Chapter Nine

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Honestly I was a little worried about about Luke going away for a few days. But I would never tell him that. It made me nervous the thought of him being half way across the country talking to thousands of girls on a daily basis. Even though Luke didn’t seem like the type to get with a lot of girls, I still couldn’t help but worry.

It was the last day before the boys flew out in the morning. I had plans with my friends so I wasn’t able to go to Daddy’s office until late that afternoon. When I walked in they were all sitting around talking. “Hey Kate” They all said in unison except for Luke. "Hey Kate" He said deliberately after the others so that I heard him. “Hey boys..Hi Luke” I said laughing as I took a seat on the table. "So are you guys all ready for tomorrow?" I asked them all. “Yes!" Ashton screamed enthusiastically and I giggled. “I can’t wait for the girls!” Michael groaned running his hands down his face. I laughed just so it didn’t look like I was worried.

Luke noticed anyway, I could tell because he was staring at me biting down on his lip ring looking anxious. “What time is your flight tomorrow?” I asked no one in particular. “Ugh it’s like 10am or something” Calum said. “So early night tonight I guess?” I assumed. "No? Fuck that! Today is our last free day for a week, were going out and partying tonight" Michael said high-fiving Ashton.“Oh…” I said nodding. “You should come!” Ashton said grinning at me. "Yeah"Luke backed him up.

I could have gone, it would have been good because it means I could spent some time alone with Luke before he goes away. And I could also keep an eye on him and see what he is like around other girl. But I thought, if I can’t trust him for one night, how am I meant to trust him for an entire week?

"No I can’t I have to do a favour for a friend.." I lied. "Hmm that is very vague..are you secretly a drug dealer or something" Calum asked raising an eyebrow at me. “Shut up” I said rolling my eyes as I gently kicked him. “No but seriously I can’t go. But I’ll come to the airport tomorrow to see you guys off”I told them. "Oh you’re such a cutie!" Ashton said hugging me and kissing the top of my head. I giggled pushing him off me.

I loved how close I have gotten to all the boys recently. It was nice to have some genuine friends for once, most of my friends are conceited and pretentious and talking to them was like trying to speak to someone in a foreign language sometimes.

Calum, Michael and Ash got in to a fight over something to do with Pokemon so that gave me a chance to talk to Luke. "Why don’t you want to come tonight?"He asked me moving closer to me. "It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t"I told him. "Well It’s not going to be any fun without you" He said leaning in as if he was going to kiss me. "Luke! They’re right there" I said shoving him off me quickly. "Sorry" He said chuckling, running his hand down his neck. I smirked at him. "You just can’t resist me, can you?” I teased him. He just laughed shaking his head.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I checked it. It was a text from my friend Rachael. "Surprise sale at Saks get down here asap!" Was all she wrote."Em..boys I have to, but have fun tonight and I’ll see you in the morning" I said grabbing my bag as I headed for the door. "Surprise sale at Saks?" Luke said with a smug smile. I just flipped him off before walking out.

I knew I really have no right to not let Luke get with other girls since we’re not official but I was just really hoping he wouldn’t.

I was half asleep when my alarm went off at 7:30 am the next day. I could barely even stand up but I knew I would regret it if I didn’t go and see Luke off. Daddy was going with them so I took a cab with him. Daddy hates taking a chauffeur so he always insists on taking cabs everywhere. I think I may have fallen asleep on the way because I jolted up when Daddy shook me. I could see the boys at a distance and I waved. "Morning" I said laughing at their fallen expression. "Is hungover an understatement?" I asked them chuckling smugly.

"No need to shout" Michael groaned massaging his temple. I laughed at their pain as I took a seat. "Morning boys, I’m going to get a coffee, anyone want one?" He asked us all. "Yes!" They all jumped. Daddy chuckled. “Okay the usual I suppose?" He asked and they all nodded. "Kate?" He asked m separately.“Tea would be perfect actually” I said before he walked off. “Ugh tea you snob” Ash teased me and I just ignored him. “So how was you’re night?” I asked them, desperate to hear what Luke did. “It was pretty good actually” Ash told me. "Get any Ash?" I asked smirking at him.

"No..unfortunately..but Luke did" Ashton said turning to wink at Luke. Luke’s eyes widened in terror as he glanced frantically from Ash to me and back again.“Oh really?” I said through my teeth turning to Luke. "I.." Luke was lost to for words. "Luke don’t be modest. She was gorgeous, I was jealous personally"Ash said completely oblivious as to what he had just started. Before anyone else could say another word, Daddy came back with the drinks. “Here you go boys”He said handing out the cups.

As soon as I got my tea I stood up and began to walk away. "Where are you going?" Daddy asked me. "I need sugar" I said not even turning around. As I picked up my sugar, I noticed Luke walking up beside me. "Kate, I swear nothing happened.." Luke said looking embarrassed. "Okay" I said emotionless.“What do you mean okay?" He asked me frowning in confusion. "I mean okay Luke" I said in an angered tone. “Is that okay I believe you or okay you’re a dick don’t talk to me" He asked me. "It’s just okay Luke" I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Why are you so mad? I swear nothing happened we just talked a little bit. I just told the boys we did stuff so they didn’t think I bitched out or something" He told me. "That’s great" I said walking away from him. “Kate come on, don’t be like this. You know I like you too much to fuck it up with some random girl at a club” I stayed silent. "Look I’m sorry if you’re upset but I swear to you I didn’t do anything..I wouldn’t" Luke told me. “Why wouldn’t you? it’s not like we’re together. Like you have an obligation not to cheat on me” I told him still walking. "Kate stop" He said standing in front of me, stopping me from walking any further. "I know we’re not together but I still like and respect you too much to get with another girl" He said looking me deep in the eyes.

One part of me wanted to believe him but another part of me thought I was setting myself up for disaster. He was going away for a whole week and a huge drama happened after one night. Maybe It was stupid of me to think Luke and I could ever be anything.

"You know what Luke? Maybe next time you see some gorgeous girl at a club, you shouldn’t bitch out" I said glaring at him. I cut him off before he could say anything else. “See you when you get back” I said walking off back to the other. 

"I forgot I have an appointment for the hairdressers in a while so I have to run. Have a good flight though" I said individually hugging all the boys. "See you at home Daddy" I said kissing his cheek. “Bye Luke” I said glaring at him before walking out to hail a cab.

Do you believe Luke or do you think he did do someting with that girl? Also tell me what you think of this chapter in the comments:)

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