Chapter 12

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**Bakugo's POV**

I saw her. Y/n. She was in her wolf form she looked dirty from people throwing things at her. Kirishma and Todoroki finally caught up to me.
Todoroki: That's your friend you were trying to look for? My dad found her in the woods and caught her, brining her back here. 
I turned around and faced towards him. 
Bakugo: Why would you let him do this.
I said with anger in my voice that was pretty obvious.
Todoroki: I was gonna let her go at night. I don't like to have animals caged up in these prison like bars.
I looked back at y/n. She was laying down. She looked dirty because people would throw things at her. I looked to my right, there was a person that was about to throw something at her. I ran over to the guy and grabbed the tomato vigorously. 
Bakugo: What the hell is wrong with you.
I yelled to the man who was now on the ground trying to craw away from me. I then threw the tomato at him to see how it felt.
Bakugo: Don't ever think about doing that ever again you stupid low life. Now run off before I beat you up.
He got up and ran away from me. I then heard a faint voice. I turn around to face y/n.

**y/n's POV**

I heard yelling and it sounded like someone's I knew. I looked up just a little bit to get a glance at who it was. That's when I saw him it was Bakugo. My ears perched up a little. I recognized the spiked ash blonde hair anywhere. He was yelling at someone who fall and ran away. 
y/n: Bakugo.
I said faintly to where he could hear me. He looked at me and his eyes softened. I look over to notice Kirishima and the kings son, Todoroki. I lowered my head. I looked back at Bakugo who was walking towards my cage. I lifted up my head and put my muzzle through the bars. He then put him hand in between the bars and petted the side of my face. I leaned in to it as he continued to pet me. 
The King: Ehmm. You are not aloud to pet the animal. 
I flinched at the voice. I lowered my head again and Bakugo ceased his hand. Bakugo looked up at the King with anger in his eyes. 
Bakugo: She's my friend. Now let her go!
He yelled. My eyes darted towards Bakugo. 
The King: How can you be friends with something like this? HA, YOU'RE PATHETIC!
Bakugo looked like he was about to murder the King, but Todoroki began leaving Bakugo in a very angry state.
Todoroki: Father let her go of this cage we shouldn't be caging animals up like this.
The King: You don't understand Shoto, she's one of my prized positions, she will never leave.
I looked at Bakugo and saw that he was plotting something.
Todoroki: Father you-
Bakugo: Whatever, we'll leave.
Bakugo looked at me and mouthed 'We'll be back soon.' I nodded my head slightly so the King wouldn't see. 
Bakugo: Lets go guys. 
With that they all turned around and left.
The King: Friends huh? Maybe you're not just a wolf. 
The King left as well going back to his castle.
y/n's Mind: You guys better be quick.

**Bakugo's POV**

I walked off with the others behind me.
Kirishma: We can't just leave Bonnie there.
We finally got to the doors of the kingdom, I stood there in one spot. I turned aroud to face the others. I was mas but I had a plan.
Bakugo: We come back at dusk. 
Todoroki: Do you want to hall meet up here?
Bakugo: No half n' half, you come with us. Kirishma turn into your form.
Kirishma: R-right.
Kirishma walked away a little ways to give himself some room. He then turned into his dragon state. I looked at half n' half while he looked in amazement.
Bakugo: Lets go.
He only nodded his head and followed me to Kirishma's wing. We climbed on and Kirishma took off. We were now heading back to my cottage. Shortly we got there and climbed off and Kirishma turned back into his human state. I then began to walk to the small house, walking inside the guys following close behind me. I stand by the table thinking.
Bakugo's Mind: What if I can't get her? Will she be okay that I'm gone? What if I don't help her in time?
All these thoughts were frustrating me. 
I yelled while pushing off all of the things off the table. A few glasses broke and I saw something. It was a collar.
Kirishma: Bakugo it'll be okay.
I ignored him and walked over to the thing I found. I bent down and grabbed it. It was a maroon color, It was wide. 
Bakugo's Mind: I'll get you y/n, don't worry.
I stood up with a plain face and looked at the guys. Kirishma looked worried. I walked into my room and grabbed my sword. I put it on my shoulder as I looked for more things that would be helpful. I grabbed a few bombs I had in the corner and put them in a small pouch bag as they were kind of small. I tied the bag around my waist and walked out back into out and was met with gazes from the guys. I grabbed the collar that I had put back onto the table. I put it around my neck. Looking at the guys again I began.
Bakugo: Lets go get y/n back.
I said with an evil grin. Half n' half just nodded with a smile on his face.
Kirishma: Hell yeah! 
Kirishma said while fist bumping into the air. I walked out and the others followed. Kirishma ran ahead and turned back into his dragon form. Half n' half and I climbed onto Kirishma and he flew back to the castle ready for whatever comes our way.


Hey peoples! I hope this chapter is to your liking.

Exams are done and I'm so happy about that, and yes I did well!

Anyways yeah, I hope you liked this chapter!


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