Chapter 5: Adrien and Marinette's Date

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(With Chat Noir, jumping roof to roof to get to Marinette's house)
Ladybug: (Jumps in front of him) Boo!
Chat Noir: (Stops, screams) Oh it's just you Bugaboo. Is there another akuma on the loose or something?
Ladybug: No, just getting some exercises done. I was about to head home anyway.
Chat Noir: (Lies) Yeah, me too.
Ladybug: Really? 'Cause it looks like you're in a rush. Got anything planned for tonight or something?
Chat Noir: (Gives up) Fine, you got me. I was about to go and pick up Marinette for our date.
Ladybug: Oooh! Where are you taking her?
Chat Noir: Uh, you know, just... gonna take her up to a roof and chill.
Ladybug: (Disappointed) Chill? That's it?
Chat Noir: Uh, yep.
Ladybug: (Whispers to herself) So glad I said no.
Chat Noir: What did you say?
Ladybug: Oh, nothing. Have fun tonight. Bug out! (Throws her yoyo and swings away)
Chat Noir: (Jumps to Marinette's roof, slides down to the balcony) Princess? Are you here?
Marinette: (Comes out in her dress) Listen, I have to tell you something.
Chat Noir: (Pretends he doesn't know) Tell me what?
Marinette: Um... I kind of already said yes to this guy named Adrien Agreste earlier. It wouldn't be fair to go with you if he asked first. I'm sorry.
Chat Noir: The fashion model? Oh, it's cool. Maybe we could go another time?
Marinette: (Smiles) Sure.
Chat Noir: Have fun tonight. I'm sure he's got something special planned for you.
Marinette: See ya, kitty... I mean... See ya.
Chat Noir: (Leaves)

(With Adrien, arriving at the bakery, 10 minutes later)
Adrien: (Entering the bakery)
Tom: (Sees him) Marinette! Adrien's here!
Adrien: Good evening Mr Dupain-Cheng.
Tom: Oh please, call me Tom.
Sabine: And call me Sabine. (Shakes his hand)
Marinette: (Walks through the door, smiling big)
Adrien: (Smiles) Hi, Marinette. Shall we go?
Marinette: (Still smiling)
Sabine: (Wakes her up) Honey? Are you ready to go?
Marinette: What?! Oh... um yes! (Giggles)
Adrien: Lovely seeing you Tom and Sabine.
Tom: You're welcome to our bakery anytime you like.
(They leave)
Sabine: Poor, Marinette. She's gonna be frozen all night.
Tom: Like I was on our first date. (Laughs)

(At the movie theatre)
Marinette: What movie are we watching?
Adrien: Actually, I wanted you to pick it.
Marinette: Okay.... How about that new French film that came out recently?
Adrien: J'adore? I've always wanted to watch that film.
Marinette: Great!
(They pay for their tickets and take their seats)
Chloé: (Walks in, swings her hair, goes towards the employee) Excuse me, I'm Chloé Bourgeois, André Bourgeois' daughter? I'm here for my free tickets to J'adore.
Sabrina: (Walking in with a suitcase) Chloé! I've brought your sweets!
Employee: I'm sorry but you can't bring that into the theatre.
Chloé: (Mad) What?! I don't think my daddy would approve of this! (Gets out phone) Do you want me to call him?!
Employee: (Scared) No. Just go in. (Gives ticket)
(Chloé and Sabrina go in where they see Adrien and Marinette)
Chloé: (Whispers to Sabrina) She is on a date with my Adrikins!
Sabrina: What are you gonna do?
Chloé: This! (Walks up to them) Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Why are you with my Adrikins at the movies?!
Adrien: Chloé, I'm not your Adrikins! I only like you as a friend.
Marinette: (Buries her face)
Adrien: Anyways, I like Marinette so just leave us alone.
Sabrina: Look, Chloé, Marinette has her hair down again.
Chloé: She is just using you. She just wants to get rid of me so she can have you all to herself.
Marinette: (Gets up, leaves)
Adrien: Marinette!
Chloé: Hope the door hits you on the way out.
Adrien: Chloé! Leave Marinette alone! And stop calling me Adrikins! You're not the girl I used to be friends with! (Leaves)

(Outside with Marinette)
Marinette: (Runs to a bench, cries)
(In Hawk Moth's lair)
Hawk Moth: First part of the plan has already been done for me. What perfect prey for my akuma! (Evilises a butterfly) Fly away my little akuma and evilise her!
(The akuma flies away)
Marinette: (Still crying)
Tikki: (Flies out of her pocket in her dress) Marinette! You're gonna get akumitized! Stop crying!
(The akuma flies by)
Tikki: (Sees it) No!
(The akuma flies into Marinette's bag)
Marinette: (Looks up)
Hawk Moth: Marinette, I am Hawk Moth. I'm here to help you get rid of anybody who stands in your way. I will let you stay as your normal self but I don't give this out for free. You must give me Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous!
Marinette: Well, Hawk Moth. Today's your lucky day! I am Ladybug and I will give you my miraculous!
Hawk Moth: Yes! I found you Ladybug! Now you work for me! Help me track down Chat Noir by creating destruction!
Marinette: Yes, Hawk Moth! (Evil laughs)


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