Chapter 2

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I look behind me and see the Alick.
y/n: you've got to be kidding me.
I mumble. They all start to transform into there human state.
y/n: what do you want
Jason: you know what we want.
I growled at the blue mohawk boy. He didnt have any battle scars. He didnt look all to mighty either.
y/n: leave now because you know you won't win against me.
Bakugo and Kirishima stood behind me. I didn't want the wolf pack to hurt them. I knew I was the only one that could stop them. Jason laughed and looked at me. I stared back. He snapped his fingers and two of his boys turned and came at me. I turned as well. My skin getting its grey fur my eyes glowing green. I quickly turn to the boys and yell at them.
y/n: run!
I turn back to my fight. The black wolf snapped at me and the other came running at me. I growled and ran towards them. They seemed to be twins because everything was the same on them. There, eyes, there fur, there paws even the same patch of a dark grey fur patch. I ran at them then bit ones neck, making him bleed to death as I went for the other. He bit my tail as I yelp in pain. I turn around and bite the one in the neck as well. Making him bleed to death. I look at my tail as I saw blood drenching my fur. I look back at Jason to see him transform.
Jason: you just dont stop do you.
He was smaller than me in wolf form. I knew I could beat him, he stood no chance. I ran at him. We collided and I pinned him down to the ground.
y/n: I told you to stop following me.
I said while biting his neck. I watched as he turned into his human form. His neck bled out. I didnt notice but there was another one of his crew coming towards me. While I wasn't looking he bit my side making me fall. He had black fur. I quickly got up while trembling. I started running at him and he dodged. I grunted as he came at me again. I moved to the side and bit him on the tail. He moved to face me as I let go and quickly bit his neck.
Kirishima: Bonnie!
Kirishima yelled as I collapsed trying to walk to the cabin after the small fight. I was only a few feet away. I turned back into my human form. Blood covered my tail, my hands, my mouth, and my side. I stayed in my position as Kirishima came running to me.
Kirishima: Bonnie a-are you okay.
y/n: y-yeah just help me up.
He did so and I held onto my side as I bled. We walked inside to be greeted by an angry Bakugo. Kirishima placed me on the ground so my blood wouldn't get on any furniture.
Bakugo: I'm such an idiot, why'd I bring you home. You probably cause so much trouble.
y/n: y-you know your saying that a-all out loud.
I said while trying to keep my pain in. Kirishima was running around trying to get supplies to nurture my wounds.
Kirishima: what do I do I've never done this before.
He said while sitting by my side trying to figure out what to do first.
Bakugo: move aside shitty hair.
y/n: oi dont talk to h-him like that.
I said while grabbing my side in pain.
Bakugo: I'm surprised you didnt faint from the loss of blood.
y/n: remember I'm not like you I'm part wolf, now are you gonna help me or not.
Bakugo: guess not.
y/n: whatever give me that s-Ahhh.
I yelled as I tried getting up myself. I winch in pain and fall on my ass.
Kirishima: Bonnie you need to stay down or your gonna get even more hurt. Bakugo let me do it.
Bakugo: you dont know what your doing.
I yelled as they both looked at me. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the cloth out of Bakugos hand. I started cleaning off the blood from my hands and my mouth. The boys just watched as i try to get all the blood off of me. All of a sudden we heard a scream from outside.
Bakugo: stay here.
He said to the both of us. Bakugo got up and grabbed his dagger from the counter. He opened the door to a well dressed green hair boy.
Green hair boy: why is there dead wolves and a dead person out there.
He said while running in. He started to freak out and it started to annoy me. His feet hitting the floor over and over again. I gritted my teeth.
y/n: shut the fuck up.
He looked at me a bit scared. I stared at him as I held my wound. When he noticed my wounds he freaked out even more.
Green hair boy: and why is she hurt.
Bakugo: Deku relax, your angering her and shes angering me with her anger.
y/n: you have serious problems shit bag.
Bakugo: who you calling shit bag fuck face!
He said while getting in my face as I was still on the ground sitting up holding my side. We growled at each other.
Deku: we need to help her kacchan.
Bakugo: you help her.
y/n: dont lay a fucking hand on me.
Deku: just let me help you.
He said while sitting a little ways in front of me. I growled and looked up at Kirishima. He nodded and I rolled my eyes.
y/n: fine but if you do anything stupid your dead.
Deku: you have a temper like Kacchan.
y/n/Bakugo: what did you say.
Deku: h-haha n-nothing
Deku grabbed the cloth and looked at me. I didnt want him to help me. Why, because he seemed rich. Rich people took me away from my family.


My family and I were walking around in the forest in our human forms. I was holding onto my mums and dads hands as they swung me in the air as I went forward. We heard rustling in the woods. I was a bit scared when my parents went into there wolf form. My dads black fur shimmered in the light and my moms white fur danced in the wind. I turned into my form as well. We then saw the richie's as we like to call it coming towards us with spears and swords. They came at my parents as my parents attacked back.
Mom: run sweetie run.
I didnt want to run but I had to. I ran throughout the woods trying not to get caught. I ran in a hollow log waiting. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into what seemed like entirely. After a while I came out of the log only to be grabbed by the neck. The man turned me to him and began.
Man: look what we have here. Looks to me you'll be my pet.
I whimper and he hit me. He put a collar on me and it was tight. He put a leash on and began to walk as I struggled to get out. He kicked me as soon as i almost got the collar off. I begin to whine.
Man: your not going to escape anytime soon, your parents are dead so there's no way you'll excape.
My eyes widen as he said that. I begin to cry and I walked along side him. You couldn't tell I was crying in my wolf form but I was. Soon after we got to the city. People started to crowd me because they haven't seen a wolf in person. Especially an alive one. I walked with my head down.

**5 years later**

I was now 12 years old and I became bigger and stronger. I was in my cage at city hall. Everyone would throw things at me and make me dirty. I haven't changed into my human form in 5 years because I didnt want to risk the chances. I became more aware of my surroundings. Once it became night I had the perfect opportunity. The lock on my door was rusty and the cage was made out of wood. I easily broke out of it and made my way to the exit of the city. I was followed by men on horses. I out ran them and made my way to the forest where I was now free. But I thought wrong.

**End of Flashback**

I sat there with tears streaming down my face.
Bakugo: what did you do to her.
Deku: I didn't do anything, I didnt touch her.
I didnt realize I was crying until bakugo said that. I felt my checks as they were wet. I wiped my tears with Kirishimas bandana that was wrapped around his neck. He didnt seem to care.
y/n: are you sure your able to fix my wounds.
I said as I let go of Kirishimas bandana. Deku nodded his head and I turned around so my back and tail were facing him.
y/n: start with the tail.
Deku: ah y-yes ma'am.
y/n: dont call me ma'am, call me bonnie.
Deku: o-okay Bonnie.
Deku began cleaning up my tail as I leaned my forehead up against the couch. I felt some weight hit the couch. I look up to see Bakugo looking at me. He turned around and I saw his ears go a light pink.


Hello people, how did you like this chapter?

What were some things you like and didnt like?

Okay I dont know what else to say so...bye people, tune into the next one!


Word count: 1644

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