Chapter 15: The Final Fight (Part 2)

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(With Chat Noir jumping from roof to roof, trying to avoid Catalyst)
Chat Noir: (Looking around) Where are you, Nino?!
(At the park, with Nino and Alya)
Nino: (On his phone)
Alya: (Checking out her Ladyblog) This is so much better than homework.
Chat Noir: (Jumps in front of them)
Nino & Alya: (Scream)
Chat Noir: Sorry! Didn't mean to startle you!
Alya: OMG! Chat Noir! Can I get a quick interview with you?!
Nino: Alya!
Chat Noir: No... I got an emergency and I...
Chloé: (Screams from a distance, runs up to him, hugs him)
Chat Noir: Woah... um... Chloé... is it?
Chloé: (Pulls away) So, where's Ladybug?
Chat Noir: That's what I'm here about.... you see.... Ladybug got hit by one of Hawk Moth's villians and is now... unconscious.
(They all gasp)
Chat Noir: So... while I wait for any news... I need some superheros to assist me... care to help?
Alya: Yeah!
Nino: Yeah!
Chloé: Wait... am I invited?
Chat Noir: I do need 3 superheros so... yeah.
Chloé: Yes!
Chat Noir: (Pulls out the miraculouses, gives it to them) Nino, you will be known as Carapace.
Nino: Carapace?
Chat Noir: It's french for turtle or something.
Nino: Oh!
Chat Noir: Alya, you will be Rena Rouge. You're gonna be a fox!
Alya: Yes! Foxes are so cute!
Chat Noir: And Chloé, you will be Queen Bee.
Chloé: Yes, I get to be a Queen! Let's save Ladybug!
Everyone: For Ladybug!
(Nino, Alya and Chloé open the miraculous. Pollen, Trixx and Wayzz appear)
Nino, Alya & Chloé: Woah!
Trixx: Alya, I'm Trixx! Your kwami!
Pollen: Chloé, I'm Pollen! Your kwami!
Wayzz: Nino, I'm Wayzz! Your kwami!
Nino, Alya & Chloé: What's our power?
Trixx: Rena Rouge's power is to create illusions!
Pollen: Queen Bee's power is to pull the top of your trompo to create a forcefield!
Wayzz: Carapace's  power to shield someone!
Chat Noir: Before you transform, after this fight, you need to give them back, ok? Now, tell them the magic words...
Trixx: Trixx, let's pounce!
Pollen: Pollen, stripes on!
Wayzz: Wayzz, shell on!
(They say the magic words and transform)
Chat Noir: You guys look awesome! Now, let's show Catalyst who's boss!
(They go and find Catalyst, meanwhile back with Master Fu)
Master Fu: (Looking through every book) I can't find it, Tikki! There's absolutely no way to wake up Marinette!
Tikki: You mean, she could be like this forever?
Master Fu: Until I found out how, yes.
Tikki: (Sad) Does that mean I have to find another Ladybug?
Master Fu: (Nods his head)
Tikki: (Sighs, about to cry)
Master Fu: It's okay, Tikki! We'll find something!
(In Marinette's dream)
Marinette: (Wakes up) Hello? Is anyone there?
???: Who are you?!
Marinette: (Turns around)
???: Why are you here?!
Marinette: I'm Marinette and...
???: Hang on! You're not suppose to remember your name! You're not really dead?!
Marinette: Dead?! Wait, where am I?
???: You're in heaven my friend... do you remember anything before you got here?
Marinette: I remember... getting hit... BY CATALYST!!
???: Because... I was the original Catalyst.
Marinette: (Gasps) No!
Catalyst: Yes! I think I can help you get back....
Marinette: How?
Catalyst: You need to trust me, okay? Turn around.
Marinette: (Confused, turns around) Ok?
Catalyst: (Creates a giant hole with her staff)
Marinette: What.... what.... are you doing?!
Catalyst: (Whispers) Her akuma is in her staff!
Marinette: What....
Catalyst: (Kicks her into her hole)
Marinette: (Screams)
(Back in Master Fu's place)
Marinette: (Shaking, squirming about)
Tikki: Master! Look!
Master Fu: I think she's.... trying to wake up! TIKKI, GRAB THE GOLDEN TEARS!
Tikki: (Grabs the golden tears jar and gives it to him)
Master Fu: (Sprinkles it)
Marinette: (Trying to wake up)
Master Fu: Come on, Ladybug! Fight it!
Marinette: (Suddenly wakes up, sits up, breathing heavily)
Tikki: Marinette, what happened?
Marinette: I... I.... I... don't... know...  but.... I know where... the akuma is...
Master Fu: Look, it's great you know where the akuma is but I can't risk you getting hit again!
Tikki: But how is she going to capture the akuma without being Ladybug?!
Master Fu: That's a very good point... alright... just be careful.
Marinette: Thank you, Master Fu! (Stands up) Tikki, spots on!
(She transforms into Ladybug)
Ladybug: Let's save Paris! (About to leave but stops) Wait.... is Chat Noir fighting Catalyst alone?!
Master Fu: He's not fighting alone, he's got three superheros helping him.
Ladybug: You mean, three civilians, fighting crime?! This is not good! (Runs out)

(With Chat Noir, Carapace, Queen Bee and Rena Rouge finding Catalyst)
Queen Bee: (Moans) Where is she?!
Rena Rouge: She'll be here!
Catalyst: (Drops in front of them and the superheros take a step back) Thanks for reminding everyone! Now that there are more Miraculouses, Hawk Moth will want all of them!
Carapace: Good luck taking it from us!
Catalyst: Don't temp me, turtle boy!
Chat Noir: You wanna fight? Let's fight! (Charges towards her)
Catalyst: (Punches him the stomach, sends him flying)
(Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Carapace fight her)

(With Chat Noir, screaming and falling somewhere in Paris)
Chat Noir: (Lands on the ground and groans) Man, that hurt...
???: (Walks up, creates a shadow on his face) Need as hand?
Chat Noir: (Looks up)
???: Hey, you...
Chat Noir: Ladybug.... is that really you?
Ladybug: (Helps him up) Missed me, Kitty?
Chat Noir: (Hugs her tight) I thought I lost you!
Ladybug: (Hugging back) You can never lose me! I'll just keep crawling back. (Smiles)
Chat Noir: (Pulls away) Right... now that I know you're okay, we need to help the others!
Ladybug: And they are?!
Chat Noir: Queen Bee, Rena Rouge and Carapace. I told them that this is not permanent. Now, let's go! (Grabs her hand, runs)
Ladybug: (Surprised) Woah!

To be continued...

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