Chapter 10

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***y/n's POV***

I was now facing him. He smirked again and I turned into my wolf form. Bakugo let go of me finally.
Bakugo: now your extra soft.
y/n: shut up
I growled. I turned back into my human state. I got off the bed and so did bakugo. He put his Cape on and his other accessories. I walked out into the kitchen to make breakfast. It's been awhile since I last cooked. I light a fire so the stove would get hot. I begin looking for the pans in the cabinets. I couldn't find them. Luckily bakugo came out of the room and I began.
y/n: were are the pan?
Bakugo didnt say anything. He walked to the stove and above it was a cabinet. He opened it and pulled out a pan. He placed it on the stove.
y/n: thanks.
I go ahead and get some eggs. I then begin making breakfast. Surprisingly bakugo helped to. He made the bacon and made toast. Soon after we finished. I went ahead and made our plates and set them on the table.
Bakugo: these eggs better be good.
y/n: oh relax and eat it.
Of course me having the most food on my plate began to eat it while bakugo is just poking at his food.
y/n: if you dont eat that I'll stuff it in your face.
I say taking a big serving. Bakugo looks at me with his 'screw you' face. I roll my eyes and stand up. Making my way on the other side of the table I sit next to him. He looks at me for a moment. I smile and take his fork quickly. I pick some eggs up with the fork and began.
Bakugo: hey that's mine.
y/n: I know now open wide.
I say while getting ready to shove the food in his mouth. He rolls his eyes and opened his mouth. I then feed him the eggs. Bakugo was now blushing madly. I just laugh.
y/n: I told you didnt I.
I say while my laughs dim. I get back up and grab my plate of just crumbs. I put it in the sink and begin to wash the dishes.
y/n: so what are the plans for today?
I say while scrubbing a plate.
Bakugo: I have to go into town and pick up a few things.
y/n: I'm not going.
Bakugo: that's fine by me.
I heard bakugo get up from his spot. He puts his plate on the countertop and begins to clean the table. Honestly I was so thankful to have a roof over my head and food that I can eat. I dont know what I would do if I didnt have these friends like kiri and bakugo, and I guess deku. At the moment I felt something warm run down my cheek. I wiped it off and noticed that it was a tear. I haven't cried in awhile. I smiled. I was happy. Sometimes I missed my original home and everything with it.
Bakugo: alright I'm leaving.
y/n: okay be safe.
Bakugo: tch whatever.
I rolled my eyes and heard the door shut. I walked over to the couch plopping down of it and layed down. I turned into my wolf form and closed my eyes. Soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to it being around noonish. I was confused at first but I remembered were I was. I turned into my human state and stretched out my legs.
y/n: Bakugo you here?
I yelled throughout the house. There was no noise. I then started walking around a moment. I walked into the bedroom.
y/n: are you in here.
I said softly. I saw a body under the covers. I wore an evil smirk.
y/n: hehe
I snickered softly. I turned into my wolf form and tiptoed my way over. I got ready to pounce. I then jumped on him.
Bakugo: AHH FUCK.
He punched me in the face. I yelp in pain. I sit on the ground.
y/n: ow, probably wasn't the best idea to do.
I said to my self so bakugo wouldnt hear me.
Bakugo: oh shit
He whispered but I hurd him.
y/n: I did it to myself no worries
I said while turning into my human state running my check bone trying to smile a little. Bakugo came down with me.
Bakugo: are you sure your okay.
y/n: hey, yeah.
I said fake smiling. Bakugo stood up and ruffled my hair a bit. I got up and rubbed my cheek one last time. I then walked into the living room.
y/n: so what exactly did you get from town?
I asked bakugo nicely while going to sit next to him on the couch.
Bakugo: I went and grabbed some more food and also I bought you a bone.
y/n: oh my god a bone.
I said while turning into my wolf form. I wagged my tail as it dashed side to side. Bakugo smirked. He got up to go grab the bone. He walked into the bedroom and walked into the livingroom with it behind his back.
Bakugo: sit.
I sat.
Bakugo: speak
y/n: roar.
I said snickering. Bakugo neeled down to my height.
Bakugo: kisses
y/n: no
Bakugo: then no bone for you
He said while standing up. I thought for a moment. I quickly sprung at him and tackled him to the floor.
Bakugo: hey you little...
I than started giving him kisses, just not on his lips (yet). He looked a little shocked at the sudden appearance. But he laughed quietly.
y/n: can I have my bone now, please!
Bakugo pretended to think.
Bakugo: I guess so...but you have to do me a favor.
y/n: and what's that.
I said going into my human form standing up in front of him.
Bakugo: you have to clean the fucking house.
y/n: rude.
I laughed to myself and walked to the kitchen. Bakugo walked to the couch and sat down. Kirishima then came through the door as I crouched down to get cleaning supplies under the sink.
Kirishima: hey guys.
y/n: hey kiri. What are you doing here.
I say setting the stuff I have in my hands on the counter. I gave kiri a hug.
Kirishima: oh nothing I just wanted to see what my best friends were doing today.
y/n: well...I have to clean the house.
I said while glaring at bakugo. Kirishima laughed. I shook my head. I walked back over to the sink and washed the dishes while the boys hung out and talked. I hummed slightly singing a melody in my head from when I was a little pup. My mom would always sing it to me before I went to bed. I felt tears rolling down my face once again. I sighed knowing that I'll never see my parents again. I continued to sob while stopping to clean the dishes.
y/n's mind: I need air.
I used a towel that was next to me and wiped off my tears. I then walked to the door.
Kirishima: where you going?
I stood there for a moment.
y/n: outside.
There was a long pause.
y/n: I'll be back.
And with that I walked out of the house.


I hope you like this chapter sorry it's taking me awhile to post. I've been dealing with school and I broke my foot so things are a little stressful.

Hope you liked it.


Word count: 1257

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