Chapter Four

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By the time we were finished in the city it was always 11pm so I thought it would be safer just to call my driver to come pick us up. We all got in, I was sitting between Calum and Michael. "So did you have fun today?" I asked them hopefully. "Yeah it was great" They all said to some extent, apart from Luke. "How about you?" I said looking at Luke. He shrugged, chewing on his lip ring. "It was fine I guess" He said and I just rolled my eyes. He was absolutely impossible, it didn't matter how hard I tried he was just such an asshole.

The boys got out by their hotel, thanking me for the tour. "See you later" I waved as they closed the door. I sighed, closing my eyes slightly. I was so drained from today. I wasn't used to the pressure of trying to please people. Daddy never put pressure on me for anything so it was an alien feeling.

Over the next few weeks I had made a habit of going to Daddys work almost everyday for some reason. I actually began to enjoy helping him and the boys around the office. I even became quite close with the boys although Luke still hated me. We just didn't see eye to eye on anything. I would give a suggestion about their album artwork he would shut me down straight away. He would almost completely ignore anything I said. It made things very awkward for the other boys. There were certain times when Luke would be surprisingly nice to me but they were very rare occurrences.

"Luke could you pass me that pen for a second?" I asked one day as we sat in the studio. Luke scoffed, rolling his eyes as he passed it to me. His obvious hatred for me was almost laughable sometimes. Just as I took the pen into my hand it was swiped out of my grip by Luke. I looked up to him furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "You said you only wanted it for a second, a second is up" Luke said unable to keep the smirk off his face. "What are you 12?" I asked squinting at him. "Maybe.." he said biting his lip ring. I could hear the faint laugh of the other boys and Daddy in the background.

"Just give it to me" I said snatching it out of his hand. "Oh sassy" Luke said and I just ignored him, continuing with what I was doing. Some people may have taken that as Luke being flirty but I knew that he was really only doing it to make my blood boil.

"Okay boys, you can go home now, good work today" Daddy announced closing his laptop. "Okay see you tomorrow" The boys said getting up. "Bye Calum, Ashton and Michael" I said loudly making them laugh. Luke just chuckled shaking his head. I turned around to a smirk from Daddy. "What?" I asked him. "You and Luke seem to really be hitting it off" He said to me. "What? we hate each other?" I told him. "Hmm whatever helps you sleep at night.." He said getting up. I sat there mouth agape unable to think of a sufficient reply.

"Morning" I said as I walked into the office. I got a reply off everyone except Luke. "Morning Luke" I said bending down so I was at his eye level. "Hi" he said said through his teeth and I just laughed. "So what are you guys doing today?" I asked sitting down on the table. "We're actually flying out to LA today for a week" They told me. "Oh really so you won't be here for a week?" I asked. "Well if we're in LA we're obviously not going to be here" Luke said rolling his eyes, annoyed. "Sorry no need to be an dick about it" I said glaring at him. He just ignored me looking down at his phone.

"I actually have somewhere to be. so I'll see you guys when you get back. Have fun" I said making my way to the elevator. "Tell the manager at Saks I said hi" Luke said. "Fuck you asshole" I said flipping him off as the elevator doors closed.

Hope you like this, don't forget to comment and tell me what you think!

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