Chapter 8

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I got up and followed. I opened the door to see bakugo putting up his Cape. I turned into my wolf form and sat down waiting for bakugo to get settled in. After he did so I jumped up onto the bed and payed by his feet.
Bakugo: why are you sleeping down there.
y/n: its comfy.
Bakugo: yeah okay.
y/n: you wouldn't understand.
Bakugo and I were sitting up yelling at each other. I sighed and layed down on his stomach.
Bakugo: why are you so soft.
y/n: think of the obvious.
I said while bakugo petted my fur. I lay my head down on his chest. I felt safe and calm next to him or near him.
y/n: hey jackass, I have a question.
Bakugo: I'm trying to sleep.
y/n: I know
Bakugo: ugh what is it.
y/n: why did you take me from the woods.
Bakugo: well to be honest you looked really injured and your health didnt look all to healthy.
I smiled a bit at his explanation. I opened my eyes to be greeted with red ones.
y/n: thank you.
I said while closing my eyes again. I could tell he tensed up at bit.
y/n: relax or I'm not going to be able to sleep.
Bakugo: pfft whatever. Night wolf eyes.
y/n: goodnight hot head.
And with him petting me softly I soon fell asleep.

I was running through the woods looking for a place to hide. I ran and ran. Running from the Alick. They somehow found me again. I ran through the trees my leg injured and my mouth covered with blood. Out of nowhere one of them attacked me. They were trying to go for my throat when I moved my head and they slipped. I took the chance and bit them in the throat. My eyes filling with tears as I kept on running. There was a lake up ahead where there would be an open area. I ran to the lake hoping I could change into my human state and finding other people. I heard branches behind me crunch getting closer and closer. I stumbled and fell into the wet grass. I was pinned down.
y/n: what do you want from me.
I said crying. Blood trickled down his mouth and onto my fur. His black fur rustled in the wind. I was terrified.
Insuick: your life.
He then went for my throat.

I woke up in my human form yelling. Bakugo quickly got up a bit angry until he saw the state I was in.
Bakugo: relax its okay.
Bakugo said rubbing my back. Tears rolling down my cheeks as I looked at my hands. I look up at bakugo who had a worried look on his face.
y/n: bakugo, I'm sorry, I shouldnt be here. I'll t-
Bakugo: your not leaving. Your going to stay here where its safe.
y/n: but it won't be with me here. Hes looking for me and I know it.
Bakugo: who's 'he'
y/n: nobody I'm sorry.
I said while hugging bakugo trying to hold back my tears. He tenced up for a moment and hugged back. I couldn't fight back the tears. I let them stream down my face as I hugs bakugo. Feeling his embrace made me feel a little better. I let go of him and give him a small smile and I wiped away my tears.
y/n: thank you.
Bakugo nodded his head and layed down. I did so as well but before I did so I turned into my wolf form again. I layed down next to bakugo with my back facing him and the covers over me. I was warm and safe. I thought.

I woke up just a few hours from the last time I woke up. I got out of bed quietly and stretched my legs out. I walked around the room and examined it. In the corner it had a shield with an explosion carved into it. To the side of it was a desk with a few papers on it. What got my interest was the large sword on top of everything.
Bakugo: your up early.
I turned around a bit startled.
y/n: ah sorry did I wake you?
Bakugo: no your okay. Lets go get food.
My eyes sparkled as he said the magic word. 'Food.' I turned into my human form running out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Bakugo came out shortly after and his eyes looked tired. I sighed and sat in one of the chairs at the table. Bakugo went ahead and started making breakfast.
y/n: so I plan on going to visit Kirishimas cave if you want to tag along?
Bakugo: tch why would o want to visit shitty hair?
y/n: why are you so mean towards other people?
Bakugo: dont push me y/n.
y/n: whatever. Is the food done yet.
I said trying to get him more annoyed.
Bakugo: no but I'll tell you when it is.
I waited for about 30 more seconds to go by.
y/n: is it done now?
Bakugo: no!
He said more angry. I let out a small laugh. I get up from my spot and make my way towards bakugo. I looked over his shoulder to see that he was making eggs, bacon, and toast. I smiled and walked over to the cabinet that had glass cups. I grabbed two and went ahead and grabbed the milk. I poured us both a cup and walked them over to the table.
Bakugo: now it's done so come and get your damn food.
y/n: you dont have to tell me twice.
I walked over to the food and grabbed a plate. Making sure I double all my food I went and sat down with bakugo. I tasted the eggs first and began.
y/n: mm.. this is good.
Bakugo: I'm surprised you did scarf it down.
y/n: oh I will.
And with that i began to eat everything quickly. I didn't leave one spec on my plate. I look up to see bakugo confused. I raise an eyebrow and began.
y/n: what
Bakugo: h- wh- how the fuck do you do that?
y/n: I am part wolf but I also didnt eat much in my past and was kinda starved i guess.
I said while while taking care of my dishes. I turn around to bakugo looking at me.
y/n: what
Bakugo: nothing stop it.
y/n: what the hell did I do.
I didnt get a response back. I turned into my wolf form and walked to the door.
y/n: are you coming
Bakugo: tch no.
y/n: okay well see ya soon then.
And with that I nudged the door open and walked out. It was a bright sunny day. The birds were chirping and it made beautiful music. I walked along the tree line making my way to Kirishimas cave.

**Bakugos POV**

I just sat there thinking.
Bakugos mind: what is she doing to me. Every time I'm with her I feel something in my chest that I've never felt before. I'm not mean to her which is a bit weird to. Ugh what is happening?
I said while slamming my head against the table. I got up to put my dishes away. I sat back down on the couch but grabbed my dagger and some soapy water. I began cleaning it trying to clear my head. I sighed.
Bakugo: I should've went with her.
I mumbled to myself. About 10 minutes went by and I finished cleaning my blade. I got up and went outside. In the distance I saw a familiar red head coming my way.
Kirishima: hey bakugo what's up.
Bakugo: tch what do you want shitty hair.
Kirishima: I just wanted to see how y/n was.
This made me confused. I turn my head towards Kirishima so that my whole body was facing him.
Bakugo: wait shes not with you?


Hello buggy here. So this is where things will start to become more interesting. Hehe...

Anyways I hope you like this chapter, tune in for next weeks to find out what happend.


Word count: 1363

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