Chapter 7

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I tense up. My nails digging into bakugos skin. I'm guessing bakugo got a little angry at my sudden movement.
Shoto: what is your name?
Bakugo: shes not going to answer.
Shoto: but how come, I won't hurt any of you.
Deku: Shoto I'm sorry but we must leave.
Shoto: I see, well maybe next time.
Bakugo: tch as if.
Bakugo muttered. We begin to wall away and I held onto bakugos hand again staying close by. I could feel that shoto was staring at me. I turn around slightly and was right. My eyes widen and i turn around quickly.
Bakugo: we probably shouldnt have done here in the first place.
I nod my head in agreement.
Deku: I'm sorry y/n I just figured you'd like some close for the weather that's coming up.
y/n: thank you but I should be fine, it's nothing I've dealt with before.
We walk out of the city walls. Deku then began.
Deku: I should probably head back to mom, I'll see you guys around.
I wave my free hand towards deku as he walked the other way. I turn back around and began.
y/n: thank you.
Bakugo: tch whatever wolf eyes.
y/n: I'm sorry for everything I did. Considering your shoulders.
There was silence. I let go of bakugos hand as we made our way down the gravel path. I look down at the ground watching the rocks under me move as I walk. I let out a sigh. I took the Cape off and left the hat on for a moment. I caught up to bakugo and quickly put the Cape back on him. He stopped in his tracks and looked at me.
Bakugo: why are you doing this.
y/n: what do you mean.
I say while taking the hat off.
Bakugo: when I first met you, you were all feisty and now your just some low life depressed bitch.
y/n: wow thanks, and well I just feel like I could do something about it but richie's scare me and then I feel all sad and, ah I'm sorry.
I realised I started crying while trying to speak. I wiped a few tears away and faked a smile. I look up at bakugo and he looked a bit annoyed.
Bakugo: dont cry. Come here.
I walk towards him and he picks me up bridle style.
Bakugo: just relax. Everything will be okay.
I nod my head and start to relax in bakugos arms. I look up to see bakugo blushing again.
y/n: why do you keep blushing.
Bakugo: what I'm not, shut up.
y/n: whatever ass hole.
Bakugo: theres the old y/n.
He said with a slight smile on his face. I laugh a little and close my eyes. His arms were warm and it comfort me as his arms were around me. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

**Bakugos POV**

I could hear little snores, which ment y/nwas asleep. I look down at here to see her hair I'm her face and her mouth slightly open
Bakugos mind: cute...wait what no. y/nwhat are you doing to me.
I continue walking to the cabin. I was nearly there when I heard a familiar voice.
Kirishima: y/n? Bakugo? Oh no were did you guys go?
I whispered yelled as I sneaked up on Kirishima.
Bakugo: oi, be quite shes trying to sleep.
I said while gesturing towards y/n in my arms. Kirishima jumped a little and turned red around. He then smirked.
Kirishima: awe how cute.
Bakugo: I'll kill you.
With that Kirishima gulped and nodded. I walk inside and head to the bedroom. I set y/n on the bed and covered her with the blanket. I look down at her a smile a little. Walking out of the room I was greeted to deku and Kirishima talking. I growled a little.
Deku: oh hello kacchan. I was wondering were did y/n go?
Kirishima: you could've just asked me that. She sleeping in bed. Bakugo carried her there.
Kirishima said while making direct eye contact with me. I feel my face getting a little hot. I quickly turn around and make my way to the couch.
Deku: okay good, she needs rest. Also we need to redo the bandages on her.
I let out a sigh and let my head fall to the back of it. I close my eyes listening to Kirishima and deku have a connection. Soon enough I passed out.

**y/n's POV**

I woke up to be in bakugos bed. I get out and make my way out. While walking out I heard pots and pans clinging together. It was quite loud.
y/n: what the fuck are y- oh your making food.
Kirishima: oh uh, y/n your up. Heh sorry to wake you.
y/n: you didnt wake me, I just woke up.
I said while helping Kirishima and deku get supplies ready for cooking.
Deku: y/n after dinner we need to replace your bandaged areas with fresh new ones.
y/n: ok. But I think there already healed.
I said while poking my side a little. I didnt feel pain where it was supposed to be. I smile and look up at deku whose eyes were wide.
y/n: what's wrong.
Deku: how are you already healed.
y/n: different species, Kirishima give me the rosemary please.
Kirishima did as told reaching over to the other counter top while trying to stir the soup. He succeeded without dropping anything. I smiled as he gave me the rosemary. I then sprinkled a little with the chicken and stuck it in the oven. Kirishima and I had a favorite recipe with chicken. We would always season the chicken and put it in the oven so that we wouldn't have to do much. After my part was done I went ahead and sat next to bakugo on the couch.
y/n: are you dead.
I said while poking his face constantly. He would try to slap my hand away but I would pull it back. I laughed and poked him more but a little harder.
y/n: hey wake up.
He still would swat my hand away and get more and more mad. I couldn't help but laugh as he would swat me away. I poked his face one for time and he grabbed my hand. He quickly looked at me while squeezing my hand.
Bakugo: stop it or I'll kill you.
y/n: try me.
Bakugo: stupid mut.
He mumbled to were I could hear. We continued to look at each other. I smirked and quickly turned into my wolf form. After I had done that I pounced on bakugo and pinned him down.
Bakugo: what the hell.
He yelled at me.
Kirishima: y/n what are you doing.
Bonnie: being myself.
I said looking up at Kirishima and turning back to my human state. I sat on the ground as bakugo got up. He walked over towards Kirishima as I stayed there watching bakugo grab vegetables from Kirishimas stack of cut up vegetables.
y/n: hey those are for dinner.
I said while getting up. He just ignored me and continued to eat them. The timer that Kirishima set up went off. That ment the chicken was done. I walked over to the oven and put my mitts on. I opened up the oven and pulled out the pan with the chicken in it. I placed it on the counter with a towel underneath it.
Bakugo: that better be good.
He said referring to the chicken. I rolled my eyes and turned towards bakugo.
y/n: relax hothead it'll be good.
I saw a slight blush form on his face. I smiled and walked over to Kirishima who was cutting up more vegetables.
y/n: hey red want help.
Kirishima: I haven't heard that nickname in forever.
I laughed and grabbed a knife helping him. Bakugo went ahead and sat back down cleaning his dagger. I smiled.
Kirishima: I also haven't seen that smile in a while either. I'm glad your back Bonnie.
y/n: I'm glad to be back.
I said while looking up at the red head.
y/n: I miss your old hair. You should keep it down more.
Kirishima: really? Well I'll try it but if I dont like it I'm keeping up.
y/n: deal.
We laughed and continued to cut up the vegetables.

Later on we finished dinner and set everything up in the table. We sat down and gazed at the food.
y/n: this looks good.
Kirishima: sure does.
I went ahead and grabbed my food first. I grabbed a thigh, corn, and mashed potatoes. After I did that the boys grabbed there food. I started eating but a bit messy. I looked up to see the boys looking at me. My cheeks were filled with food and I smiled at them. I could hear Kirishima laughing and bakugo just grunted. I finished my food and cleaned my dishes. The boys were still eating. I decided to do the dishes that we created while cooking.
Kirishima: y/nyou dont have to do that.
y/n: its okay I can do them.
Kirishima: y/n for real though you dont have to.
y/n: it's fine.
Kirishima: y/-
Bakugo: both of you shut up. Kirishima just let y/n do the dishes.
y/n: bakugo!
I yelled while turning my body towards him. He gave me a confused look while eating a chicken leg.
y/n: you called me y/n!
I yelled while putting both of my hands up as i held a knife in the air. Bakugo then blushed. I smirked and turned back around to finish the dishes.
y/n: so Kiri, are you going back to the cave tonight?
Kirishima: yes actually I have to do a few things around it and clean up.
y/n: maybe I can come visit tomorrow.
Kirishima: sure go ahead.
I could hear a chair move so I guessed one of them got up to give me their dirty plate.
y/n: just put it over there.
I said whole pointing to the counter. Bakugo placed his dishes on the counter and took the sponge from me.
y/n: oi I'm doing dishes.
Bakugo: no.
y/n: bakugo come on let me do something to help around since your letting me stay.
He looked at me for a moment and when back to cleaning the dishes. I sighed and walked to the couch. I sat down. Kirishima now just finishing his food. He placed his dishes on the counter.
Kirishima: well I'm going to get going. See guys later.
y/n: bye kiri.
With that Kirishima left closing the door gently. I yawned as bakugo finished up the dishes.
Bakugo: are you tired?
y/n: kinda.
Bakugo: come on.
He said while walking towards the bedroom. I got up and followed.


Heh sorry if this isn't that good but I'm trying. I hope you like it.

Hope your ready for next weeks.


Word count: 1821

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