(NSFW) O/S: He's got the Cure (Hector X Reader)

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Phew! I'm a blushing mess after this one! Just throwing it out there, this is the first time I've ever written full sex. Hope it turned out okay! Enjoy, my fellow Hector pervs!



You sighed heavily as you held your throbbing head in your palm. The mechanical purr of the large black car you were riding in offered some minor relief, but it would take a lot more than that to fully heal your plight. The man driving the car, one of your co-workers, had offered to drive you home since you had very clearly had enough from work that day. He peered at you from behind the wheel, but his eyes quickly reverted back to the road in front of him. He cleared his throat to speak.

"So,...rough day, huh?" Your eyes lazily moved to look at him then back out the window into the clear black of the night. You nodded your head slowly, letting out a grunt, showing your irritation. The man in the front laughed and shook his head in astounded agreement, "Yeah, I understand. Those patients can sure give you some nasty attitude, right?" You and the man were both nurses at the local hospital, and you guys were very busy these days. It seemed that the war overseas had allowed some of its ill to overflow into Santa Cecilia's small hospital, and the patients could get very demanding. Deep down, you understood their aggravation. They felt like Hell and they wanted relief. You just wish they would understand you, too. You were trying your best. But you supposed they just didn't want to hear it.

"I don't think they're as hard on you, Rodrigo...They can relate to you more, I think...Being a single young man like you makes you more relatable...More approachable. I'm probably just some bruja to them," you closed your eyes as the reflection of the car's headlights on the road was starting to amplify your headache. Rodrigo shrugged.

"No eres una bruja. But you may have a point, maybe they can relate. If you were single, I bet they'd be a lot nicer to ya, Y/N," You smiled at the mention of your boyfriend. He was exactly what you needed right now. You imagined his long, strong arms wrapped securely around your waist, your hands laid gently on his chest. You closed your eyes and sighed dreamily as your mind continued to race, imagining now him placing soft kisses on your hair, hands rubbing circles into your back. Rodrigo's voice brought you back to reality, "How is Hector, by the way? That whole musician thing working out?" You nodded weakly.

"Yeah, it's going well. Too well, I'd say. He performs a lot. I don't get to see him as much as I'd like. But, between the two of us, the bills get paid, you know?"

"Is he gonna be home tonight?" Rodrigo asked. You shrugged.

"I don't think so. He had a show tonight, and if I know his musical partner well enough, that show will go on all night," Rodrigo hummed in response as he pulled his car up to the curb in front of the pueblo you shared with Hector. You stepped out, your heel kicking up dust from the curb as it made contact with the ground. You gently shut the back door you came out from, partially to be cautious with the man's car but also to keep the noise to a minimum. Rodrigo gave you a sweet smile and waved from behind the wheel, "Buenas noches, Y/N. Get some rest!" You waved back and returned his smile with one of your own.

"Yeah. You too, Rodrigo. Gracias," Rodrigo's car drove off into the calm of the night as you stepped slowly toward your door. As you approached it, you swore you could smell something delicious wafting from behind. You figured it must be coming from somewhere else, no one was home at your house. You grabbed the door and were surprised to find it unlocked. You slowly opened the door and the smell from before nearly overwhelmed you. As your eyes adjusted to the sudden light, you strained to focus on the figure standing in the kitchen over the stove. Your eyes widened and you smiled brightly when you realized it was Hector!

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