S:Seeing him again

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You stared at the clock in your living room. It seemed like the hands have never moved slower. It was almost time for you to head down to the lake to hear Miguel play, and you were getting impatient to say the least. You rapped your finger against the table in front of you in time with the ticking clock, hoping this would somehow increase the speed of time itself. After what felt like hours had past, you glanced up at the clock with one eye, closing the other as if you were afraid to look at the clock directly. Only 5 minutes had gone by. 

"No way!" You exclaimed to yourself. With a heaving sigh, you held your head in both your hands. Then it started to dawn on you. You were genuinely excited to see him again. Not just to hear his music, but to be with him. He was so shy when you first announced yourself yesterday, and you just now started to think about how endearing his shyness was. You giggled a bit to yourself at the thought, not noticing your face getting a bit red.

The toll of the clock snapped you out of your fantasy. 'Finally!' you thought to yourself. "Mama!" You call out to no one in particular, "Voy al lago!" You busted through the door and started down the road.

"O-Okay." your mother responded, taken aback by your sudden announcement. "Ten cuidado, pequena." She hollered after you, sure that you hadn't heard.

It didn't take long until you arrived at the lake. You spotted Miguel in the same spot he was in just yesterday. He was tuning his rickety guitar, turning the nails that were serving as tuning pegs with a rusty wrench he had brought along with him. 

"Oye, Miguel!" You called out to him, waving a hand above your head as you did so. He looked up, saw you, and waved back, a big lop-sided smile plastered on his face.

"Hola, Y/N! Ven aca, I have something to show you!" You bolted over to him, your hair blowing in the cool breeze the lake was giving off. You heard air rush by your ears as you made your way over to your friend, but never moved your eyes off of him. By the time you arrived by his side, you were winded, gasping for air.

"Hola.....w-what...what did you have....to show me..." You got out between big gasps of air. Miguel was snickering at you and gave your arm a light punch.

"Ay, Y/N, you look like un pez when you breathe like that! Hahahah!" You pouted in fake irritation at the boy, returning his punch with a similar one of your own.

"Knock it off, tonto! Show me what you wanted to show me before I give ya a real piece of my mind!" you jokingly threat, shaking your first in his face.

"Okay, okay," he said as he batted your hand away. Then the whole look on his face changed. He went from gleefully pestering you, to biting his lip and averting his eyes to the side. Your face dropped as well. Maybe you went a bit too far? Did he think you were serious?

"Oye, Miguel....Y-you know I..wasn't serious right? I wouldn't actually hit you...," you murmur. Miguel shook his head incredulously.

"I didn't think that for a second, Y/N. But..," he trailed off looking down at his guitar, to you, then down to his guitar again. "I...I really appreciate that you want to hear me play. No one...has ever wanted to before. Well except my dog, Dante. But as far as...well...people, you're the first. And so, I kinda...wrote a little song for you...," he whispered the last line so low you were convinced not even God himself could have heard him.

"You...you did?" You asked, your face going a shade of red you didn't know existed. He only nodded slowly still not making eye contact with you. You smiled warmly at his small frame and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Miguel. That's so sweet of you! I'd love to hear it!" He looked up at you and smiled weakly.

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