Chapter 8: Will Marinette Forgive Adrien? Part 1

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(With Marinette, running to a bench inside school)
Marinette: (Sits down, puts hand over face)
Tikki: (Comes out of hiding) Marinette, what's wrong?
Marinette: (Tearful) Adrien kissed Chloe! I thought he hated her?! I'm so stupid falling for a guy like him. Even if he is Chat Noir.
Tikki: Why didn't you let him explain what actually happened?
Marinette: Because I didn't want to hear the words "I don't love you anymore"!
Tikki: Marinette, you're overthinking about this! I'm sure he didn't mean to kiss Chloé, maybe it was a mistake? You know, in the moment kind of way?
Marinette: (Cries)
Adrien: (Running over)
Tikki: (Sees him) Adrien, I don't think this a very good time...
Adrien: Why?! I need to talk to her! Chloé kissed me!
Tikki: I believe you Adrien but... I don't think Marinette does.
Adrien: (Looks at her)
Marinette: (Turns away)
Plagg: (Comes out of hiding) Adrien! I need Camembert, I'm starving!
Adrien: Plagg, do you really think this is the time to eat?!
Plagg: Yes! Now give me Camembert!
Tikki: Come back later, Adrien. She'll be ok by then.
Adrien: (Sighs) Ok.... (Leaves with Plagg)
Marinette: This was supposed to be a good day...
Tikki: Come on, Marinette. Let's get back to class. Miss Bustier will probably be wondering where you are.

(In Miss Bustiers classroom, am hour later)
Miss Bustier: OK, my lovelies. We're now going to do some method acting. This is where you perform without a script. This is something new that I'd like to try with you all. I'm going to pick 2 people for this assignment. (Looks around) Adrien! You can be the first person up here.
Adrien: Ok. (Gets up)
Miss Bustier: (Looks around) Marinette! You can be the second person.
Marinette: (Eyes widen) Um... ok? (Gets up)
Chloé: Let the awkward event begin.
Adrien: (Upset)
Marinette: (Standing far away from him)
Miss Bustier: Now, the scene can be anything you want! And action!
Adrien: Um... Marinette?
Marinette: (Not looking at him)
Adrien: I know you probably hate right now but can I explain what happened?
Marinette: Why do you need to explain? It's pretty obvious you kissed back.
Adrien: I didn't kiss back! I was forced and I couldn't let go! Marinette, this thing your doing isn't helping! Why can't you just look at me and talk to me?!
Marinette: I can't Adrien! I can't look at you because if I do, I'll see that same image in my head!
Adrien: What image?
Marinette: Of you kissing Chloé! It's something that... I never thought you would do...
Chloé: (Offended) Rude!
Marinette: Oh shut up, Chloé! You got what you wanted! Are you happy now?!
Adrien: Chloé kissed me, Marinette! I had nothing to do with this! She just wants to be mean to you!
Marinette: (Sighs, turns around) It's all Chloé this and Chloé that! When are gonna stop defending yourself and talk about my feelings for a change?!
Adrien: OK! What are you feeling then?!
Marinette: (Tearful) Betrayed!!
Adrien: (Shocked)
Marinette: (Tearful) Did you feel guilty?
Adrien: What?
Marinette: (Trying not to cry, walks up to him) Did... you feel... guilty after the kiss?
Adrien: (Puts his head down) N..No...
(Everyone gasps)
Marinette: (Grabs Nino's water bottle, pours it on Adrien's hair) Come back to me when you do. (Leaves)
Adrien: (Tearful)
Miss Bustier: OK.... let's just... go to break early, shall we?

To Be Continued...

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