Chapter 13

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**Bakugo's POV**

We finally got back to the castle. While we were in the sky we saw the kingdoms knights. Some started to shoot at us with there bows. 
Bakugo: Shitty hair hurry up and land.
I said frustrated. Kirishma flew over the knights while blowing his fire. We then landed close to the castles door. I jumped off and took my sword and began to swing at the people who came towards me.
Bakugo: DIE
I yelled. I then heard a howl and I knew who it was.
Bakugo's Mind: I'm coming y/n, I'm coming.
I made my way to the doors while fighting the knights. I look up at the doors while it looked like they went up for miles. The doors were made of wood. I took my sword and began to hit the door so I can get in. As I did as planed I climbed through the doors leaving the massive hole there. I looked in front of me and everything looked like a ghost town or should I say kingdom. I walked to where the middle of the town was. 
Kirishma: Hey! Wait up!
I heard from behind me. I turn around as I had a frustrated aura. 
Bakugo: Why the hell are you following me for?
I yelled at Kirishma.
Kirishma: Hey, that's my friend too and if we are going to go save her, how about we work as a team to get her out of here.
I went silent. 
Bakugo: Ugh, whatever. Come on let's go.
I turned around and I heard foot steps that were Kirishma's. We kept on walking, but very carefully. I knew that y/n was going to be heavily guarded. We got to a corner of a building and I looked to where the cage that y/n is in. Luckily she was there. 
Bakugo: Okay, Shitty hair turn into a dragon. 
Kirishma nodded. He backed up and did as told. When Kirishma was done transforming he let his wing down and I climbed onto his wing. 
Bakugo: Quickly rush over to her cage and let me down. When I'm down make sure nobody is around and if there is guards around blow fire at them. 
Kirishma nodded and we began our mission. When Kirishma let me down I ran to her cage. She was still in her wolf form. I let my arm through and she licked the top of my hand. 
Bakugo: Hey, y/n. We're going to get you out of here. 
I said lightly. y/n nodded.

**y/n's POV**

I was in my cage. I heard screams and what sounded like a war going on outside the kingdoms walls. I knew it was Bakugo doing something stupid. I howled letting him know I was still here. In the middle of the town. I knew there were guards around in buildings waiting for someone to come, just in case. I sighed and waited for something to happen. I look up and there and something behind a building. There looked to be a red dragons tail peeping out of the other side of the building. There came Bakugo and Kiri. I stood up on all fours and waited and became warry. Bakugo came to the cage and put his hand through I licked the top of his hand. 
Bakugo: Hey, y/n. We're going to get you out of here. 
I felt relaxed. It's been so long since I've seen him. I missed him. Then from the corner of my eye I saw a guard with a bow. I turned towards him and Bakugo turned and looked to see. Kiri came in front of the cage and protected us from the arrows. 
Bakugo: We have to be quick. 
I only nodded. 
Bakugo: Kirishma I need you to rip out these three bars. y/n back up all the way.
I did as told and Kiri did what he was told. The noise that was made when Kiri ripped out the  bars was really loud. My hearing was way better than the humans ear so I figured Bakugo nor Kiri was fazed. I jumped through the open cage and into Bakugo's arms not changing into my human state yet. Bakugo put his arms around me and hugged my tight as my paws were on each side of his face. 
Bakugo: Okay now lets get you out of here. 
y/n: Right.
I jumped down from hugging him and turned towards Kiri.
y/n: Kiri, be careful, there are guards all around here. 
Kirishma looked at me and nodded. He looked around at the buildings and made sure there were no noticeable people. Kirishma then blew fire around to all the buildings. You could hear screams of guards that were in the buildings. I could heard rustling behind Bakugo and looked behind him. I saw Deku and Shoto. I looked around just to make sure there was anyone else around such as guards. 
Bakugo: Okay lets get out of here. 
I changed into my human form and nodded. I pointed behind Bakugo. He looked back.
Bakugo: Why are you guys following us for.
Deku: We wanted to help.
Shoto nodded with no expression. Bakugo seemed mad. I put my hand on his shoulder for reassurance. 
y/n: It's okay.
I said softly. Bakugo looked back at me.
Bakugo: Tch, whatever, lets go.
I nodded. Bakugo began to climb onto Kirishma's back. I followed as did Deku and Shoto. Kirishma flew up into the sky and above the fight. I could see bodies everywhere at the front gate. 
y/n: Geez, now was war neccesary? 
I said loud enough that Bakugo could hear.
Bakugo: We're not going to talk about it. 
I giggled a little and waited till we got to the little cabin. I need to clean up as soon as possible, The civilians in the kingdom made me dirty by throwing stuff at me. I begin to think.
y/n's mind: What if I never met them. No body would be helping me if I was still in the cage. 
We got to the cabin and everyone climbed off of Kirishma. Kirishma turned into his human state and came running towards me.
Kirishma: y/n! Oh I missed you so much. 
He said while tackling me to the ground hugging me. 
y/n: Haha, I missed you to Kiri. It's so nice to be back.
Kirishma let go of me and helped me up. Deku and Shoto came up to me next.
Shoto: I'm sorry about my father. He doesn't care about anything except for himself. I apologize for his actions. 
I laughed a little.
y/n: Don't worry about it. I'm okay now. 
I said smiling. 
Deku: Are you hurt?
I looked at my body and looked back up at him.
y/n: I'm okay.
I said pretending to be mad. Deku looked nervous.
y/n: I'm just kidding, I'm not mad, I'm greatful. Thank you.
Deku then smiled. I looked over at Bakugo who was turned around not facing us. I looked back at the others. 
y/n: Thank you guys so much. I'm going to deal with this grumpy boy over here. I will see you guys around and we will all talk later. Bye guys.
Everyone waved at me and began to leave. I smiled lightly and turned back to Bakugo. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulders. He quickly turned around to look at me. All of a sudden he kissed me. My eyes went wide but then began to soften and close. I kissed back. I could tell he was brought back a little. We stopped kissing and I smiled. He looked at me with passion. He picked me up and took me inside.
y/n: I'm sorry Bakugo. I didn't mean to scare you.
I said while he set me down on the bed softly. Bakugo took the collar off of his neck and gave it to me. I looked at it and put it around my neck. 
y/n: I guess I'm yours now.
I said giggling. Bakugo took off his cape and hung it up.
Bakugo: I guess so, wolf eyes.
He walked over to me and sat down next to me. 
Bakugo: Please don't ever leave again. I can't deal with you being gone. I missed you nagging me and annoying me. 
He said putting his face in the palm of his hands. 
y/n: I'm sorry Bakugo.
Bakugo: Call me Katsuki. 
He said looking at me. I smiled. He put his hand on my cheek and asked.
Bakugo: y/n, will you be my girlfriend?
I was brought back when he asked me. I smiled even bigger.
y/n: Haha, of course Katsuki.
I saw him smile for once and I smiled back. He leaned in and kissed me again. 

Katsuki had made some dinner for the two of us. He made meatloaf and made extra, just in case. We sat at the table and began to eat. It was quiet but yet peaceful. 
y/n: Thank you. Thank you for everything. 
Bakugo: Stop thanking me and eat the food. 
I laughed a little and began to finish my food. I put my dirty dishes in the sick and began to clean the dishes. Bakugo was done with his food and came and put the dishes in the sink while holding my waist. He placed kisses on my neck and walked to the couch. I could tell my face flushed red. I didn't say anything. I finished the dishes and dried off my hands. My face went back to its natural hue. 
y/n: I'm going to go look at the sunset, want to come?
Bakugo didn't say anything but got up and followed.
y/n: I'm guessing that's a yes.
I giggled. Bakugo shut the door behind him. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked to the edge of the cliff. We sat down and looked out into the oceans waves and watched the sun set. I smiled. I could tell Bakugo was looking at me. I looked at him.
y/n: Why are you staring at me?
Bakugo: You're so beautiful. 
My face flushed red.
y/n: Shut up. 
I said while looking back at the sun set. I placed my head on his shoulder. We watched as the sun set and enjoyed our time together. I was happy and I felt wanted.


Hello, sorry I haven't been posting much, I didn't have much motivation. 

Anyways, this is the last chapter. Sorry if it's not to your guys liking but I tried. 

Welp, I hope you guys liked this book, I will be making another book here soon. I will notify everyone when I post the first chapter.

Well, talk to everyone later.


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