Chapter 1

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I was trailing around in the woods trying to find a safe spot where I wouldn't get spotted by the Alick. I looked around running through the forest. My fur dancing in the wind as I run. My eyes looking side to side up and down. Me dodging every tree in front of me. All of a sudden an arrow flys by me.
y/n's mind: what the hell?
Another arrow flying past me. I was starting to get furious. I stopped in my tracks looking behind me and looked through the trees, I couldn't see anything but green. Another arrow flying towards me. I grab it with my teeth and snapped it.
y/n: stop.
I yelled. Someone then appeared upside down with a bow in his hands. He aims right at me then shoots. I dodged it before it could hit me. I walked slowly towards him keeping my guard up. He got down from the trees and looked at me.
Ash blonde boy: and why should i.
Bonnie: I'm not looking for any conflict.
Ash blonde boy: who are you really.
Bonnie: why do you want to know?
Ash blonde boy: dont make me kill you.
I gritted my teeth and looked up at him. I sigh and begin to transform into my human state. I didn't look to good especially from the last time I had to fight with the Alick. I had a few bad injuries but I was gonna live.

Ash blonde boy: you look terrible.
y/n: thanks for pointing out the worst.
I said while I held onto my forearm.
Ash blonde boy: what's your name?
y/n: my name is y/n, what's yours.
Bakugo: Katsuki Bakugo. Call me Bakugo though.
y/n: okay.
Bakugo: well we should probably clean you up.
y/n: what no no no, you d-
As I was gonna finish my sentance Bakugo picked me up and put me over his shoulder.
y/n: hey dumbass what the hell are you doing.
Bakugo: taking my prize home.
y/n: Oi! If you dont put me down I'll bite your throat out.
Bakugo: I doubt it. Your way to weak.
y/n: ugh, you have a point.
I sighed it defeat. I crossed my arms and looked to where we were going while looking upside down. Out in the open was a cabin. A small but decent size log cabin.
y/n: is that where we're going?
Bakugo: correct.
y/n: why are you doing this.
Bakugo: doing what?
y/n: helping me.
Bakugo: for 1 your a fucking wolf and no body ever meets your kind, 2 I want a wolf as a pet, 3
because I have to bring something home.
y/n: I'm not a pet!

I yelled. He walked through the cabin doors to feel a warm breeze hit my legs. Bakugo set me down.
Bakugo: go sit over there.
He said while pointing towards the couch. I did as told and sat down. I wasnt used to this. Someone coming to help me. Bakugo came back with a bucket of water I assume and some cloth. He neeled down in front of me and grabbed my wrist roughly. He unraveled the wrap I had put on it. He put the cloth in the water and began.
Bakugo: this may sting.
y/n: it's okay just do it.
As I said that he put the cloth on my forearm that was cut up. I clench my jaw and squeezed my eyes shut as the stinging progresses when he started to clean deeper in my cut. I open my eyes back up again to see the cut was clean and had no sand or dirt in it.
Bakugo: stay here.
I did so and looked at my cut and my scars on my body. Bakugo came back with stuff to wrap my cut in. He grabbed my arm gently this time and began to wrap it. After it was all done I looked at it and examined it. The wrap was on tight but not to tight. The cut was clean, very clean. I smiled a bit and started.
y/n: thank you very much. I should probably go now, I dont want to intrude.
Bakugo: non sense. Let me show you around.
I looked at him confused as he began to walk through the door to outside. I followed until he stopped. He started to whistle.
y/n: what are you doing!
I yelled.
Bakugo: just wait.
A few seconds passed and a huge red dragon began flying towards us.
y/n: are you aware of a red dragon is heading our way?
I said while hiding behind him.
Bakugo: just shut up and wait.
I gulped and stood up straight trembling a little. The dragon landed in front of us and pointed his head towards Bakugo. Then towards me. He begins to sniff me. I raise an eyebrow and he came closer to me. I got a little more scared. All of a sudden the dragon transformed into a human.
y/n: Kirishima?
Kirishima:  y/n?
I ran towards him as he ran towards me. I jump up and hugged him. He stood his ground not falling over while still being able to catch me.
y/n: it's been so long.
Kirishima:  I know. Where have you've been all these years.
He said while putting me down but we were still hugging.
y/n: I've been running.
Kirishima: what did you do this time.
y/n: long story...but dude I've missed you so much.
I said while hugging him one last time.
Bakugo: what the fuck you two know each other?
Kirishima: yeah, we were childhood friends.
Bakugo: oh wow you have friends kirishima?
Kirishima: wow rude.
Bakugo and Kirishima began to fight. I just laugh at there stupidity. I soon stopped and smiled. After a while they finally stopped and looked over at me a bit concerned.
y/n: what.
I said while raising an eyebrow. They pointed behind me which I look back.


Heyo, so I hope you liked this chapter. It may need some work.

Also I kinda post whenever I can. Kinda have a lot of things on my plate.

Anyways imma go.


Word count: 1048

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