Chapter 4

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I woke up to Kirishima having a bad dream. He was moving around vigorously. I pop my head up and start nuzzling Kirishimas head. Luckily he stopped. I looked out the window to see a light blue, which ment it was just starting to get light. I got up without waking the boys. I went into my human form and moved Kirishimas body up strait. I walk to the door and look back. I smiled slightly and opened the door. I close the door and look in the field towards the bodies. I sighed and begin moving everyone. I moved the bodies by the edge of the forest. After I did all that the sun moved more above the horizon. I walked over to the cliff and sat at the edge. My legs dangling over the edge watching the waves hit the cliff wall. After some time I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to be greeted by Bakugo.
y/n: good morning.
I said with blood all over my hands. He looked at me like I was crazy. I realized why and quickly stated.
y/n: oh no trust me i didnt kill anyone today i just moved the wolves.
Bakugo: ok, good morning to you too I guess.
y/n: I have a question.
I said as he sat next to me. He looked at me while I did the same.
y/n: why the hell do you hate me?
I said while turning my whole body towards him.
Bakugo: who said I hated you?
y/n: it just seems like you hate me.
Bakugo: tch.
He rolled his eyes and stared back at the horizon. I sighed and got up. I walked back to the house. I look back to where bakugo was and he began to get up. I walked inside to see kirishima spread out over the couch. I started laughing trying not to wake him but that failed when bakugo came in yelling nonsense.
Kirishima: huh what.
Kirishima said while rubbing his eyes I wiped off a tear and sat next to him.
y/n: you never really changed, but your hair sure did.
Kirishima: your mean.
y/n: yes at times.
I said while kicking my feet up on Kirishimas lap. I looked at bakugo who looked a little mad.
y/n: what's your deal mr grumpy pants.
Kirishima: hes always been like that.
Bakugo: what no.
y/n: mhmm.
I said while putting my hands behind my head and closing my eyes.
Bakugo: how about we do something other than sitting around.
y/n: like what, race around the house, climb a mountain, go hunting?
Kirishima: lets race.
y/n: I'm in.
Bakugo: okay but no turning into your guys stupid animal form
Kirishima/y/n: what!
We both yelled while standing up. He was right though. It wouldn't be fair.
Bakugo: let's go dummies.
He said while walking out of the house. We followed. He stopped a few feet from the house and began again.
Bakugo: okay so we'll run to the forest line and follow it to the old wooden shed way down there and then come back to this very spot. Winner gets whatever they want for a whole day. Kirishima your the ref.
Kirishima: I thought I was racing to.
Bakugo: we always race.
Bakugo said while getting in Kirishimas face.
y/n: okay boys break it up. Bakugo I accept.
I said while holding out my hand he took it and held it roughly while shaking it. We both walked over to the start.
Kirishima: ready...set...go
And with that we were off. Bakugo taking the lead. I stayed back a little because I wasnt gonna waist my energy until I get to the finish. It was the first turn and I picked up speed getting closer to Bakugo. He obviously noticed and picked up speed as well.
Bakugo: your not beating me today wolf eyes.
y/n: sure okay.
I said while picking up speed being side by side with Bakugo. He ran faster. We could see the barn up ahead. I grunted while holding onto my side, I knew i shouldn't be running but I had to beat him. We turned on the turn and I ran faster getting ahead of bakugo. I could hear Kirishima from the distance.
Kirishima: go y/n go!
My side started to hurt more. I held onto it and ran. Bakugo was right behind me. Bakugo and I were now neck and neck. We finally got to the finish line and crossed it. As we crossed it I fell down and held my side panting. Bakugo was gasping for air.
Kirishima: y/n are you okay?
y/n: y-yeah I'll be okay.
Bakugo: shit we forgot to give her the medication.
Kirishima: I'll go grab it.
Kirishima said while running back to the house.
y/n: I probably shouldn't have ran.
Bakugo: why didnt you tell me? I would've stopped you.
y/n: I didn't think you'd care.
Bakugo and I were face to face yelling at each other.
Kirishima: guys I'm ba- what's going on?
Bakugo: wolf eyes shouldnt have ran and she didnt tell me.
y/n: you wouldn't have done anything.
Bakugo: Maybe I would.
He said while getting in my face as i was still sitting on the ground. Kirishima came in between us to break up the fight.
Kirishima: here take this.
y/n: like hell I'm taking that.
I said while getting up and running away from Kirishima.
Bakugo: come on wolf eyes you got to take this.
y/n: no.
I said while being chased by bakugo. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground.
Bakugo: take this now.
Bakugo said while holding up the syrup above my head. I shook my head and closed my mouth.
Bakugo: I will shove this in your mouth.
Once again I shook my head while laying in the grass. He shrugged and set the syrup down. He took his hand and tried to open my mouth. As he successfully did so I opened my mouth wider and bit his hand.
Bakugo: you little-
y/n: your not going to give me that shit.
I said while trying to get up but being pulled down by Bakugo.
Bakugo: I will not hesitate to touch it.
He said while pointing at my side wound and getting closer. I growled at him and began.
y/n: you wouldn't
Bakugo: dont underestimate me.
He then touched it lightly at first. Slowly going deeper in my cut. I grit my teeth and then let out a blood curdling scream. With that opportunity he poured the nasty liquid into my mouth. I swallowed the cherry tasting liquid and and gagged.
Bakugo: see it wasnt thay bad was it.
y/n: your a bastard you realize that, correct?
Bakugo: whatever you say wolf eyes.
He got up and handed his hand out to me. I went ahead and grabbed it to where he pulled me up. He then picked me up bridle style.
y/n: put me down asshole.
Bakugo: unless you want to fall I would consider me carrying you.
y/n: your still an asshole.
Bakugo: tch, whatever.
As he was carrying me I got a bit cold since I only really wore a sports bra and a pair of shorts, it wasnt really fashionable nor winter type, but I wore it because it was comfortable and easy when turning. I began to shiver a little and I guess Bakugo noticed.
Bakugo: are you cold?
y/n: maybe.
Bakugo: dont be stubborn.
He said while putting me down lightly and taking his Cape off.
y/n: geez I didnt realize I ran so far.
Bakugo: I'm surprised I followed you all the way out here.
y/n: wait what is this.
I said as he covered me with his Cape and picking me back up.
Bakugo: your cold so I'm letting you use my cape.
I held onto the edges of the cloth that was wrapped around me. Surprisingly it was very soft, but not as soft as my fur.
Bakugo: stop wagging your damn tail, it keeps hitting my leg.
y/n: oops sorry.
I said while placing my tail in between my legs. I didnt know why I was wagging my tail, it always did that when I'm happy or excited. I put my head on his bicep as he made our way towards Kirishima who was walking in circles. Soon enough we got to where Kirishima was and he set me down. I still held onto the cape.
Kirishima: dont run off like that especially when your hurt.
Kirishima said while hugging me tightly.
y/n: kiri...I can't...BREATH!
I said while gasping for air on the last word. He let go of me and I almost fell when i caught myself.
Kirishima: wait, why do you have his cape?
y/n: I got cold so he let me use it as a blanket.
Bakugo: I want it back when we get inside.
y/n: sure thing hot head.
I said while flipping him off, he did the same in return. I saw in the corner of my eye Kirishima smirking.
y/n: I'm hungry let's get some food.
Kirishima: I'll make food!
He said while running into the house. I sighed and took bakugos cape off of me and handed it to him.
y/n: here, I just want to sleep.
I said while turning into my wolf form. I then felt a hand on the top of my head. I look up to see bakugo slightly blushing. We walk into the house and I make my way up to the couch.
Kirishima: someone looks tired.
y/n: yeah.
I said with no expression on my face. I jump into the couch and find a comfy stop. Me taking up most of the area by being sprawled out.
Bakugo: move over.
y/n: no
Bakugo: Bonnie move over.
y/n: screw off.
I said while my eyes were closed. I heard a loud sigh from bakugo. I then feel my upper half being lifted up and then go back down. I open my eyes to see bakugo had lifted me up and sat down.
Kirishima: oh and by the way Bakugo won the race by a hair.
y/n: are you for real!
I said while lifting my head and yelling at Kirishima. I then hurd a small chuckle behind me. I slowly turn my head towards bakugo as he had a smirk on his face.


Hey so yeah that's this chapter.

Heh, I dont know what else to say but I hope you liked it! Okay imma bo now.


Word count: 1767

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