Chapter 10: Will Marinette Forgive Adrien? Part 3

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Marinette: Chloé?!
Chloé: (Waves nervously) Hey...
Marinette: (Crosses her arms) Why are you here? And where's Sabrina?
Chloé: I need to talk to you. Sabrina doesn't want to talk to me right now. (Looks down)
Marinette: Is this a trick?
Chloé: What?! No!
Marinette: Don't lie, Chloé!
Chloé: I'm not lying!
Marinette: Really? Since how long have we've been enemies?
Chloé: Look, Marinette, I just wanna talk.... about you and Adrien.
Marinette: (Gives up) Fine, you have 5 minutes!
Chloé: Thank you, Marinette!
Marinette: Yeah, yeah. Just talk.
Chloé: I just wanna say that I think you and Adrien make a great couple. I just got jealous and kissed him. I didn't realise what drama it would cause. If I could take it all back, I would.
Marinette: (Feels bad) You really liked him, huh?
Chloé: Yeah... remember when we used to be friends back in kindergarten? The pack we made?
Marinette: You mean the one where if both of us like the same guy, we let him go for whoever he wants and accept his decision?
Chloé: Yep... and that's what I'm doing. If it's you he loves then....
Marinette: Wait, hold on! Did he tell you he loves me?!
Chloé: He sort of said "I've lost the one I love".
Marinette: (Shocked) He... he... he... loves me?!
Chloé: Okay... let's calm down before the fangirling begins.
Marinette: I have to fix this. Chloé, thanks for the apology, I really needed some cheering up.
Chloé: You better tell Ladybug! I heard you always know where she is.
Marinette: Oh, uh, why?
Chloé: Because me and her are best friends. She adores me!
Marinette: Oh... ok.

(With Adrien and Plagg)
Adrien: (Lying on his bed, sighing) So, this is what a heart break feels like.
Plagg: Oh, cheer up, Adrien!
Adrien: I can't! It's too hard! I just want to see Marinette! I miss her so much!
Plagg: You'll see her... as Ladybug!
Adrien: But not as Marinette! I need some air... Plagg, claws out!
Plagg: But I haven't finished my Camembert!

(With Marinette, a few minutes later, walking in the park, looking at her phone)
Marinette: You can do this Marinette! Just call him! Don't be a wimp! (About to type) No! I can't!
Chat Noir: (Jumps down and sits on the bench, looking down)
Marinette: (Looks up from her phone, sees Chat Noir on the bench, walks up to him) Chat?
Chat Noir: (Looks up, then looks down)
Marinette: Can I sit next to you?
Chat Noir: (Not looking at her, pats the bench)
Marinette: (Sits down)
Chat Noir: (Still not looking) Why are you here? Are you gonna pour more water on my head? You know cats hate water.
Marinette: I want to apologise. I was going to call you but I couldn't. You see, Chloé visited me today....
Chat Noir: (Interrupts) Let me guess, you both want to throw water at me?
Marinette: You're already making this harder then it needs to be!
Chat Noir: (Looks at her) What?
Marinette: (Smiles) She told me that you said that I'm the one you love.
Chat Noir: (Smiling) That's because you are.
Marinette: (Blushes)
Chat Noir: (Stands up) I need to show you something. (Reaches his hand out)
Marinette: (Takes it)
Chat Noir: (Picks her up bridal style)
(He carries her back to his house)
Chat Noir: (Puts Marinette down, goes over to his computer, turns it on, showing his wallpaper)
Marinette: (Shocked) Adrien.... is that.... Me and Ladybug?
Chat Noir: (Shy) Yeah... It just shows me that no matter what you look like, you'll always be my Ladybug.
Marinette: (Takes a step back, speechless)
Chat Noir: (Stands up) Marinette, I don't know why I said I didn't feel guilty! My head was all confused with the questions and then you poured water on my head and I.....
Marinette: (Kisses him)
Chat Noir: (Shocked, kisses back)
Marinette: (Pulls away)
Chat Noir: Hold on, this feels weird. Plagg, claws in. (He transforms back into Adrien)
Plagg: (Flies out and lands on the bed) I need Camembert!
Adrien: There's some in your safe, remember?
Plagg: Oh yea! (Flies inside the safe)
Adrien: Sorry about him.
Marinette: It's okay.
Adrien: (Leans in)
Marinette: (Stops him) Wait...
Adrien: (Confused) What?
Marinette: I love you, Adrien.
Adrien: I love you too, Marinette.
Marinette: But I think we need a break.
Adrien: A break?
Marinette: I forgive you and everything but maybe it's not our time just yet.
Adrien: Oh...
Marinette: Maybe when the time is right, we could date again?
Adrien: I'll always wait for you, Marinette. No matter how long it takes.
Marinette: (Smiles at him but then a tear falls) I hate doing this to you. (Wipes her tear)
Adrien: Then don't if it's going to make you cry.
Marinette: I have to. Paris needs Ladybug and Chat Noir. I don't think our personal lives should get in our way of us saving Paris. You know what I mean?
Adrien: (Nods) I understand. For now, let's be friends.
Marinette: (Smiles) Best friends.
Adrien: Um, before you transform into Ladybug and leave, can I have one last kiss, as in goodbye?
Marinette: (Smiles, kisses him)
Adrien: (Kisses back)
Marinette: (Pulls away, hugs him)
Adrien: (Hugs back, sad)
Marinette: (Breaks the hug, opens her bag)
Tikki: (Flies out)
Marinette: Tikki, spots on! (She transforms into Ladybug)
Ladybug: (Jumps to the window, stops, looks back at Adrien and waves before leaving)
Adrien: (Sighs) Plagg?
Plagg: (Still in the safe, eating Camembert)
Adrien: (Opens the safe) Plagg! You pig! Did you eat all the Camembert?!
Plagg: (Burps) Maybe....
Adrien: (Shakes his head, laughs)

To be continued...

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