Chapter 11: Luka?!

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Adrien went straight back to school after his conversation with Marinette. His father didn't care though. He was busy being Hawk Moth that he didn't have time for teen drama. As of Episode 6, he knows Ladybugs and Chat Noir's identities. He was ready to begin plan B. It was just gonna take some time for him to get their miraculous. Anyways back to the story!

(2 Months Later, with Adrien and Nino in school)
Nino: Dude, me and Alya found out something that would be perfect for you and Marinette!
Adrien: Is this a date thing because you know that we're on a break?
Nino: It's not a date, it's an event that I think you both should go too.
Adrien: Cool, what's the event?
Nino: The Ladybug and Chat Noir event! It's happening this Saturday!
Adrien: (Tries to make an excuse) Ah that sounds... awesome, Nino, but... too bad we don't have any tickets.
Nino: Don't worry, me and Alya brought you guys some tickets! Think of this as friends just hanging out!
Adrien: (Sighs) Yep, friends...
Nino: (Heard his sigh) Dude, what's wrong?
Adrien: I kinda miss me and Marinette being more than just friends.
Nino: I know you're heart broken but you just gotta learn to respect Marinette's decisions. If she's not ready for you two to date again, just be patient.
Adrien: (Smiles) Thanks for the advice, Nino. I missed our  hangouts since you and Alya started dating.
Nino: Hey, bros before hoes, am I right?
(They laugh and high five)
Marinette: (Walking up to them) Hey, guys! So, what's the conversation this time?
Nino: I was just telling Adrien that I brought you guys tickets for the Ladybug and Chat Noir event happening this Saturday!
Marinette: (Surprised) Really?
Nino: Yeah. Me and Alya figured that you two need to start hanging out more as friends.
Marinette: I've always wanted to go! Thanks Nino! Can I see the tickets?
Nino: Sure. I'll give them to you two now! (Gets them out of his bag, gives them the tickets)
Marinette: (Excited) I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun, Adrien! (Hugs him)
Adrien: (Surprised, hugs back)
Marinette: (Realises what she's doing, pulls away) Sorry. I forgot about our... never mind. (Walks away)
Adrien: (Watches her walk away)
Nino: Dude, did you see that?  She hugged you! Things are looking up, just very slowly.
Adrien: Yeah... slowly.

(Saturday: 9am at the event)
Adrienette: (Walking in)
Marinette: (Looks around) Wow! People really do love us.
Adrien: There's people cosplaying us and everything.
Luka & Juleka: (By the masks, trying them on)
Marinette: (Spots them) Look it's Juleka!
Adrien: Let's go say hi!
(They go over to them)
Marinette: Juleka, you didn't tell me you was going to be here.
Juleka: Hi, Marinette. Hi, Adrien.
Adrien: Hi. Who's this you brought?
Juleka: This is my brother, Luka.
Luka: It's very nice to meet you, both. (Holds Marinette hand) I'm guessing you're Marinette, one of my sisters classmates. (Kisses her hand)
Marinette: (Blushes)
Adrien: (Sees her blush, gets jealous, stands in front of her, shakes Luka's hand) I'm Adrien. Marinette's on-break boyfriend.
Luka: (Confused) On break?
Marinette: Yeah, we were dating but we decided to take a break until we know what we both want.
Luka: So, does that mean you're kinda single kinda not?
Adrien: (Jealous) Well, not single single. We're still dating just not so much dating and plus we still like each other so um Luka, why do you like this event so much huh?
Marinette: Adrien!
Adrien: What? It's just a question!
Luka: Well, uh, I just like how they save the world and everything plus I think Ladybug's hot.
Adrien: Oh god! (Walks off)
Marinette: Sorry about him, Luka. He's just not himself at the moment. It was nice to see you both!
Juleka: See ya, Marinette! (She walks off with Luka)
Marinette: (Walks back to Adrien, a little mad) What was that all about?! You were being a bit rude.
Adrien: (Feels guilty) I'm sorry, Marinette. I just got all jealous when he started talking about you and kissing your hand. (Sits down on a chair)
Marinette: (Sighs) No. It's me that needs to apologise to you.
Adrien: Why?
Marinette: You have every right to be jealous. I guess you still love me, don't you?
Adrien: (Smiles) Yeah but don't worry, you're not ready to get back together yet so like I said, I'll always wait for you.
Marinette: (Smiles) Thank you, Adrien.
Adrien: (Stands up and hugs her)
Marinette: (Hugs back)
Adrien: (Pulls away) You know what we should do?
Marinette: What?
Adrien: Follow me. (He takes her hand and runs towards an empty hall)
Adrien: (Opens his jacket for Plagg to fly out of)
Marinette: (Smirks) I see. Let's give the people what they want.
Adrien: One rule though. No kissing Luka!
Marinette: Adrien!
Adrien: Sorry.
(They say the magical words and transform into their superhero identities)

(With Luka and Juleka, at the food court)
Juleka: You didn't have to buy me this giant hot dog.
Luka: Why? Mom said I had to treat you so I did.
(People start screaming)
Luka: What was that?
(People start running towards the stage)
Luka: (Stops one of the fans) What's going on?
Fan: Ladybug and Chat Noir are here!
Juleka: No way!
Luka: (Jumps out of his seat, grabs Juleka's hand) Come on, sis! I want the front row!
Juleka: (Gets thrown out of her seat) LUKA!
(On stage)
Ladybug: (Waving)
Chat Noir: (Posing)
Luka: (Running towards the front) Oh my god! It's Ladybug!
Ladybug: (Gives Luka a wink)
Luka: She winked at me!
Chat Noir: (Smiling and posing) What did I just say, Ladybug?
Ladybug: (Waving) You said no kissing. You didn't say anything about winking.
Chat Noir: (Posing) Follow my lead, I'm gonna do something.
Ladybug: What?
Chat Noir: Hey, can we get some music?!
(Music starts to play)
Ladybug: What are you....
Chat Noir: (Starts dancing)
Fans: (Scream)
Ladybug: (Crosses her arms, shaking her head)
Chat Noir: (Dances over to her, spins her and dips her, winks)
Ladybug: (Blushes)
Fans: (Fangirl)
Chat Noir: (Picks her up bridal style, spins round)

(An hour later)
Adrien: That was so much fun!
Marinette: Yeah for you. You somehow managed to make me pull a muscle!
Adrien: (Puts arm round her) I'm sorry, Marinette. But you got to admit you liked that!
Marinette: (Smiles) Yeah...
Robbers: (Walk in, pointing guns at everyone)
Robber 1: Everyone on the ground!
(Everyone lies on the ground on their stomachs)
Marinette: (Whispers) We have to do something!
Adrien: (Whispers) No, Marinette, it's too dangerous!
Robber 2: Get the plushies! I'll get the masks!
Marinette: (Whispers) We need to transform!
Adrien: (Whispers) We can't! Our kwamis are still eating!
Marinette: (Stands up)
Adrien: (Eyes widen) Marinette no!
Marinette: (Shouts) Hey! Robbers!
Luka: (Sees her, whispers to Juleka) What is she doing?!
Robbers: (Look at her, then they look at each other nodding their head)
Robber 1: (Points the gun at her)
Marinette: (Scared) Look, all you have to do is put the gun down and we can talk about this...
Adrien: (Scared)
Robber 2: Just shoot her, dude!
Robber 1: Little girl, you messed with the wrong robbers. (Shoots this gun)

To be continued....

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