Chapter 11

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**Bakugos POV**
Y/n walked out of the house. I wonder if she's okay.

Kirishima: I hope y/n's okay.
Bakugo: tch who cares.
Kirishima got up from the couch.
Kirishima: imma go talk to her I'll be back in a few.
Bakugo: whatever.
Kirishima walked outside. I got up from the couch and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw only Kirishima.
Bakugos mind: hmm where's y/n?
Kirishima turned towards me. It seemed like he knew I was there.
Bakugo: wheres y/n?
Kirishima: I-I dont know...
Bakugo: what you dont know where she is?
Kirishima: n-no.
Kirishima whated over by me and we started to look around for tracks that were from her. I went behind the house and yet found nothing. Kirishima then yelled.
Kirishima: Bakugo I found something, i think you may want to hurry.
I walked to the front of the house to see Kirishima at the edge of the tree line. I then started to worry a little more. I walked to where he was. He was kneeling down to where I seen blood.
Bakugo: is that y/n?
Kirishima: I dont know but we have to find her quickly.
Bakugo: fine but only because I'm bored.
Kirishima: okay let's get some supplies.
Kirishima and I ran back to the house and grabbed a few things. I grabbed my bow and some arrows. Kirishima grabbed some food for on the way.
Kirishima: okay I'm ready let's go.
Bakugo: right
Kirishima walked out before me while I followed behind him.
Bakugo: we need to follow the blood trail to hopefully find her.
Kirishima: yeah
We then started following the small blood trail. We walked along the trees that curved above our heads.
Kirishima: this seems weird.
I just nodded my head. I stayed looking at the ground thinking about what could happen to Bonnie.
Bakugos mind: will she be fine. Where did you go. You better be okay or I'll fucking kill someone.
Kirishima: bakugo you seem really quite.
Bakugo: hmm yeah.
We then started walking up to some weird place that has no trees for what looks like a mile. We then started walking along a stone path.
Kirishima: this doesn't look right.
I got ready for combat just in case. I then heard something rustleing behind us. I turned around and drew my bow back.
Bakugo: who's there.
Nobody responded.
Bakugo: hello?
I then began to walk closer. A wolf then sprung out at me.
Bakugo: arghhh
The wolf started snapping at me while pinning me to the ground. I grabbed its jaws and widened its mouth. Kirishima then kicked the wolf in the side. I quickly got up and grabbed my bow and an arrow. I drew back as the wolf was getting back up to attack. I shot in the chest and the wolf fell down and started bleeding slowly. I huffed.
Kirishima: bakugo are you okay?
Bakugo: yeah I'm fine. If theres one wolf there should be more...
We stood back to back getting ready. We heard rustling all around us. Two wolfed came out in front of me and two came out in front of Kirishima. I growled in frustration.
Bakugo: arggg come on we dont have time for this.
I drew my bow back at shot the one that was bigger. I heard Kirishima turning into his dragon form. I then got tackled by the smaller wolf.
Bakugo: I'll fucking kill you.
I yelled. I grabbed one of my arrows and stabbed the wolf. It collapsed on me and I tried to get him off of me. I did successfully and saw that Kirishima finished his job.
Kirishima: we got to get out of here.
Bakugo: maybe we can check town 
Kirishima: yeah okay.
I hopped on Kirishimas back and we headed to the town leaving the wolves in there spots. Slowly but surly we made our way to the town. We saw balloons and streamers. It looked like there was a celebration.
Kirishima: You know that today is the kings sons birthday today?
Bakugo: Oh great
We landed a few miles before the town so people wouldn't see Kirishima transform. We both then starter to walk off into the town. soon enough we walked into the town and got glares. we slightly put our heads down knowing that we were not welcomed. I looked up to see if I could find a wolf or any trace of y/n. I didn't see anything nor find anything. 
Kirishima:  We should get out of here quick!
Bakugo: tch, whatever.
We look up to see the kings son. 
Todoroki: What are you guys doing here?
Kirishima:  Oh us? We came here t-
I quickly covered Kirishimas mouth.
Bakugo:  Its non of your damn business asshole
Todoroki: Im sorry I was just curious. 
I saw what Todoroki was wearing. He was wearing ragged clothes, he didn't look...formal.
Bakugo: What are you wearing you look like one of us.
I said referring to Kirishima and I.
Todoroki: I don't like being noticed in town. I don't like the attention. 
I let go of Kirishima and he immediately spoke. I barred my teeth.
Kirishima: Do you want to help us find a friend?
Todoroki:  A friend? What is the name of this friend.
Kirishima: Her name is Bonnie.
Todoroki:  Is she an outcast like you guys?
Bakugo: She's an asshole too
Todoroki: I'll help you find her. Just, lets not inform my father.
Kirishima: Okay, why
Todoroki: Because if he found out I was with you guys he would keep me locked up in my room.
Bakugo: Tch, whatever. Come on we got to find her.
The guys both followed me to where I was heading. I didn't know where to look first. I decided to look around to find her. I looked for what her outfit looked like, thing was I didn't know if she changed clothes or not.
Todoroki: We could look in the center of the town. My dad did find something in the woods not to long ago.
My eyes widened when he said that. I ran to the center of the town pushing and shoving past people. I didn't care if the other guys were following me or not I just wanted to find Bonnie. I finally got there and there was a crowd. A large crowd. 
Bakugo: Ugh move out of my fucking way you extras!
I moved past people and finally got to the middle of everyone. I looked at who was in the cage.


Hey peoples! Sorry I haven't been posting often but I finally got a laptop so updates should be faster, I do have exams though so that might be difficult.

Anyways I hope you like this chapter and I'll see you in the next one!


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