O/S: Just Dancing (Miguel x Child!Reader)

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You walked briskly through the busy halls of your school with your best friend, Miguel Rivera, by your side. The two of you had been friends for a long time, ever since you discovered his musical talent and insisted he play for you. At first, he had thought you were strange, seeming to be everywhere he was. But eventually, after multiple run-ins, he started to try to find you on his own. He found he had missed your company, not that he would ever tell you that. But now, the two of you were practically inseparable. As you walked through the halls, spouting jokes to one another and laughing out loud all the while, you spotted a bright red banner strung across the wall. You stopped and grabbed at Miguel's shoulder, shaking him lightly.

"Oye, Miguel, mira, mira!" You pointed at the banner enthusiastically. Miguel's eyes followed its trajectory until they landed on the banner. In large white letters, it read:


Miguel gave the banner a disgusted look, then his eyes darted back to you, maintaining the expression.

"Enserio, Y/N? You would actually go to that?" He asked you, gesturing with his hand towards the banner. You replied with a questioning expression. You thought he loved music. Why wouldn't he like a dance. Miguel rolled his eyes and scoffed lightly, reading the confusion on your face, "What fun is just dancing to music if you can't play it! I mean, music is great, of course, but...I don't know...it just seems so...boring!" You tsked at him, "What?" He responded.

"Miguel, you are such a stick in the mud," you said as you pulled his hood over his head and over his eyes. Deep down, you were severely disappointed. What Miguel didn't know was that you had a huge crush on him. You were hoping the two of you could go together. But clearly that wasn't going to happen. Miguel fussed around a bit, flailing in his new blinded state. Once the hood was removed, he noticed that you were now a couple paces in front of him. He jogged to catch up to you.

"What's wrong with you, Y/N? Why does it matter to you whether I want to go or not?" he asked, genuinely curious. You felt your blood run cold and your little heart sputter in your chest. You weren't prepared for him to ask a follow up question. Your eyes darted from side to side, mind racing to think of a decent excuse.

"W-W-Well, I.....uh...I just thought...that...since you loved music so much you would like the dance, too. I mean I've seen you dancing before. Why would the school one be any different?"
You were proud of yourself that you had managed to come up with something believable. Miguel shrugged his shoulders.

"I do love music. And I do like to dance. But the school dance would be with our classmates. People I barely even know. Our TEACHERS! Blech!" Miguel stuck out his tongue and wretched a bit at the thought of the old, nasty teachers seeing him dance. You let out a slight chuckle and ruffled his hair.

"Fine, Miguel. Let's just get to class, okay?"


"Uuuugh!" You groan out, slamming your head into your desk. You tapped your pencil onto the hard, smooth wooden top to a beat you had made in your own head. This homework was going to be the death of you. You swore you were never taught this stuff. Was this even mentioned in class?! You leaned back into your chair and stared at the beige ceiling of your room. In the orange light of the setting sun, you could see dust particles lightly drifting through the air. You took a stab at some of them with your pencil, but they seemed to always flutter away just in time, swooping just around the curved tip and off through the air. You admired the way they flowed so delicately.

'Just like Miguel's hair does,' you thought to yourself. You felt your face going red at the thought, but you didn't care. No one was there to see the embarrassing tint on your face.You were all alone, only your thoughts. And right now they were focused on Miguel. You closed your eyes and visioned the day you had first seen him. He was shining shoes in the town square, a place you visited daily with your mother. His hair was lightly blowing in the wind. You remembered being so enthralled by his raven black locks. You continued to see him in the square day after day. But the day you fell for him was the day you saw him at the lake by your house, hair flowing as normal, but now there was a soft smile on his face. Something that was noticeably missing while he was shining shoes. He had such a perfect smile...

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