Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't really understand why they wanted the boys to be in the studio at 2pm since they didn't really do anything. All they did was sit around and complain about how long they had to wait. For some reason, they weren't allowed to leave the studio which meant we were all going a little stir crazy being confined in a tight space until 11pm. Thankfully I was able to distract Luke but not in the way Daddy wanted. 

"Kate, stop making out with Luke, he has a career changing interview ahead of him tonight" He called from the other end of the studio. I leaned out of the kiss chuckling and so was Luke. "Sorry Daddy" I called back mid laugh. I went to go stand up from Luke's lap but he pulled me back down. "Don't go.." He groaned kissing my neck. "Okay, how about I go and get us some food, and when we come back we can do more of this.." I said leaning down to kiss him again. 

"God, could you be anymore perfect?" Luke said smiling at me. I paused for a second. "Mmm..probably not" I said giving him a smug smile. "Be back in a few" I said getting up from his arms.

I quickly hurried off to the nearest McDonald's and got everyone food before coming back to the studio. "Here you go boys" I said holding up the handful of bags I had on my arms. "Kate, you beautiful person" Calum said practically drooling over the food. "Hey, don't hit on my girl" Luke said shoving him playfully. "Hey, I'm not some object" I said teasing him. "Yeah Luke don't be so clingy" Ashton teased him but he just chuckled.

"So where's my other part of the deal?" Luke said wrapping his arms around my waist and kiss my neck. "Oh and what would that be?" I asked, playing ignorant. "You you.." He said between kisses. "I wouldn't want to distract you from you're very serious interview later" I said in a mocking tone.

"Stop you're not funny.." Luke mumbled into my skin which made me giggle.  "Fine, only for a few minutes.." I whispered into his ear as I stood up and took his hand. We were both giggling like little kids as we walked towards the corridor. "Oh Kate, could you do me a favour?" Daddy called from the studio door. Luke groaned in my ear in annoyance. "I'll be back in a second" I laughed at his pain as I walked over to Daddy.

I strolled over to Daddy who was just finishing a phone call. "Hey what's up?" I asked him. "Would you mind, running back to the office? I forgot my work phone and I'm expecting a call from the organizers of the VMA's" He said looking at me with a guilty expression. "No it's fine, I need to get out of here for a while anyways" I said smiling at him. "You're a light saver" He said kissing the top of my head.

I walked back over to Luke and wrapped my arms around his neck, jumping into his arms. "I'm really sorry but I have to run an errand" I said as he wrapped his arm around me. He groaned leaning his head back. "I guess the universe just doesn't want us to be together today" He said placing me back down on the ground. "I'll make it up to you, how about you me and the boys go out to this new club that just opened up downtown. It could be fun" I suggested. "Okay sounds good, hurry back though. I don't want you to miss us going on" He said. "I won't" I said pecking his lips before heading for the door.

I wanted to be back in time so I took the car instead of the subway. There were thousands of fans standing outside the studio. Now I know why they boys weren't allowed leave the studio. It just hit me then when I saw all the fans that this could potentially be my life. If and when Luke ends up telling the fans, I am going to be surrounded by rumours and paparazzi. Sure I have had my fair share of paparazzi from going to club openings and galas, but nothing like this.

I got Daddy's phone and put it in my handbag before getting back out into the car. Surprisingly his phone was ringing off the hook with the same number but it wasn't the VMA organizer. I made my way into the studio, just about in time. It was already 10:45. "Here you go Daddy, some number kept calling but I didn't recognize it" I said handing it to him.

"Oh..Eh.yeah that's..em..that's no one" He said taking the phone from me. "Thanks sweetie" He said before walking off to call the number back. I thought he was acting a bit suspicious but decided to ignore it, thinking it was due to the boys' interview tonight.

I made my way back over to the boys, sitting on Luke's lap. "You guys nervous yet?" I asked them. "Yeah a little bit.." Ashton said fiddling with his drum sticks. "Don't be, just be yourself and you'll be fine" I said trying to reassure them. "Boys, 5 minute!" One of the crew members said after a few minutes. "Okay this is it!" I said standing up and clapping my hands in excitement. "Let's go boys" Daddy said coming up to us all. "Good luck guys" I said hugging Ashton, Calum and Michael. "Good Luck Luke, you're going to do great" I said hugging him extra tightly and kissing his cheek. "I'll be watching" I said waving them off before making my way to behind the camera.

"Now, my next guests are from Australia" Jimmy announced and the audience erupted into cheers. "Please welcome the new up and coming band 5 Seconds of Summer" He said standing up and clapping along with the crowd.

They all walked out but my eyes were only on Luke. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he looked out there. I was so proud of him for everything they have achieved so far. I gave him a small wave and he smiled back in acknowledgement. "Hey guys" Jimmy said and they all said Hi back. "So you guys are getting pretty big now, that must be pretty crazy with all the fans and everything?" He asked and they all nodded. "Yeah it get's a little crazy but we really appreciate the support, we have the best fans in the world" Luke said shyly, biting his lip ring.

The interview went on for a few more minutes, asking the usual questions about their music and touring with One Direction. "Now, before you guys go off and perform for us, I have one more question that all the fans have been dying to know" Jimmy said with a smile on his face.

"Luke.." He said smirking at him. "Yeah?" Luke said biting his lip. "I heard, that you may have a little girlfriend?" He said grinning widely at him. "Emm" Luke said and my smile grew. He was so cute, getting embarrassed about us. "So is it true?" Jimmy asked. "Eh no, I don't. It's nothing serious, I'm just having fun" Luke said shrugging and my mouth completely dropped. Just having fun? What was that suppose to mean?

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