Chapter 1: Marinette's New Hair

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(With Tikki and Marinette in Mari's room)
Tikki: What are you doing, Marinette?
Marinette: I'm just doing the finishing touches on my project. It was suppose to be in yesterday but someone was akumitized and I had to save them.
Tikki: I know you hate being Ladybug but you are the choosen one!
Marinette: I know that, Tikki, but it's making me late and missing my homework. My teachers are asking me why I've been so weird this year. I just wish we can capture Hawk Moth already! (falls onto the bed, hiding her face in the pillow)
Tikki: I know you want Hawk Moth gone already but we need to be careful which means...
Marinette: (Intterupts) Not revealling my identity to Chat Noir and Adrien. Ive heard this speech a thousand times already!
Tikki: Okay then. But you are an hour late to school already!
Marrinette: (Eyes widen) What?! (Looks at the time) Tikki! Why didn't you say anything?!
Tikki: Sorry!
Marinette: Just hide.
Tikki: (Hides in her bag)
Marinette: (Takes pigtails out) I fancy a change today.

(At school, with Adrien talking to Nino)
Alya: (Walking up to the boys) Hey, have you seen Marinette?
Nino: No, is she late again?
Alya: Yeah, that's the third time this week.
Nino: (To Adrien) You know, you and Marinette are sometimes late. Are you and her hanging out or something until like Midnight?
Adrien: No. I have really late photoshoots to attend to.
Nino: (Doesn't believe him) Right...
Marinette: (Walking into school)
Alya: (Sees her) finally, she turns up... With her hair down?!
Nino: (Looks) Wow!
Adrien: (Eyes widen)
(Adriens P.O.V)
Wait... Is that Marinette?! That can't be?! I thought she was already cute with her pigtails but now... Wait... Do I have a crush on her?!
Marinette: (Walks over)
Alya: Gurl! What's with the hair?!
Marinette: I just wanted to let my hair down for a change.
Nino: Seriously, Marinette, you should have it down more often.
Marinette: (Giggles) Thanks, Nino.
Adrien: Wow... Um...
Marinette: (Shy) Hi...
Adrien: I... I... Like your new hair...
Marinette: (Happy, nervous) Thanks.
Adrien: I... I got to... Get... To class. (Leaves)
Alya: Gurl, did Adrien really stutter in front of you?
Marinette: (Not listening) Adrien likes my hair. (Smiles big)

(With Adrien in the boys bathroom)
Plagg: (Comes out of his jacket) Seriously, Adrien?! What happened back there?! Why did you stutter?
Adrien: I dont know! She probably thinks I don't like her company after leaving so quickly.
Plagg: (Sighs) Here we go again.
Adrien: What?!
Plagg: This is Ladybug all over again.
Adrien: So...
Plagg: I'm guessing you like Marinette now?
Adrien: I... I've always liked her. I can't believe I'm about to say this but I like her more than Ladybug after seeing her hair down.
Plagg: How are you gonna tell her?
Adrien: I don't know. I heard her the other day talking about Chat Noir. Maybe I should see how she reacts with him?
Plagg: (Sighs) I hate transforming.


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