Chapter Five

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I missed the boys when they left, well except Luke of course. It was really boring without them around. I had become so occupied with them lately that not having them around left me with not a lot to do.

They said they would be gone for a week but they had to stay a few days more because of issues with the album. It was a sunny day so I decided a casual walk down 5th and then a walk around Central Park was essential. I jumped off the sidewalk when someone in a stretched limo honked their horn loudly me. “Lady move out of the way!” a voice screamed at me. "Excuse me?" I yelled moving my sunglasses to the top of my head to get a better look at the person driving. I laughed to myself as I noticed Calum popping out of the sunroof. “We’re back" He said with a smirk on his face.

"You’re a dick" I said shaking my head as the other 3 popped up. “How was your trip?” I asked them. “Get in and we’ll tell you” Ashton said gesturing to the limo. I quickly waddled in my heels to the door trying to avoid holding up the line of traffic behind us.

"Tell me everything!" I said sitting down beside Michael. “We spent most of the time just organising things with the album but it got delayed because we couldn’t decide what promo we would do for it” Michael said. “But we worked it out in the end and it’s coming out in a week!” Calum said in an excited tone. I gasped slightly "Oh my God! a week that is so exciting! are you guys happy?"I asked rhetorically. “Well obviously?” Luke said frowning at me. I just rolled my eyes, knowing what Luke was like. “Yeah we are! and we’re having a party for it and you’re coming” Ashton said. “What?!” Luke said sitting up slightly with an unimpressed look on his face. "She’s coming? we went through this" Ashton said giving him a death stare.

"It’s fine, I don’t have to come.." I said feeling the tension. “No don’t be stupid, you’re coming. Luke’s just being a dick” Calum said glaring at Luke.

The rest of the car ride was awkward for obvious reasons. I finally broke the silence after a few minutes. “So did you guys have time to do anything fun at all?” I asked them. “Not really..well except for Luke..he had a lot of fun with this girl we met at the studio” Ashton said shoving him playfully.  ”Shut up”Luke replied biting his lip ring. I just laughed but I felt a massive wave of jealously come over me and I don’t know why.

I never though I saw Luke in that way. I guess he was just always such a dick that I never noticed how ridiculously attractive he is. The way he bit down on his lip just made me melt. But I knew I had to stop this. I couldn’t like Luke, for one he hates me and two he would never go for a girl like me.

Things went back to normal after that. Well almost normal, I still couldn’t shake Luke. The more days that went by the more I could feel myself falling for him. Everything he did turned me on. I sat in the studio watching him perform and I just couldn’t control myself. I bit down on my lip as I watched him. ”Everything alright?” Calum said smirking at me from the other side of the room. I coughed awkwardly, sitting up. “Perfect” I replied fixing my hair.

Later that day, the boys and I were in Daddy’s office when Ashton turned to me."Hey Kate could you do me a favour and tweet out from the band account reminding them when the album comes out?" He said. "Yeah of course" I said taking his phone and sending out the tweet. “Could you just read it out to me?” Michael asked and I nodded.

"Hey everyone in UK don’t forget the album is coming out the 22th of this month! can’t wait for you guys to hear it" I read from the phone. "What?" Luke said looking at me sternly. “What?” I said looking out him confused. “The album comes out the 22nd in USA not UK you absolute idiot” he said raising his voice. “Luke!” Calum yelled at him unimpressed. "I’m- I’m sorry" I said in shock of how angry Luke got.

"Don’t apologise it’s an honest mistake" Ashton said placing his hand mine.“No it’s not she’s just a fucking idiot” Luke said standing up. “Luke!” Calum continued. "Now we’re going to have to tweet thousands of confused fans and tell them it’s not the 22th! Jesus Christ could you be any more stupid?"Luke said giving me a look of disgust.

I didn’t know what to say. "Luke stop. it was a mistake" Ashton said. “I didn’t mean to” I said quietly. "Of course you didn’t, it’s cause theres nothing else in your brain except for the addresses of shops and malls. God you’re such a spoilt bitch, can you do anything right? Well congratulations on fucking up everything for us. Not that I’m surprised, all you do is get in the way and slow us down" He said but this time the boys stopped him. "Luke that is enough"Michael said standing up and physically forcing Luke to sit down.

I didn’t know what to say, I could feel the tears begin to stream down my face. I don’t know if it was because of my recently discovered feelings for Luke or because I knew what he was saying was through. As the tears flowed faster, I quickly stood up and stormed out of the room. Tears streaming down my face.

Queen Of Disaster - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now