into one of the recording studios where the boys were writing. When Luke saw me walk in, he quickly rolled his eyes and looked back down. "Nice to see you too Luke" I said sarcastically. There was a silence for a moment before Ashton spoke. "So did you get in loads of trouble?" He asked. “Nah not really, Daddy’s really easy to persuade” I said smiling and he chuckled. I began light conversation with all the boys except Luke. After a while Luke looked up. “If you haven’t noticed we’re trying to write, what are you even doing here?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Daddy said I had to help you guys out today as my punishment" I told him."Sounds more like a punishment for us than you" He mumbled but I still heard him. "Shouldn’t you be in school anyways?" Luke asked in annoyance."Shouldn’t you?" I retaliated smirking which earned a chuckle from the other three boys. After a minute or two of me and the other three boys talking, Luke looked up again. “If you really want to help you can leave us alone and let us work” He said looking sternly at me. I stared at him for a minute before getting up and heading for the door. I can’t say I wasn’t a little hurt by what he said. He was just being plain rude, all I was doing was talking to them.

Later on I was sitting in the cafe when the boys walked in. I kept my head down looking at my phone. Michael walked over and sat down. “Hey” He said smiling sweetly. “Look I’m sorry for Luke he doesn’t mean to be a jerk, he’s just a little stressed with the whole album. Don’t take it personal he doesn’t mean it” He said. "Thanks but I pretty sure it is personal" I said to him. He smiled not saying anything knowing I was right.

Comment telling me if you like it and if I should continue

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