chapter 9

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Bakugo: wait shes not with you?
Kirishima: what do you mean.
Bakugo: we have to go find her.
Kirishima: y/n's lost?
Bakugo: what do we do.
The door then opened and revealed y/n in her human form.
y/n: hi
She said happily.

**y/n's POV**

I saw that they were freaking out. I raised an eyebrow and before I was about to speak I was engulfed in a hug.
Kirishima: dont do that you scared me half to death.
y/n: I...cant...BREATH.
I tried yelling as Kirishima held on to me not wanting to let go. I was getting a bit annoyed and I think bakugo noticed. Bakugo came up behind Kirishima and tapped his shoulder. Kirishima noticed what was going on and quickly let go of me. I could finally breathe.
y/n: your an asshole sometimes you know that right.
Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and smiled awkwardly.
y/n: but you are caring.
I said while giving him a quick hug. I turn around and saw bakugo blushing. I smirked and gave him a hug.
y/n: and did you miss me?
Bakugo: tch as if.
Kirishima laughed and walked outside. I still hugged bakugo as I felt arms around me.
Bakugo: of course I fucking did dont ever leave without me or you'll make me worried.
y/n: I guess you did miss me.
I said quietly while blushing. We let go of our hug and I smiled at him. We both decided to walk outside to where Kirishima was.
y/n: so what's the plan what do we want to do.
Kirishima: hmm.
Bakugo: let's go swimming.
Kirishima: someone is in a good mood.
Bakugo got mad and started chasing Kirishima around as I just stood there laughing. I calmed down and walked over to the cliff and layed down watching the clouds form shapes in the sky. Soon after the boys came next to me and sat down but not as close to the cliff as I was.
Kirishima: sometimes I dont even know how you do that.
y/n: what sit this close. Heh I like risky things i guess.
I sat up and then began.
y/n: so should we go swimming?
I said now standing up, my back towards the water.
Kirishima: sure but please be careful you might fall.
y/n: oh dont worry about me.
I then turned my body and jumped. I could hear the boys yelling but it was now faint. I directed myself to landing in the water. My plan was to nearly hit a large rock to scare the boys. My planned worked successfully and I was still safe. I giggled and swam to the rock. Letting my body lay on the hot rock. Guess it worked since Kirishima turned into a dragon and had bakugo on his back. I started laughing historically.
y/n: you guys are so easy to scare.
Bakugo: y/nI swear to God I will kill you if you do something stupid again.
Bakugo got off of Kirishima landing in water as Kirishima turned into his human state and plopped in the water. I laugh and canon balled into the water next to bakugo. I submerged from underwater and looked around to see the boys weren't there. I didnt really expect anything. The boys scared me by grabbing my foot and taking me under the water. I swam to the top and quickly went to the large rock.
y/n: you fucking dicks.
I said while panting. They laughed as they swam closer to me. We swam to the rock and sat next to each other. Bakugo on my right and Kirishima on my left. We just sat there watching the waves and birds fly by. About and hour went by.
Kirishima: we should probably go back up there, we've been down here for a while.
I nodded my head and looked to my right to see a sleeping bakugo. I laughed.
y/n: well this ones sleeping.
Kirishima: look at his back it's all burnt.
y/n: now I feel bad.
I picked his back and bakugo jolted and woke up rather quickly. He was about to fall into the water before I grabbed his hand. I could see a faint blush on his cheeks. I lifted him up back on the rock.
y/n: wow not even going to say thanks.
Bakugo: shut up wolf eyes.
Kirishima and I laughed. Kirishima turned into his dragon form and both bakugo and I climbed up onto his back. Bakugo sat in front of me. Kirishima made a fast move which made me hold onto bakugo.
Bakugo: Ahh.
I didnt realize but my body was up against his sunburnt back. My eyes widen and I begin to blush. I let go of him and sat back.
y/n: sorry
Bakugo didnt say anything. He looked quite angry. All of a sudden arms were around me and I was now sitting in front. I look back and saw bakugo mad but blushing slightly.
Bakugo: shut up and turn around.
I did as told and felt a pair of arms around my stomach area. I smiled and held onto his arms. Kirishima just flew in circles around the forest. It was quit nice.
y/n: I haven't seen a sky's view in forever.
I said rather quietly. I smiled looked up to bakugo looking at me already. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him smile. I blushed like crazy seeing him. I turned around to face Kirishima flying over the water. I began to think.
y/n's mind: why is he being like this? He keeps blushing at sudden touches...wait so do I! Do I like him? Does he like me?
My thoughts were interrupted by bakugo moving my head to face him. I just blushed.
Bakugo: oh my God can you ever stop blushing.
y/n: hey, you do it all the time to dont even with me mr.
We just laughed. I looked up at him and layed down in his arms. Kirishima was now heading back to the cabin. I smiled a little a closed my eyes, as black consumed my vision. I was fast asleep with bakugos arms around me.

I woke up in a bed and bakugo snuggling up with me. His arms were around me. Bakugo and I faced each other as he slept. I smile and begin to play with his hair. A few minutes past with me playing with his hair as he slept. His hair was so soft I didnt know how he did it. I stop for a moment.
Bakugo: hey that felt nice.
My eyes widen and I begin to blush. I couldn't turn around because he was holding me so tight. I could see his crimson eyes begin to open. He smirked.
Bakugo: how'd you sleep.
My face still was red.
y/n: d-did you c-carry m-me?
I studderd. I couldn't believe myself.
Bakugo: yeah you wouldn't wake up when Kirishima and I tried.
y/n: o-oh s-s-sorry.
I tried to sit up but bakugo pulled me back down.
Bakugo: dont get up, your warm.
I blush even more.
Bakugo: and can you stop blushing your starting to annoy me.
y/n: sorry.
Bakugo wrapped his arms around my torso as we faced each other. My hands were placed on his chest. He smirked. I look to the side a little trying to avoid eye contact, but I failed. Bakugo took his hand and moved my face so I can face him. I looked into his crimson eyes as he looked at my green ones.
y/n's mind: I've felt this before...what's it called? Love?

**Bakugos POV**

Bakugos mind: what am I doing? Am i falling for her? I cant be...but this feels right...


So I think this is going good...I think?

Also HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I love you all and the support givin to me. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

I hope you like this chapter.


Word count: 1337

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