Chapter 7: They're What Now?!

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(With Marinette and Adrien, holding hands, arriving at the bakery)
Adrien: Well tonight was fun. (Smiles at her)
Marinette: (Giggles) Yeah, not quite how I imagined our first date.
Adrien: And how we share our secret identities.
Marinette: Well... I'm glad it was you.
Adrien: And I'm glad you're Ladybug and not Chloé.
Marinette: (Laughs) So... I'll see you tomorrow at school?
Adrien: (Kisses her quickly) I'll see you then.
Marinette: (Blushes, walks into the bakery)
Tom: (Sees her walk in) How was your date?
Marinette: Like a dream!
Sabine: That's great to hear!
Marinette: I'm going to bed. Night Mom. Night Dad. (Walks upstairs)
Tikki: (Comes out of her bag, sits on her bed) How do you feel, Marinette?
Marinette: I can't explain it! Adrien is just the best!
Tikki: Well, whilst you was akumitized, me and Plagg was talking about you.
Marinette: (Making her bed) Plagg?
Tikki: Adrien's kwami. He acts just like Chat Noir. Calling me nicknames and flirting with me.
Marinette: I think you secretly love it, Tikki.
Tikki: Whatever. But we both decided some rules if you two are gonna date.
Marinette: (Stops making bed) I'm listening.
Tikki: One, when you two are Ladybug and Chat Noir, make sure you focus on the task and not flirting with each other and number 2, have fun!
Marinette: (Laughs)

(At school, the next day)
Nino: (Waiting for Adrien's car)
(Adrien's car pulls up)
Adrien: (Gets out of the car)
Nino: Dude! (Bro hugs him) How was your date last night? Did you see Marinette get akumitized?
Adrien: No. I called for help. I let Ladybug and Chat Noir deal with it. There was nothing I could do.
Nino: Well, you might wanna get into that school quick because Chloé is picking on Marinette again.
Adrien: (Mad, walks into the school)
Chloé: You know, you're always carrying round that bag with you. Why don't you open it and show us what you're hiding in there?!
Marinette: (Scared) No! It's personal!
Chloé: (Clicks her fingers) Sabrina, grab the bag!
Sabrina: Yes, Chloé.
Alya: (Stands in front of Marinette) Don't you lay a finger on her!
Adrien: (Mad) Chloé!
Chloé: Aw look, it's my boyfriend!
Adrien: I'm not your boyfriend! (Walks up to Marinette) Are you okay?
Marinette: Now that you're here. (Hugs him from the side)
Adrien: (Kisses her head)
Alya: So... when was you gonna tell us that you're dating?!
Adrienette: Now! (Laughs)
Chloé: (Angry) What?! Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! That's my Adrikins!
Marinette: Well... he's my Adrikins now.
Adrien: (Giggles) I love it when you call me that!
Nino: But, Adrien, Chloé always call you that and you hate that name.
Adrien: It's only cute when Marinette says it.
Marinette: Now that we've dealed with that problem, I need to put my bag away in my locker. Adrien, I'll see you later.
Adrien: OK. See you later!
Marinette: (Leaves)
Adrien: (Watches her leave, sighs) She's so cute when she walks away.
Sabrina: (Pretends to throw up) This is grossing me out.
Chloé: I agree, Sabrina. Let's leave before we get infected. (Leaves)
The School Bell Rings
Adrien: Finally! My favourite teacher, Miss Bustier.
Nino: She's everyone's favourite teacher! (They go to class)

(In Miss Bustier's classroom, Chloé and Sabrina are hiding behind the door)
Sabrina: This is a good idea, Chloé. You're a genius!
Chloé: Of course I am! There's no doubt!
Alya: (Walks through the door, sees Chloé and Sabrina) Uh oh, brat alert.
Chloé: (Rolls her eyes) Shouldn't you be with Marinette?
Alya: (Sitting down) Shouldn't you be going back to a cave you came from?
Chloé: Whatever!
Nino and Adrien: (Walk in)
Nino: (Sits down)
Chloé: (Jumps in front of Adrien) Adrikins!
Adrien: (Screams a little) Chloé?!
Chloé: I just wanted to apologise for my rude behaviour earlier. I didn't mean to be so horrible to my Adrikins and his new girlfriend.
Adrien: Ok?
Chloé: So, I wanted to make up it up to you.
Adrien: (Confused) How?
Chloé: Like this! (Quickly kissing him)
Adrien: (Can't pull away)
Marinette: (Comes in, sees them kissing, drops her school supplies onto the floor) A... A... Adrien?!
Adrien: (Can finally pull away) Marinette!!
Marinette: (Tears up a little) I thought you liked me?!
Adrien: I do! Chloé... She...
Marinette: (Leaves, crying)

To be continued...

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