A/N: Cast some Votes! (Closed)

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Heya, everyone! Firstly, I just wanna say thank you for all of your comments and votes on this book! I'm really having a fantastic time writing these, and I am over the moon that you guys are enjoying them! Your comments are so sweet and mean so much to me. They really make my day! So thank you so much!

The reason for this note though is that I'm actually going to be going away in 2 weeks to DisneyWorld! But before I go, I wanted to do at least one or two more entries in this book so you guys have some relatively new content while I'm away. Below, I have 5 ideas of things that have been floating in my head to do. Vote on which one you want to see most, and I'll do the best two before my trip! But don't worry, I'll be doing all 5 eventually! So cast your votes! I'll be picking the winners on Friday 10/19!

1. Ernesto x Reader NSFW

2. Miguel x Child!Reader fluff

3. A new group of Scenarios 

4. Ernesto x Hector NSFW

5. Another Hector x Reader NSFW

Thanks so much for reading! Now vote away! And for those of you that are interested, yes, I will be adding at least one more chapter to Proud Corazon before I leave as well :D


Edit (10/19/18): Well I guess we have our winners, 2 and 5! Thanks those of you who did vote, I love seeing your interest! I'm surprised anyone responded at all tbh! But I'll have those O/S's out before very long as they have to be done within the next week lol! I'll probs have the Hector O/S out first just cause it's easier for me to write about Hector (*cough*especially in a NSFW context *coughcough*) Anyway, hope you'll all enjoy them when they're done!


Coco: One shots, Preferences, and Scenarios ((Requests Closed!!)Where stories live. Discover now