Chapter Ten

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I was so mad at Luke the whole taxi ride back to the city. I can’t believe he lied to my face like that. Did he actually think I was that stupid to think he was going to go out to a club and not get with another girl. As much as I wanted to believe he wouldn’t, he was a boy and that’s what boys do. The anger I had towards him soon turned into sadness. I wanted Luke. I wanted us to be something, but I definitely didn’t want to share him.

I was glad he was gone off to LA for a few days because I don’t think I could stand to see his stupid face all around the office. He had texted me numerous time but I didn’t reply.

A few times during the week, I contemplated going out and getting with some guy just to piss Luke off. But in retrospect, what use was that going to do? If anything that would just push Luke even further away. I tried my best to distract myself by going into the city everyday. It was difficult finding something to do when I spend most of my days in the office with the boys.

Daddy rang me after a few days. "Hey how is LA?" I asked him. "It’s great, the boys are getting a lot of promo in, it’s looking good. How’s the city?" He asked me back. I sighed, flopping down on the couch. “Boring..” I told him and I could hear him chuckle at the end of the line. "Don’t worry Kate, we’ll be back in 3 days and I’ll have a lot of work for you to do’ He told me. “By the way, the boys say hi”. I stayed silent for a moment. “Tell them I say hi too” I could hear Daddy telling them through the phone.

"I’m surprised you didn’t tell me to say hi to everyone except Luke" He said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah well I’m a little bit more mature than that" I told him. "Hmm..I’ll believe that when I see it" He said chuckling."Look, it’s late, get some rest, relax because you’re going to be knee deep in work when we come back".

I groaned but secretly I loved working in the office. “Okay, I’ll talk to you soon, Night” I said before hanging up the phone.

As the days went by I began to feel more and more sorry myself. It didn’t help that I was thinking about Luke all the time. I had spent most of my nights on the couch with ice cream and The O.C re-runs. I knew Daddy and the boys were due back in the next day or so but I wasn’t sure when exactly.

It was currently 2am and I was sitting in the kitchen eating chocolate and scrolling through twitter. The reception phone began to rang. “Hello?” I answered taking another bite of the chocolate. “Hello sorry to bother you Mrs Katherine” The receptionist said and I rolled my eyes at her formality "There is a Rachael here for you-" I cut her off before I could continue. "It’s okay send her up" I said before quickly hanging up. I assumed she was here to ask me why I haven’t been out.

A few minutes later I heard the elevator ding. I sighed as I got up to greet her."Rach it’s 2am what..what are you doing here?" I asked realising the person standing there wasn’t Rachael but was actually Luke with flowers and chocolates and a guilty expression on his face. "I’m really sorry, I brought you chocolate’He said acting really awkward like he had never had to apologise to a girl before. 

"Thanks..I have my own though" I said sarcastically holding up my bar of chocolate. “So when did your flight get in?” I asked avoiding the conversation that I knew was about to begin. “An hour ago, look I’m so sorry for everything, I swear nothing happened with that girl” Luke said leaning against the counter."And why should I believe you?" I said not letting him away easy. "Because it’s the truth. Kate I wouldn’t start something with you if I was just going to throw it away on some one night stand" He said sincerely

"Kate please believe me. I spent this whole week thinking about what I was going to say but know that I’m here, all I ask is for you to trust me. I didn’t and would never do something like that to do" He pleaded. "Okay, I trust you"I told him. 

Luke walked closer to me at a painfully slow pace. I sat in anticipation for him to do something. “Are you just saying that or do you mean it?” He asked tugging at his lip ring. I figured he had suffered enough and it was time to let him free.“That depends..” I said leaning backwards so my back was leaning against the counter. "Depends on what?" Luke said leaning his hands between my body, biting his lip ring. "Whether or not I can have those chocolates you brought" I said and he chuckled in relief.

"I think I have something better than chocolate" He said licking his lips before leaning in to kiss me. He leaned out of the kiss. "All jokes aside, I am really sorry" Luke began but I cut him off. "Shhh…let’s just forget about it" I said placing my finger on his lips. “Ew Luke” I giggled as he licked my finger. “I was trying to be sexy and you just ruined it’ I frowned.

"You’re always sexy so it’s okay" Luke said grabbing my face and pressing his lips to mine. "God I missed this.." Luke whispered between kisses. "Shit what time is it?" Luke said pulling out. “Like 2:15?” I said confused. "I have to go, your dad is on his way and I don’t want to run into him in the lobby" He told me. “Okay you better go then” I said releasing him from my grip around his neck. "Wait.." I said furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah?" Luke replied.

"How did you convince the receptionist your name was Rachael?" I asked him. “I told her my parents are European” He said chuckling. "Guess I’m going to have to increase my security, they seem to be letting anyone in these days" I teased and Luke grinned.

"I’ll see you tomorrow?" Luke asked me and I nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it” I said grinning as he sprinted into the elevator.

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