Chapter 6

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I hurd gravel moving, going towards the cabin. I get up and turn into my wolf form. I sneak into the woods using my ears to listen. I was near the trail waiting. I then heard it again. I swiftly move throughout the trees. I then see a boy walking down the gravel pathway making there way towards the cabin. They got closer which I went ahead and took action by tackling them to the ground and pinning them. I snarl at the boy.
Deku screamed. I then heard footsteps behind me but I didn't care.
Bakugo: y/n okay.
y/n: oh um sorry deku.
I say while realizing who it was. He looked different since he had a hat on and a different colored green vest on.
Deku: it's okay y/n.
He said while grabbing something out of his bag. He then pulled out a bone.
y/n: BONE!
I yelled out. Deku smiled and handed me the bone.
Bakugo: I literally just gave you one last night.
y/n: welf I like bons.
Bakugo: I cant hear you while you have that damn bone in your mouth.
Bakugo then tried grabbing the bone. I growled at him and he tried to come closer. He was about to touch it when I went into my human form and tackled him.
Bakugo: get off of me ass hole.
y/n: dont touch my bones.
Deku: someone looks to be getting better.
y/n: actually ice been feeling a lot better when I woke up this morning, all though a bit sore from someone.
I said while glancing at bakugo as i sat in his stomach.
Deku: oh no what did he do.
y/n: this ass hole stuck his finger in my wound.
I said while getting in his face.
Bakugo: not my fault you didnt want to take the medicine.
We growled at each other.
y/n: oh wait a minute.
Bakugo: you forgot to take your medicine.
y/n: heh, maybe.
I said shyly. I got up and stuck out a hand for bakugo. He takes my hand and I pull him up to his feet.
Deku: well y/n I was wondering if you wanted to go to the city for a bit and pick out some new warm clothes since its begining to become fall.
y/n: I will not go to the city.
I say with a bit of anger in my voice. I grit my teeth. I felt a hand on my shoulder and calmed down a little. I look back to see bakugo holding onto my shoulder. I turn back to Deku and he looked a bit scared. I sigh and turn back into my human form crossing my arms.
Deku: may I ask why?
y/n: I'm a wolf.
I said while moving bakugos hand away from my shoulder.
Bakugo: we could always disguise you.
y/n: do you think it would work.
I said while turning towards bakugo. He shrugged and began again.
Bakugo: it might.
I sigh and start making my way back to the cabin. The boys then followed not to far behind. I walk into the cabin and sit on the couch.
y/n: so how are we gonna do this.
I asked as bakugo came through the door first followed by deku.
Deku: well we should probably cover your ears and tail. How about you use this hat to cover them.
He said while taking off his hat and gesturing towards my ears. I took the hat and put it on covering my ears. I groan and begin.
y/n: this is dumb.
Bakugo: here take this.
He said while handing me his cape.
Deku: but kacchan that's your father's cape.
Bakugo: shut up you stupid nerd.
y/n: wait this is your fathers? And also why are you so mean to him.
I snapped at him. He shrugged and walked to the bedroom. I sigh and put the Cape on covering my tail. I get up and stand to where I could see my reflection in one of the windows. I looked at myself to see that the Cape was a little bit to bright to my liking. The hat was nice, it was a a brownish color and a bit worn out. I then turn towards deku as he looked back at me. He turned around quickly while blushing a bit I roll my eyes then yell.
y/n: hey grumpy pants let's get going.
I said while walking towards the door. Deku followed me outside and bakugo came out as well while putting gold coins in his pocket.
Bakugo: let's go nerds.
Bakugo said while leading the way. I follow behind bakugo and deku was behind me. We took the gravel path to the city. I gulp when I saw the city, it was bigger when I last saw it. I hesitated to walk further.
Deku: Bonnie you okay?
y/n: y-yeah I'm f-fine.
I studderd. I walked a little while deku was right beside me.
Bakugo: okay so what d- woah y/n you okay?
I stared at the city in fright. I nod my head slowly and stopped in my place not wanting to go any further. Someone then held onto my hand. I turn to my right to see bakugo cloking the other way.
Bakugo: just stay close to me.
y/n: r-right okay.
We then walked into the city walls. I started to panic a little more as we walked further. I feel eyes on bakugo and I. I look around seeing shops and more shops. Looking at the civilians as they stare back.
y/n: I dont like it here.
Bakugo: I know you dont, just calm down, they won't hurt you.
I took a deep breath in and let it out.
Deku: so y/n what shop would you like to look at first?
y/n: I dont know, I've never been here except once. And that was horrible.
Deku: what do you mean.
y/n: I'd rather not talk about it.
I say while lowering my head. The hat o had on began to slip. Luckily bakugp noticed and pulled it back up.
Bakugo: damn it wolf eyes watch yourself.
y/n: thanks
I calmed down quite a bit but bakugo still held onto my hand. We follow deku throughout the city since we didnt know where we were going. He then walked into a store that had lots of women outfits.
Deku: here you go y/n, now you may look at anything you want and then see if it fits.
I nod my head and let go bakugos hand. He had a tight hold on it but let go. I look around as I didnt like any of the outfits.
y/n: ugh, boys I dont like anything here.
I said greeting the boys by the exit.
Deku: there are other places.
y/n: I'd rather not because this outfit, I'm more comfortable with.
Deku: w-well are you s-sure.
y/n: yes, now I'd like to leave.
Deku: o-okay.
Deku lead the way out as I began getting nervous again. Seeing eyes on bakugo and I made me a bit scared. I turn towards bakugo and grabbed his hand.
Bakago: what are you doing.
y/n: I'm scared.
I said while trembling a bit. Bakugos face began going pink. I quickly turns his face.
y/n: what's going on with your face?
Bakugo: n-nothing, nothing at all.
I insist and still held onto his hand. I then hear horse hooves coming towards us. I get more scared and held tighter. It stopped, but in front of deku.
Dual hair: greetings deku, I have a request.
Deku: ah, Todoroki-chan how may I help you.
Todoroki: can you help by telling me who these civilians are.
I hid behind Bakugo and realized who it was.


When I was still locked in my cage in city hall I was 10. I laid down trying to get some sleep when a dual hair boy came to the cage. I poked my head up but kept my ears back. He stared at me with his different color eyes.
Dual hair: who are you?
He asked. I shook my head. He still had his emotionless face. I continued to stare at him as he did as well.
Dual hair: you dont have to be scared.
My eyes went wide. I furrowed my eyes towards him.
Guard: shoto you sholdnt be by that beast. She may harm you.
I then put my head back down as the guard came to me with his spear. I knew what was gonna happen. He then stabbed me multiple times in my side. I yelp in pain as he made 4 deep wounds. My eyes began to glisten with tears. Shoto looked at me with anger in his eyes.
Shoto: why would you do that, she isn't harming anyone. Shes locked in that cage.
Guard: she may attack with her claws, but if you get to close she may bite you. Now I would consider going back to the castle.
Shoto: no I refuse. I will not see her like this.
I then try to whisper to shoto.
y/n: just listen to him.
Shoto looked at me wide eyed. He then put his head down in shame. He looked at me then waved. I nod my head and put it back down as the guard escorted shoto home.

**End of Flashback**

I was still scared of his family. Shoto got off of his horse as he held onto the lead. He made his way towards me and I grip onto Bakugos shoulders harder.
Shoto: and who is this if o may ask.
He said while gesturing towards me. He still had no expression on his face and he spoke.
Bakugo: and what's it you.
Shoto: I'm just trying to be nice to my people.
Bakugo: leave her alone. She does not want to speak with you.
Shoto: but she hasn't spoken for herself.
I look at shoto as he came closer. I tense up.


So ya I hope you liked this chapter, just a bit.

Well I dont know what else to say but thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed.


Word count: 1703

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