Chapter 5

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I slowly turn my head to bakugo slightly smirking.
y.n: your so fucking lucky I'm tired.
I said while putting my head back on his leg. I close my eyes and feel bakugos hand on my head again. He began to scratch behind my ear. This made me move my head a little to the side. I hear him chuckle once again. He then stopped and I put my head back on his lap.
y/n's mind: your lucky I'm tired of I would've pinned you down and bit your throat out.
I said in my head. I slowly drifted off to sleep not worrying about anything.

**Bakugos POV**

When I saw her in my Cape she looked so precious.
Bakugos mind: why am I thinking this? Ugh i dont even know anymore.
I look down at her sleeping body and smile a little, luckily Kirishima didnt look over at us. I continue to pet her head and I drifted off to sleep as well.

I woke up to Kirishima shaking my shoulder. I wake up and look at him.
Bakugo: what do you want.
I said in a raspy tone in my voice.
Kirishima: food done and y/n needs to eat as do you.

**y/n's POV**

I wake up to someone shuffling. I groan and perk my head up.
y/n: you could have just woken me up.
I say while getting up as did bakugo.
Bakugo: yeah I know.
He said in a raspy voice. It was kinda hot.
y/n's mind: wait...DID I REALLY JUST SAY THAT?
I said to myself mentally screaming. I turn into my human form and made my way to the kitchen. Everything looked so good. There were mashed potatoes, steaks, corn and carrots. Oh it looked so good.
Kirishima: hello? Earth to Bonnie, come on where gonna eat.
y/n: did you save any bones?
I asked a little cheerful.
Kirishima: yes but you have to eat your food first.
I ran over to the table to where bakugo was already there eating. I hop in my seat and grab a plate. I put extra potatoes, corn, and carrots on my plate. Making sure I grab the most rarest steak up here. I then begin diving into my food. Making sure I eat everything off my plate. Not even three minutes went by and I finished everything. I look up to see the boys looking at me concerned.
y/n: what?
I said as I was chewing my steak.
Bakugo: how the hell.
Kirishima: when was the last time you ate?
I drop my head a bit and rub the back of my neck, knowing that I would be scolded by Kirishima.
y/n: 2 weeks.
I said sheepishly. I look at Kirishima to see a sad and surprised face looking back at my. I cross my legs on the set and put both of my hands under my thighs.
Kirishima: y/n why didnt you tell me earlier? I would've made food for you.
y/n: I wasn't thinking of it at the time. I'm sorry.
I said while getting up to take care of my plate. I put it in the sink and wash it before placing it in the strainer. I turn around and walk back to the couch. I could hear the boys talking in the kitchen but I wasnt able to hear there conversation. Soon enough Kirishima came walking towards me and began.
Kirishima: so bakugo and I decided that you'll stay in his room while I go back to my cave for a bit.
y/n: your leaving me with that dumb ass.
Bakugo: you know I'm right here.
Bakugo said while standing beside Kirishima.
y/n: yeah I know.
Kirishima: okay guys it's getting pretty late. y/n get some sleep and dont hurt him.
He said gesturing towards bakugo.
Bakugo: tch.
Was all he said before looking away. I look back at Kirishima and hug him.
y/n: thank you.
I said as he wrapped his arms around me. I squeeze him but not that tight. Kirishima let go of me and stood back up from his neeling position.
y/n: bye Kiri.
I said while waving and giving a sad smile. He waved back and left the house. A little after I heard wings flap away.
Bakugo: come on wolf eyes.
y.n: what's with the nickname.
I said while getting up and following him to his bedroom.
Bakugo: it suits you.
y/n: your dumb.
I say while face planting into the pillows. I was quite tired.
Bakugo: scoot over.
y/n: no.
Bakugo: 1...2...
y/n: I'm not a k-
I was interrupted by bakugo laying on top of me.
y/n: oi! What are you doing.
I said while trying to get up.
Bakugo: I told you to move.
I growled and turned into my wolf form once again. I turned my body and pinned bakugo down.
Bakugo: this is my bed not yours.
y/n: doesn't mean you have to kill me by making me suffocate.
I said while going closer to his face.
Bakugo: you have dog breath.
He said while turning his head the other way.
y/n: what do you expect. Oh and where's my bone?
I got up letting him go. He got up and left the room shortly coming back with a large bone in his hands. I jump off the bed and made my way towards him. He moved the bone up and held out his hand.
Bakugo: bonnie sit.
y/n: bakugo come on, I want my bone.
I said pouting by obeying him. I sit and he continues.
Bakugo: shake.
I put up my paw to where his hand was and he shook it.
Bakugo: roll over.
I did as told and rolled over.
y/n: now give me the bone.
Bakugo: kisses.
He said pointing towards his cheek.
y/n: no!
I yelled out at him
Bakugo: then no bone.
He said while turning around with the bone in his hands.
y/n: no wait.
I pouted. Bakugo stopped and looked at me with a smirk. I roll my eyes and jump up to his height. He turned his face tapping his cheek. I sighed and licked his cheek. I than got down and gagged.
Bakugo: good y/n.
y/n: asshole.
I said as he gave me the bone and plopped down on the bed. I did the same and began to chew on my bone. A few minutes passed and bakugo looked like he fell asleep. I sigh and get up from the bed setting my bone on the ground. I turn into my human state and go over to bakugos side of the bed. I carefully take off his Cape and hang it up on the rack. I took the covers and put the onto bakugo. I go to the other side and slip under the covers trying not to wake bakugo.
y/n: night asshole.
Bakugo: night wolf eyes.
My eyes widen and I turn my face towards bakugo.
y/n: you were awake.
Bakugo: yeah, I always fall asleep last.
y/n: why?
Bakugo: I'll tell you in the morning, now sleep before I beat you up.
y/n: whatever dude.
I said while turning back into my wolf form. I close my eyes and feel a hand being placed on my back scratching my fur. A slight smile formed on my lips and I fall asleep easily.

I woke up early to where the sun was just about to rise. I poke my head up and let out a yawn and a little squeal at the end. I then felt a pair of arms around me. The grip tightened a bit. I turn into my human form and try to get up. I try but the grip around me pulls me closer. I turn my body and come face to face with a sleeping bakugo. My eyes widen and I struggle more to get away from his grip. The only thing I heard was groan. I growled and start poking his nose.
y/n: you up, you up, you up.
I say over and over again. It was no use. I knew I was gonna miss the sunrise if I dont hurry up. I didnt know what to do other than biting him. I sigh and did so. I move my mouth to his bicep and bit down softly at first. I bit harder and harder trying not to make to deep of bite marks.
Bakugo: oi stop.
Bakugo said in a raspy tone. I slightly blushed and began.
y/n: mind letting me go.
Bakugo: what do you mean wolf eyes?
I point down at his arms and his eyes widened. He quickly let go and I saw that his face was a light pink. I get up from the covers and throw my side of the covers towards him.
Bakugo: ass hole.
y/n: fuck face.
I look back to see him grabbing his Cape and then followed me towards the door.
Bakugo: where the hell are you going?
y/n: outside, what's it to you.
Bakugo: pfft.
y/n: whatever I'm going to watch the sun rise.
Bakugo: why?
y/n: it's a good way to start the day.
I said while walking outside the door. I make my way towards the clift sitting at the edge. I look out to where the sun was just poking up. I smile and close my eyes listening to the waves roll on. I then hear something out of the ordinary. I hurd gravel moving, going towards the cabin.


I dont know what to really say but thank you for reading!

I hope you liked this chapter the next one will be out next week!

Okay bye peoples.


Word count: 1617

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