(NSFW) O/S: Taking Care of your Man (Hector X Reader)

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This was requested by @lil-o-may who wanted more Hector x Reader NSFW goodness! Being a Hector fangirl myself, I kinda let one of my fantasies loose here ^^' But I'm happy with it, and I hope you are too!


By all accounts, Hector Rivera was the perfect boyfriend. He was always so considerate, so kind, and so affectionate. He would bring you home flowers everyday, and would apologize profusely if they weren't your favorites.

"I know you like roses, amor," he would say, "but they only had daisies today. I hope you don't mind." And of course, you didn't. To you, it was the fact that he thought of you, everyday, without fail. And he remembered which ones were your favorites. That's what really mattered. It didn't stop at flowers either. He would sometimes surprise you by making you breakfast in the morning. He would always try to bring it to you before you got up, so you could enjoy it in bed. However, usually, you caught him. He was a blundering mess in the kitchen. He would have pancake batter on his cheek, apron strings dangling loosely from his waist. Once he noticed you had found him, he would give a sheepish smile and blush from ear to ear. That's when you would help him clean his face, usually with a kiss. His doting, thoughtful nature is what made you fall for him in the first place.

But that didn't mean he couldn't be a sexy little devil when he needed to be. In bed, Hector was just as good a passionate lover as he was a sweet-hearted boyfriend. He knew exactly where you liked to be touched. He knew exactly the pace you liked to go. Exactly where to kiss, where to rub, where to lick. He always left you perfectly satisfied, but then he'd revert back to the dorky, funny Hector you fell for as he cuddled you in your post orgasm bliss. But you couldn't help but feel like this relationship was a bit...one-sided. It seemed that Hector was always the one doing the pleasuring, rarely receiving it. He always claimed that pleasuring you got him off, too, but still you felt a bit selfish. One night, you decided you were going to change that.

"Hector...," you began, as you played with his loose, soft, dark hair, "would you mind if we...tried something new tonight?" He cocked an eyebrow at you and let out a chuckle.

"Of course not, mi amor," he responded, wrapping his long arm around your shoulders and lifting your chin up to make eye contact with him, "What would you like to-,"

"That's just it, Hermoso," you cut him off, surprising him a bit, "I want to ask, for once, what would YOU like to do?" Hector let out a small gasp then averted his gaze away from you, biting his lip.

"Oh, Dios...I-I don't know, Y/N. Wh-wh-what about you? How should I know if you would enjoy what I want to do? I-...I want to keep you happy, ya know?" You shook your head. He was still thinking about you. What a sweetheart.

"I know, mi amor, but I feel like I'm always the one getting the attention," You stroke his cheek, looking deeply into his chocolate brown eyes. You wanted him to know that you meant what you were about to say, "I want you to get some attention for a change. That's what would make me happy. Please Hector?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was blushing pretty hard considering that nothing was really happening yet.

"Look, Y/N...What I...well...Wh-What I...mierda....My fantasy...is a bit...odd...Feel free to say you don't want to do it if you really don't," You nodded your head, but said nothing. You didn't want to bring up anything that might divert him from actually telling you. He looked down into his lap, again letting out a large sigh.

"Well, I...," he began, clearing his throat, "...I-I...have th-thought about...me....just...sitting in a chair while you...um...touch me," You had to admit, you were a bit disappointed. The way he was stuttering and avoiding looking into your eyes, you thought he was about to come out with some weird kink. But he really just wanted you to essentially give him a lap dance? You were about to talk to him about how tame that seemed when he interrupted you with a whisper so quiet you were shocked it actually reached your ears at all.

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