Chapter 3

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I saw his ears go a light pink. I didnt care. Deku then put the cloth onto my wound.
I said while quickly moving around and pinning him to the ground. I then realized my side wound began to bleed out more. I got up and layed on my other side. I look up to see Bakugo looking at me in worrie. I rolled my eyes and closed then.
Kirishima: y/nyou cant go to sleep okay.
y/n: I ain't promising you shit. Deku clean my damn wound.
Deku: wait how do you know my name?
y/n: I have good hearing, and I listen well. Now are you going to help me?
Deku: r-right.
Hours passed by as Deku cleaned my wounds. I was able to sleep since 30 minutes passed by.
Deku: okay your wounds are cleaned now, you should get some rest.
Deku said while waking me up.
y/n: wow no shuddering this time.
I said a bit drowsy.
Deku: w-what.
y/n: whatever. Anyways I'll see you guys around.
I said while getting up and making my way towards the door. I reached for the door nob but someone grabbed my other wrist. I turn my head around to meet red eyes and red hair.
Kirishima: what no you can't leave yet.
y/n: what do you mean this isn't my house.
I said while looking at Bakugo. He made eye contact with me then quickly turned around while his ears went a light pink again. I then look over at Deku who was looking at Bakugo confused like.
Bakugo: yeah I dont care if she stays.
He said while still turned around. I look down at my wrist to where Kirishima was still holding it. I look up and began.
y/n: mind letting me go?
Kirishima: ah right.
y/n: thanks. So where do I sleep exactly?
Bakugo: follow me.
Bakugo then went to a room. It was very spacey which was nice.
Bakugo: you can sleep here while we go out and get some antibiotics for you.
y/n: you dont need to do this.
Bakugo: I know and I dont want to.
y/n: YOU ARE D- AHH.
I said while falling but bakugo caught me. He picked me up and put me on the bed.
Bakugo: you need to get rest.
I looked up at him and growled. I turned into my wolf state and went into a circle while on the bed I found a comfortable spot and plopped my body down. I look at Bakugo who was confused.
y/n: I sleep better in this state.
Bakugo: your gonna get fur all over my bed.
y/n: oops my bad.
I said sarcastically. He just growled at my comment.
y/n: arnt you supposed to be somewhere?
I said while putting my head down on the bed.
Bakugo: whatever. Get some rest.
I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

**Bakugos POV**

I walked out of the room while quietly closing the door. I walk back out to where everyone were.
Kirishima: does she seem to be okay?
Bakugo: go look for yourself.
Deku: we need to go get medicine for her.
Kirishima: then let's go.
Kirishima ran outside turning into his dragon form. I walked out and so did Deku.
Bakugo: you better know what your doing Deku.
Deku: ah y-yes I do.
I get into the dragon with no problem while Deku had a bit of a problem. Kirishima put his wing down to where Deku climbed on it.
Deku: s-shouldnt we move the w-wolves and that person?
He said as we flew up into the sky.
Bakugo: do you ever shut up Deku.
Deku looked at me with fear in his eyes. He shut up and looked towards the city where we were going. We shortly got there and got off of Kirishima. Kirishima turned back and we walked into the city. Kirishima and I got looks and not good ones. We walked around until we found a pharmacy.
Deku: you guys stay here I'll go grab the things y/nneeds.
Kirishima nodded his head and I turned my back around.
Bakugo: so how did you and Bonnie meet?
I said while not looking at Kirishima.

**Kirishimas POV**

I hesitated to reply. I didn't know if y/nwanted me to tell him or not. He is one of my friends though that I can trust. I let out a sigh and began.
Kirishima: well a few years ago...


I was walking along the tree line not going into the forest because I knew what was held in those woods. It was scary. I then heard crackling in the woods I turned my head to see darkness. I backed up a bit as I heard the crackling coming closer. All i saw then was a wolf who didnt look good.
y/n: please h-help me.
She said as she collapsed. My eyes widen and I ran to her.
Kirishima: a-are you okay?
y/n: I-i need h-help.
She could barely speak without hurting. She then turned into a human.
Kirishima: y-you can turn to, you have an animal side aswell?
y/n: y-you are-
I put my hand over her mouth so she wouldn't speak.
Kirishima: yes I do, and we need to have you rest.
I picked her up and put her on my back. She held onto my neck and i walked to my cave not far from where we were. I set her down on my bed that was just really hide. She fell asleep and I went ahead and made some soup for when Bonnie wakes up.

**End of Flashback**

Kirishima: and then a few months later she felt better and then began to live her life with a pack. But I guess that didnt work out for her.
Bakugo: well damn.
Deku: okay guys I got the stuff, let's go.
Bakugo, Deku, and I ran out of the city. I turned into my dragon state and the two of them hopped on.

**y/n's POV**

I woke up to boys yelling in the living room. I got up and stretched out my legs. I stayed in my wolf form. I walked out to see all the boys arguing about my meds.
y/n: what's going on?
Deku: AHH
Bakugo: relax it's just y/n
Kirishima: why are you still in your wolf form?
y/n: what I cant be like this?
Bakugo: y/nyou need to take this.
y/n: ugh.
I walked up to Bakugo and opened my mouth. He poured a gross tasting liquid into my mouth. My eyes widen and I backed up. I shook my head vigorously.
y/n: that shit tastes gross.
Deku: well it is medicine.
Bonnie: why are you still here though.
I said while walking over towards Deku. He began to back up as I got closer.
Deku: I-i swear I w-was just about to leave.
I backed up and sat down next to Bakugo. Deku left and the two boys sat on the couch.
y/n: I'm guessing the two of you are tired.
Kirishima: hey you got to sleep and we didn't.
Bakugo: and it is getting dark out.
y/n: you guys do have a point. Ok you two scoot over.
Kirishima moved to his right a little and Bakugo moved to his left before rolling his eyes. There was a big spot that could fit me. I went onto the couch and placed my head on bakugos leg. He didnt seem to care. Kirishimas head landed on my fur and he went straight to sleep. I felt bakugos hand land on my head as he fell asleep. I closed my eyes aswell and soon fell asleep.


Hello peoples, how did you like this chapter?

I put a little of Kirishima's and y/n's backstory in this chapter.

Just letting you know I'm just coming up with this stuff as we go...heh.

Anyways hope you liked it.


Word count: 1366

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