Chapter 22: Will You Go To The Dance With Me?

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*A week later*

Author's note: I know. Timeskip. LOL!

(At school, in Miss Bustier's classroom with Marinette, Chloe, Sabrina and Alya)

Marinette: So, Alya, did Nino ask you to the dance?

Alya: Yes! He got me flowers and everything.

Sabrina: Aw...

Chloe: I guess that's cute.

Marinette: You guess? Chloe, it's adorable.

Chloe: I don't know what adorable is except from me. I'm still new to this liking people thing.

Marinette: Do you need a break? *Chuckles*

Chloe: Ha ha very funny. *Sits in her seat*

Sabrina: *Goes and sits with her*

*The bell rings, the classmates come in and sit in their seats*

Marinette: *Looking around* Where's Adrien?

Miss Bustier: *Walks in* Good morning, students! *Puts her bag down, looks at Marinette* Marinette?

Marinette: *Looks at her, cautious* Yes, Miss Bustier?

Miss Bustier: The principal would like to see you for a moment.

Marinette: Ok. *Gets up and goes to the principal's office*

Miss Bustier: *Watches her leave, looks down* Ok, Adrien, you can come out now. *Smiling*

Adrien: *Pops up from out of under the desk* Thanks, Miss Bustier. 

Plagg: *Flies out of Adrien's jacket to Miss Bustier* I believe you owe me Camembert.

Miss Bustier: Of course, Plagg. *Gives him Camembert*

Plagg: *Eats it in one go* Mmmmmm......

Alya: Why were you under the desk?

Adrien: Because Miss Bustier agreed to help me ask Marinette to the dance.

Kim: I thought you already asked her? You know, since you're dating?

Plagg: I believe that just because you're a couple, doesn't mean you're automatically going to the event together. You still got to ask that person out.

Max: Good thinking.

Plagg: Thank you. I can come across as a genius!

Adrien: More like a floating stomach.

*Everyone in the class laughs*

Adrien: Anyways, I brought decorations. I want her to be so surprised!

Miss Bustier: And I need everyone's help. Including you, Plagg.

Plagg: *Sighs* Fine.

*In the principal's office*

Mr Damocles: *Silent, twiddling his fingers*

Marinette: *Sitting, waiting*

Mr Damocles: *Looks at his phone, looks back at Marinette*

Marinette: Why do you keep looking at your phone?

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