Chapter 14: The Final Fight (Part 1)

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(The next day, after school, with Adrien and Marinette outside waiting for Adrien's bodyguard)
Adrien: (Looking at his homework) Man, this is a lot of homework!
Marinette: (Holding onto his arm) I know... So much work!
Adrien: Do you wanna come over and help me?
Marinette: Me?! You're asking me?! I would love too!
Chloé: (Walking towards them) Marinette? Can I ask you a quick question?
Marinette: Sure.
Chloé: So... I was wondering if you could get Ladybug to meet me at my Daddy's hotel?
Marinette: Why?
Chloé: Because I wanna hang out with her! Just let her know will ya?
Marinette: Sure?
Chloé: Thank you! (Walks over to Sabrina)
Adrien: Weird.
(Adrien's bodyguard arrives)
Adrien: After you, M'lady.
Marinette: Thank you. (Gets in the car) I better call my parents and tell them I'll be late back.

(With Gabriel waiting with Nathalie on the stairs)
Adrienette: (Walk in)
Gabriel: Adrien? Who's that?
Adrien: Father, this is Marinette... my girlfriend.
Gabriel: (Mad) You're what?
Adrien: (Puts his arm around her) My girlfriend.
Gabriel: (Not happy) Nathalie, sort this out. (Leaves)
Nathalie: Yes, sir. (Walks over to them) Marinette, why don't you go up to Adrien's room? I need to talk to Adrien.
Marinette: Yes, ma'am. (Goes to Adrien's room)
Nathalie: Adrien, you know you're father doesn't like it when you bring your friends here. He disturbs his creativity.
Adrien: But me and Marinette are just doing homework together.
Nathalie: You know the rules, Adrien.
Adrien: (Gets mad) You know what Nathalie?! I'm sick and tired of being bossed around by you! This is my first time having a friend over who isn't just here for my modeling! It's the first time they're here for me as a normal civilian! If you don't like it, go and boss someone else for a change! Let's see how long they last with a nut job like you! (Goes to his room)
Nathalie: (Shocked, gets sad)

(With Hawk Moth in his lair)
Hawk Moth: Thank you, my dear son. You found me another victim! Now I can proceed with Plan B! (Evil laughs, creates an akuma) Fly away my little akuma and evilise her!
(The akuma flies away and evilises Nathalie)
Hawk Moth: Catalyst.... I am Hawk Moth... I'm giving you the power to evilise any person you want, especially Ladybug and Cat Noir! But there is a price... get me their miraculous!
Nathalie: You got it, Hawk Moth. (Turns into Catalyst)

(With Adrienette, doing homework)
Marinette: Um... what's 16 times by 9?
Adrien: Why don't you use the calculator?
Marinette: We were allowed the calculator?! Where did it say that?!
Adrien: (Points to the symbol on the paper)
Marinette: Oh....
Adrien: (Laughs)
Marinette: And that was funny because....?!
Adrien: (Smiles) You're so cute when you're forgetful.
Marinette: (Leans on his shoulder) I know I am...
Catalyst: (Bashes the door down)
Adrienette: (Jump out of their seat)
Catalyst: Oh, Adrien! I have a little akuma I'd like you to have...
Adrien: (In front of Marinette, protecting her)  Nathalie?
Catalyst: Nathalie? Who's Nathalie? I'm Catalyst! (Forms a ball of akumas, throws them in the air)
Marinette: (Grabs Adrien's hand, they run to the bathroom)
Adrien: (Locks the door)
Catalyst: (Banging on the door) There's no where to run! You're trapped!
Marinette: We need to transform!
Adrien: Right!
(They transform and jump out of the window)
Catalyst: (Gives up) I'll be back! With more than 1 supervillian! (Leaves)

(On the roof, with Ladybug and Chat Noir)
Catalyst: (Jumps out of Adrien's window)
Ladybug: Where is she off too?
Chat Noir: I don't know. Let's follow her!
(They follow her to the Eiffel Tower)
Catalyst: (On top, about to create an akuma)
Chat Noir: Stop it right there, Catalyst!
Ladybug: We're not afraid of you!
Catalyst: Oh you will be! After this! (Grabs her staff, her staff creates an explosion near Ladybug)
Ladybug: (Gets hit, falls off the Eiffel Tower)
Chat Noir: (Eyes widen) Ladybug!!! (Jumps off)
Catalyst: Finally! Now I can create an akuma! (Leaves)
Chat Noir: (Catches her, safely puts her on the ground)
Ladybug: (Unconscious)
Chat Noir: Ladybug! Oh god, no! (Checks for pulse, sighs in relief) She's still breathing. Don't worry, Princess! I know someone who can help you! (Picks her up bridal style, runs off)

(At Master Fu's)
Master Fu: (In Meditation Mode)
Wayzz: (Flying around)
Adrien: (Holding Marinette, trying to open the door) Master Fu?
Master Fu: (Wakes up, sees Adrien) Chat Noir? Ladybug? What're are you doing here?
Adrien: (Puts Marinette on the mat) She got hit!
Master Fu: (Kneels) What did she get hit with?
Adrien: She got hit by Hawk Moth's akumitized villian!
Master Fu: What's this villians name?
Adrien: Um... I think she said... Catalyst... or something?
Master Fu: Catalyst?! Oh no!
Adrien: What?
Master Fu: Catalyst is one of the many villians that has more power than superheros!
Adrien: What.... She.... is more powerful than us?!
Plagg & Tikki: (Come out of Adrien's pocket)
Plagg: She can create akumas like Hawk Moth!
Tikki: Which is extremely dangerous! He must've told Nooroo to tell him how!
Wayzz: Aren't you guys forgetting something?! Marinette just got hit by her staff!
Adrien: How do we wake her up?!
Wayzz: That's the thing! We can't! We don't know how!
Master Fu: It says something in the book about it but I'm struggling to decipher the code!
Adrien: (About to cry) This can't be happening! I need Marinette!
Master Fu: I think I can try something! (Grabs something from his bookshelf)
Adrien: (Kneels next to Marinette, holds her hand)
Master Fu: (Kneels too, opens a jar)
Adrien: What's that?
Master Fu: This is a jar of golden tears. This help people who are in a coma. I'm not saying Marinette is in one but it's worth a shot. (Pours the tears on her head)
(Everyone waits... and waits... and waits...)
Adrien: (Tearful) It's not working!
Master Fu: Then I am stumped!
Adrien: Marinette, if you can hear me, please wake up! I love you so much!
Tikki: (Sits on Adrien's head, pats it)
Plagg: (Does the same as Tikki)
Master Fu: You certainly can't go back out there on your own. You'll need some help. Just until I can get Marinette back!
Adrien: Who's going to help me?
Master Fu: You'll need help from Carapace, Rena Rouge and Queen Bee.
Adrien: So, I get to choose three civilians to help me?
Master Fu: That's right.
Adrien: (Nods) I'll do it.... (Looks at Marinette) for Marinette.
Master Fu: (Takes off his Miraculous) Wayzz I renounce you! (Wayzz goes back into the miraculous, gives Adrien it) That is Carapace. (Gets the other miraculouses out, gives him them) Rena Rouge and Queen Bee's Miraculous. I'm counting on you, Adrien... or shall I say.... Chat Noir...
Adrien: (Smiles, looks at Marinette) I love you, Marinette. (Kisses her head, gets up and leaves with Plagg)
Tikki: Can I rest Master?
Master Fu: Of course, Tikki.

To be continued...

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